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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by Maryo

  1. Hi Mrs. B, Thank-you for sharing Ricks birthday with us. Birthdays can be difficult. I hope you can reflect on all your happy memories. Take care. Mary Lou
  2. Hi Billw, I am sorry about the loss of your wife. It will be 2 years in July when my husband died. He was only 57. This site is a blessing and has helped me through some of my darkest days. It does get easier but takes time. I was feeling very down a few days ago and I started to think of all the people, friends and family who have passed away over the years and it bought a little peace to me because my husband is not alone. He has many people with him who love him as much as I do.This helped me a little and I hope it might bring some comfort to you because I believe he will be waiting for me when my time comes. Mary Lou
  3. Hi Boo, I didn't log on yesterday. But I also hope you had a good birthday with many happy memories. Take care. Mary Lou
  4. Hi Wendy. Hope you had a Happy Birthday with many happy memories. Take care. Mary Lou
  5. Hi Lucia, The first year is very hard. When I had good days after the first year I realized that I was healing and that I would be ok.I still cry but I am doing my best to accept this new life.I hope you have many more good days in your future. Take care. Mary Lou
  6. Hi Suzanne, I remember the first few months after my husband died. It will be 2 years in july. I never felt such pain. It really will get better. You will have more good days and less tears as time goes bye. Grief can't be rushed as much as we wish it would disappear. One day at a time was the best advise I was given. This site was a blessing for me as I hope it will help you also. Mary Lou
  7. Hi Suzanne, I am sorry for the loss of your husband. Everyone told me life would get easier and I can speak from experience it will but first I had to go through this grieving journey and it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. The first few months are the hardest and some days I just stayed in bed but I learned to take one day at a time and don't make any major decisions at the beginning because I changed my mind like the weather.My husband died July 2008. I will always miss him that will never change but I am learning to live this new life. This site is a blessing. I have found new friends and lots of comforting words. Take care. Mary Lou
  8. Happy Birthday Valley, I hope you are well and had a good birthday with family and friends. Take care. Mary Lou
  9. Hi Kim, It was nice to see your name again. I hope the day was filled with many good memories. Take care. Mary Lou
  10. Hi Jude, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope today will be a peaceful day for you with many happy memories. Take care. Mary Lou
  11. Hi Gail, I am so very happy for you. It is so nice when we are able to read good news. Bye for now. Mary Lou
  12. Hi Boo, I want to wish you many good days ahead. When I first joined I always looked for your postings. Take care. Mary Lou
  13. Cathybo, I am sorry for your loss. I lost my Husband July 2008.This site has been very helpful to me and I hope it will be as comforting to you also. Take care. Mary Lou
  14. Jeannine, I am also sorry about the loss of your husband. This site is where you will find comfort from people who have also lost a loved one. The best advise I can offer is to take one day at a time. This is a difficult journey one of the hardest I have ever had to deal with, but it will get better. Take care. Mary Lou
  15. Hi Mary Linda, I spoke to a lady today who had knee surgery in Jan. and she is doing great and is walking around really well. I wish the same for you. Take care. Mary Lou
  16. Nats, I also am so sorry for the loss of your wife. My husband died July 2008. This was one of the hardest times of my life. I say was because I am feeling better. I wake up every morning and am thankful I am still here. When I have a good day I thank God and my Husband for helping me through this. I still cry but not everyday.I will always miss my husband and I wish he was still here with me but I guess I am at the acceptance stage. The first few months will be the hardest but as you read on this site there are many wonderful people here who know what pain feels like and they are more than willing to help get to the next day. Take care. Mary Lou
  17. Hi Korina, I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope you have a good Birthday and you are with friends and family and of course Kailyn. May all your happy memories of your husband bring a smile to your face today. Take care. Mary Lou
  18. Hi Teny, I agree with Linda, You never get over it but I am trying my best to deal with it because I don't have a choice. It has been 19 months for me and I still cry. Some days things are almost normal and then grief kicks in and I am back to the tears.I try to take one day at a time and give thanks when I have a good day. I wish you a better day tomorrow and many days after. Bye for now. Mary Lou
  19. Hi Linda, I am glad your friends and family keep in touch on your Birthday. I hope tomorrow will be a good day for you. Like everyone says "One day at a time." Take care. Mary Lou
  20. Linda, I found that the days leading up to a special occasion were worse then the actual day. I hope your special memories will bring you comfort on your birthday.Only you can decide if you want company on your day or if you want to spend it alone that is ok to. Take care. Mary Lou
  21. Lucia, I wish you all the best in your move to Atlanta. Take care. Mary Lou
  22. Hi Lucia, I think the first year after we have lost our loved one is one of the hardest time we will ever have to go through.We have so many mixed emotions and we are not always sure if the choices we make are the right ones. I think you are being very smart by trying the move to Atlanta for a few weeks. Trust yourself. You will know what is best for you. Good luck. Mary Lou
  23. Hi Kim, The early stages of grieving are the hardest times I ever had to go through. It has been 18 month since my husband died. Kay's words are so helpful to me and I am sure to everyone else.Sometimes we forget to pat ourselves on the back because we have come so very far in this grief journey.I still cry but I am so thankful when I have a peaceful day and the tears do not flow. What helps me is when I have a bad day to pray to God to get me through this day and make me stronger tomorrow. Take care. Mary Lou
  24. Hi Korina, It is nice to see you back posting.I pray that each day will get better for you. Take care. Mary Lou
  25. Rochel, I also want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I hope you have friends and family with you today to make your birthday pleasant and peaceful with many happy memories. Mary Lou
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