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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by STARKISS

  1. Thanks to All of you, I just want to say that without this site and all who has taken part on this website it would be hard to get through this grief journey... Take care Shelley


    Hi All, I also want to say thank you to everyone who is taking part with this website, I appreciate everyone and the way each of us is trying to help each other with what we all know about grief... Take care and thanks to everyone again Shelley
  3. Hi Shell, Today was the family picnic and I did not do the balloon thing I was planning to do... My thoughts were that the family would not understand and being the picnic was for everyone I chose not to do it... I will go the end of next week and get some balloons and do it in a nearby park... I think that I will get three balloons and do one for each of our family members who have gone... My mom, Her brother Colin, and My dad... I am sorry I did not do it but just did not want to make waves... Take care Shelley
  4. Hi All, I too dislike that saying and I agree what people say that it is said by people who mean well but probably do not know what else to say.. I just want to say to people when I hear that especially when they said it about my parents is that what can be better than being with their own family... I hope this does not hurt people's feelings but I wanted my parents with me ... Take care Shelley
  5. Hi Lorikelly, Thank you for the passage, It was really something to think about. Take care Shelley
  6. Hi All, First of all I want to say I am very sorry for all your losses, Second I just wanted to add that I have just went through my mom's sixteen month since she died and I still can not believe that I lasted that long without hearing her or sitting with her or talking to her.... There is another day coming up this Friday the 25th and that marks the one year mark since my dad died and again I just can not believe that he has been gone for that long... In closing I just wanted to say that my hope for the future is that we all find peace and some happiness... Take care Shelley
  7. Hi Paul S, Thank you for noticing there were posts missing!!!! Hi Marty T, Thanks for checking with the people responible!!!! Take Care Both of you And God Bless Both of You!!!!! Shelley
  8. Hi Paul S, You are so right, I thought I had posted in the one you mentioned and when I checked I was not there. Thanks for noticing take care Shelley
  9. Hi Paul S, Thank you so very much for the little humour, I have had a very bad day and I also will be having a very difficult day tomorrow... Today was the sixteenth month since my mom died and next week on the twenty fifth makes the one year mark since my dad died and tomorrow is our first family picnic for my mom's side without mom or dad.. SO it was nice to read.. take care Shelley
  10. Hi Paul S, Thank you for your post, I really liked the wording that you used it was very clear and I understood it completely.. Take care Shelley Thanks Paul S, Thank you for the message you sent me today, it was nice to know people care enough to share imformation that is very important.. take care Shelley
  11. Hi Kay c, Thank you for your most wonderful post and Derek is right about what you wrote thanks Kayc, Take care Shelley
  12. Hi Paul S, You are certainly right about that!!!!!! Hi to you Marty !!!!
  13. Hi Leeann, I am so very sorry that you are having such a hard time right now, I wish that I could be there in person for you but since I can not I am sending you this big hug and letting you know that I am pulling for you as you start your teaching job.. I am a daycare teacher so I know how children are and when you do not feel in control it is difficult to act as if you are... I will pray for you and keep you in my thoughts Shelley
  14. Hi Lorikelly, Thank you for the encouraging words and I will post when I have taken my G1 and let everyone know how it goes Take care Shelley
  15. Hi Kathy D, I too get too emotional and can not figure out why after one year am I still really upset... You are normal for the time that has gone by for your loss. I get very emotional and I can not imagine what it is like not being upset anymore... I think alot of my problems is that I was a main caregiver for both my parents and now they are gone I have nothing to fill the void I am feeling right now... Take care Kathy and I hope this helped a little I will pray for you and ask God for the strength to allow you to get through your grief journey.. Shelley
  16. Hi Shell, I just wanted to thank you for the encouragement and I will try my best to do what I can to learn to drive even if I am scared to death... Thanks again Shelley
  17. Hi, It is too bad that I did not see this earlier because I would have taken part.. Sincerely Shelley
  18. Hi Leeann, I really did not think at first that scrapbooking was very fun but know I live for it... I have my neice I live with doing it with me... I think now that the ideal of making pictures into something to treasure thrills me alot...My family likes that I have a new hobbie and maybe their right I should do something so I can keep busy and take my mind of grief for a little while.... Take care Shelley
  19. Hi Chrissy777, First of all I want to say that I am very, very sorry for your loss, and I am very sorry that you are having a rough day today.. I know that seeing old videos of the one you loss is very hard... I too found old video of my parents after they both died... I know in time you will be extremely happy to have the video you found but today it is too close to when you loss the one you loved... Take care Shelley
  20. Hi Beth and Leeann, What great Ideals, I wish I could sew. The only thing that I am doing is scrapbooking and creating each page to go with what my parents liked.. Take care Shelley
  21. Hi Leeann, It is funny that you bought up that you say good night to your dad, I have been doing that to both my parents since the days that they have died and I thought it was weird that I did that... Take care Shelley
  22. Hi All, My father died of cancer in August 2005, I lived with both my parents until they died in 2005. My mom died in April 2005 of a diabetic coma and the weird thing is that we did not know she was diabetic... My dad did of cancer and again I did not know he had cancer until the very end... When we as his family found out, we were told that it was a very curable type and that he had a good chance to recover... He died a month later... Go figure... I was very confused about his death as he was never really sick his whole life... Take care Shelley
  23. Hi All, I am in between some of the stages of grief, I do not know if I just made myself not think about it or if I am just in deniel... I often wonder when or if I will see my parents again... But remember they are dead... SO I really do not know what is happening right now... Take Care Shelley
  24. Hi Kellymarie, Thank you for your last post, I am starting to see a counsellor and trying to get through the anger I am dealing with... Thank you for being an understanding person and a person willing to help others Take care and God Bless You Shelley
  25. Hi Kathy D, I really like what you wrote in your post, It takes so many different people to make a world and it is so nice to find several who really, really, understand what you are truly going through. Kathy, You are a very nice and understanding person I know this by reading what you have posted. Take care and God Bless You Shelley
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