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How Many Posts Are Too Many


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Hi All,

This might be a stupid question and if it is please forgive me but I was wondering how many posts are too many... As many of you can see I made of 1000 and I just do not know if people will think I am crazy or not for doing so many... I just feel so comfortable here because I have got so much help from all of you and I just want to help back if I can... So please tell me if I have over stayed this site... I just feel like this is a place I can come and no one judges me for what I say.... take care and thank you all for your support and kindness Shelley

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I second what Lorikelly said! I hope to be coming to this board for years! If people only came for a short time, got help and left, the site might not even survive. I think it's regulars that help a site stay productive, so keep posting!



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It is a compliment that you feel able to come here and open your heart. That is what it's for. I know I would miss you and worry if you disappeared.


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Hi Family,

I would miss you all greatly as well, So I will continue to post here until I can wake up one day and be okay with the fact they are gone... Take care and thanks for all your kindness and support Shelley

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ditto Trudy's sentiments. Keep posting. I don't post often because I tend to hold lots in. Probably not the best thing to do while grieving but I do come here often to read what others have written and find comfort knowing that I am not alone.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Thank you for your replies, It is good to know that I have not wore out my welcome.... Today I found out that my brother Mark and his family were leaving to live in the Cayman Islands for a period of three years and he was not going to tell anyone... My sister surprised him with a visit last week to find his house sold and them all packing... They finally told her but told her not to say anything... I just do not know or understand how family can change so much from grief... It feels like I lost the whole family now instead of just mom and dad.... Shelley

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I agree with everyone, if once we got recovery from this site and then left who would be here to share their experiece and how they got through the problems that we face. I am sure there are a lot of people that come to this site and read the postings but never post themselves. You have had quite a few situations since the death. Somewhere out there someone will read about those situations and will be able to say to themselves, "I am not alone" or "I am not the only one that this has happened to". I think that everyone would agree, when we first experience death we feel like we are totally alone. In essence we are, no one will experience the death like we do. What you experienced is different than your brother or sister, they are is a different place than you. You say you don't know why families do the things they do. From what I have heard, they are doing what they think they need to do in order to go on with there lives. Most of the time they don't consider anyone else when they make these descisions. They might be running away from their grief. A lot of people move after a loved one passes away, there are just too many reminders of what was. I myself can not imangine moving anytime soon, others it is the first thing they do. Again each one of us deals with grief in a different way. The only suggestion I can make is to pray for them and pray that they will do well where they are moving to. Everything will work out like it is supposed to.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi All,

It is nice to know that there is no limit on how many posts you can do... I personally need to still come but do not feel as bad as the beginning... I just went through my dad's second anniversary last Saturday and it went better than I expected... I had people who I loved around me and was at the cottage and dad loved going to the cottage and having lots of people around... So here I sit thinking what will come next???? Shelley

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