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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by STARKISS

  1. Hi Maylissa, Thank you so very much, I am planning to learn to drive and my brother in-law and sister will help pay for some lessons... I am also seeing Chelsea on the weekend of the 19th and I am going to spend as much time with her for the last part of the summer... I realize that I love her and I do not want to forget her ever and I will do what I have to for her to see me.... Thanks again Maylissa you are a truly amazing person Take care Shelley
  2. Hi Amanda, I am going through on my sixteenth month since my mom died and next week will be the one year mark for my dad.. And through out the time I have been on my grief journey believe it or not I have had some happier days... I know you do not feel like you are going too but trust me I never thought I would be happy again either... Take care Amanda and God Bless You Shelley
  3. Dear Walt, What a beautiful tribute to your beautiful Jeanie. I only hope that I could find a wonderful person to spend my last days with... She is a very lucky woman to have met someone like you to love her the way you did... And You must be one of the luckiest man to have her love you the way she must have loved you... Take care Walt and I will keep you in my prayers God Bless You and Keep you Shelley
  4. Hi All, My mom died in Las Vegas in April of 2005 while we were on vacation.. At first and for the longest time we were not told how she died.. After we got home and received the death certificate and saw that she actually died of a diabetic coma... that was weird because none of us knew she was diabetic.. Other factors to her death was kidney failure, septic shock, and heart failure... I hope that no one has to go through what I had to not knowing for the longest time how one of your loved ones died.. Take care and God Bless you All Shelley
  5. Hi Dancer, My heart goes out to you right now, I am so very, very sorry that Tawny has left us. Eventhough I never met her I felt like I knew all about her. I know that you must be so heartbroken right now so please allow me to send you a great big hug!! I know you must be thinking why Tawny and I can not answer that question but only say God had something different in mind for her... Take care and know that eventhough she is gone I will keep you both in my thoughts and my prayers God Bless you Shelley
  6. Hi Brooke, I am so very, very, sorry for the loss of your husband Trevor... He sounds like he was a wonderful man... I want you to know that we are all here for you and we will keep you in our prayers... I also want you to know that all you have to do is ask and we will be there.. Take care and I am sending you a big hug... And I am asking God to keep you close and to give you the strength to go on.. Shelley
  7. Hi All, I just wanted to write to tell you what happened to me, my mom, dad, and I were on vacation in Las Vegas and on our very last morning there I got up and was packing. Than my dad got up and we were making quite alot of noise and it did not seem to make my mom wake up.. My dad went over and shock her and she did not wake up and so I went over and pinched her and still nothing happened. We finally after about ten minutes of trying phoned down to the front desk of the hotel and they sent up their hotel doctor.. The hotel doctor came in and took one look at my mom and called an ambulance.. My dad and I could not believe what was going on.. Once the ambulance attendants arrived they came in and worked on her for about an hour and could not wake her up.. They told us that they were going to transport her to the hospital and so dad and the attendants left for the hospital and I had to stay behind and wait.. I had to go to the front desk to tell them that we were not leaving and the reason.. Than as my dad left he handed me some money and told me to stay in the hotel and he would call later... He did call about three hours later and told me that mom was in a coma.... Mom died four days later with some of her family with her... But the cause of death was a mystery to us all until for received the final papers from the funeral home in Las Vegas.. She died of a diabetic coma, weird because we did not know she was diabetic... I hope this rambling on was okay.... Take care Shelley
  8. Dear Derek, I agree with John also and You are always there when people need you. Please do not be afraid to ask for help, we are there for you Take care and God Bless You Shelley
  9. Thanks Amanda, I hope that your stepdad gets better and better each day, And I am sorry for the loss of your mom.. I just wanted to thank you for your post you wrote to me.. It was so nice to hear someone who really cares for you no matter if you know them or not.. I am doing much better since I moved in with the family, At first it was hard to deal with the changes but now it is okay... Take care and God Bless You Shelley
  10. Thank You Paul S, Thank you so much Paul for the information in your last post... I now realize what I am going through is part of the grief journey and with the help of my family, the few friends I have and everyone who is here on the website I will get through it.. Thank you again and Take care Shelley
  11. Hi Paul S, What I mean is I have felt every emotion under the sun and I really do not know what will come next. I know that the grief journey really does not end so I am just wondering for myself what is the next emotion or emotions I will feel next... I have been through two deaths but I know you probably know this .. What I guess I am really saying is what are the feelings you go through during grief..... Take care Shelley
  12. Hi Amanda, I too agree with what Shell said, I too are trying to look to the future. As you probably know I lost both parents within four months last year. I live with a sister and her family and I am getting my life back on track one step at a time.. Take care Shelley
  13. Hi All, I was wondering about this part of the grief journey as well. I have been dealing with grief for the past sixteen months after my dear mother died. Than I started another grief journey right after when my father died four months later.. I really do not know what I have or haven't felt in the past sixteen months... Take care Shelley
  14. Thank You Walt, For the message you posted for me, Hope life is a little easier. Take care and God Bless You Shelley
  15. Hi Kathy D, I just want to let you know that as we go through our grief journey we go in and out of the different steps of grief... SO one day you could be in deniel and the next week you could be dealing with the acceptance of the death.. I hope this helps you... Take care and I will pray that God will give you the strength to make it through your grief journey. Shelley
  16. You are most Welcome Dancer!!! I am glad that I can atleast pray for you and Tawny... I wish I could do more. Take care Shelley
  17. Hi Lorikelly, I just want to let you know that what you are feeling is normal because I too have gone through that stage and yes eventhough it feels like you will not get through it you do... I am presently at the stage of my mom being gone for sixteen months and in about two weeks it will be one year for my dad.. I will keep you in my prays and ask God to help you get through this sad time. Take care Shelley
  18. Hi Dancer and Tawny, I am sorry for what your husband said but we all deal with a possible death differently and He is just trying to deal the best way he can... SO try not to take it too seriously but again he loves you so much that he wants to spare you more possible pain... I will continue to pray for you all and hope with God's help you all with get through this. Shelley
  19. Hi Marty T and Maylissa, This may be a stupid question but How do you love yourself??? After everything I have gone through I can honestly say I do not love myself... I may have caused both parents to die secondary issues that is and I just can not figure out how to love myself.... I say this about my parents because with my dad I never learned to drive and so he felt like he had to drive me everywhere.... It was just being very selfish on my part even when he told me he would pay for me to get lessons... SO I figure that I made him get old faster than he actually was... and with my mom I brought up the ideal for going to Las Vegas and If I had been nice and said no just go somewhere in Canada for our vacation than maybe mom would still be alive today... and than there is my dog Chelsea because of me being selfish there is a great chance that she will die by herself without me being around .... so how do you love yourself after all of this????????
  20. Hi Lorikelly, I am very, very, sorry for your loss and I just wanted to say that is why we are here. We are here to help each other out with the everyday problems that may arise from our personal grief journies. I too are missing my mom and dad so very much that sometimes it hurts like I losing my heart or my heart is being pulled out of my chest... Do not worry about talking too much or venting when you need to because that is why the people are here... Take care of yourself and I will pray for you God Bless You Lorikelly ... Shelley
  21. Hi All, I just wanted to say that each of us is here for one reason and that is to help each other through the grief that we suffer from. Be it from the loss of a dear mother or father, or from a loving grandmother or grandfather..It maybe from the loss of a sister or brother... but who ever we loss we can get help with the upcoming feelings that we feel through the grief journey we are on... Take care of yourselves and God Bless You All Shelley Hi Walt, I really love the tribute you did for your Jeanie... She was a really lucky woman to have someone to love her like you did... And you must have been a really lucky man for her to love you Take care Walt and God Bless You Shelley
  22. Hi All, First of all I just want to say that I am very sorry for all your losses, and the loss of my mom has changed me forever.I lost my mom in April of 2005, I miss her so very much. I miss her so much that I feel like I am numb all over and than there are days that I am a little better and do not miss her much at all.. Take care all and God Bless you All Shelley


    Hi Jester, I would have been honoured to have lived in your house just from what you wrote about the loyality that Arthur had for your dear mom. I think He must have been a special cat to have been so good to your dear mom.. I also totally agree with Maylissa in what she said in her post. Take care Jester and God Bless You for caring so much about Arthur... I am sorry about the losses you suffered and I will keep you in my prayers Shelley
  24. Welcome to the website again Tamilla, I just wanted to let you know that we are here for you, and that we are sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my prayers and do take care of yourself, God Bless You Shelley
  25. Thank you so very much Paul S, I now realize how important it is to be a part of something like this I would probably be worst off than I am... I think that we are pretty lucky to have people like you to write too... You are a very kind and supportive person and I thank you for helping me when I really need it and if there is anything I can do for you please ask Shelley
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