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Final Destination??

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Do we all come here with a time to die?? I always wondered this especially now. Is death preventable or avoidable? Or can we not interfere. I know we have all though of different outcomes in which we could have "saved" our partners from death but I wonder could we really? Could one moment make the difference of whether they had lived or died or is already set in stone. 

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For me, these are questions and wonderings I avoid.  There is no way to know as it is.  The journey that is my life now in grief is so filled with realities of changes that I try not to add more to the devastation I have to carry every day.  Plus, it is looking backward to something that cannot now be changed even if we knew something different.  There a a couple of things in my case that might have made a difference, but only in delaying the inevitable.  2 years later, he would still be gone.  Unless it was malpractice, nature does what it does and is quite cruel.  I don't even go back there if possible because living it once was enough.

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AB3 I think it is matter of what you believe I was raised with a religious up bringing so I have always believed that our time to go is already decided for us, but again it is a question with no concrete answer  but I do feel like Gwen as far as why keep beating yourself up over something that you have no way of going back to  I know how hard it is and how much we wish for a different outcome in the beginning but unfortunately things happen out of our control and we are stuck missing them with every breath we take unfortunately we will never know or understand why  certain people go and others stay all we can do is  the best we can to keep on going with them in our hearts.

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I don't really bring myself to wondering such things...if it's already decided, what about people that commit suicide?  Would they have died anyway?  Not sure I buy that.  I tend to not go for the fatalistic thinking that everything is already decided because it means we have no control over our destiny.  What would be the point of eating healthy and exercising?  I think the individual choices we make (to smoke or not) DO make a difference to us.  I can't believe everything we choose and do means nothing to the outcome.

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Christian viewpoint:

Wow!  This is such a profound question on many levels.  

Suffice it to say that I believe God is Sovereign (Rules over everything) and yet we have a form of freewill that gives us choices in our lives.  We are driven by our passions, and desires. 

Like KayC said, our choices effect our lives and those around us.  Yet God knows ultimately what we are going to choose and works that all out. Scripture says "the wages of sin is death" so we all eventually will die, yet our lives matter both to God, (Higher Power, Cosmic Consciousness) and everyone we are connected with.

As someone has aptly said, "life is lived between the dashes"


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