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One Year Since I Lost Alex

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Well the one year anniversary finally came. It actually has been a year since I lost Alex. I remember when I posted here for the first time last July. I was in such a state. I thought that I would never get through a day. It seems to have gone by so fast, but yet so much has happened to me in the past year. I thought of Alex yesterday with very happy memories. I did not think of him being sick or in the hospital. Whenever I think or have visions of him laying in the hospital I seem to go backwards in my grieving. I received many calls from my friends and family and we laughed about different things Alex used to do. As I said in my other posts - I have accomplished so much in taking care of my home and rennovating it. I do notice as time goes on it does get better. I do miss him terribly though and that will never change. When I think of Alex, which is all the time. I have a smile on my face, just like he just told me something funny.

I would never have gotten through this past year if it had not been for all of you that have helped me.

Love and God Bless,


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Bless you, Jeanne ~ We are thinking of you and your beloved Alex on this special day of remembrance, and I know that you've helped all of us just as much as you've been helped by the wonderful people on this site -_- . . .

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you have helped me on numerous occasions, because you have always given me HOPE and that is the one thing that is easy to lose along this journey.

This post has made me feel as though I will get through this, I will get my house finished, I will remember Cliff and always smile, rather than cry.

thank you Jeanne and I am very proud of you.


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I remember the first year was a milestone as having survived all the "firsts without" and that felt good to get that out of the way. I'm glad you were able to share about him and not think of his last days but think of HIM. We're all thinking of and praying for you...



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Hugs to you, Jeanne - I'm glad the happy memories surfaced, and that you were able to share them with friends and family. I find I'm able to do that as well, and it helps my heart when my friends can speak of Joe so easily, and with joy along with the sadness. I'm wishing you peace and happiness! Marsha

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What a lovely gift you offered with this post on what must be such a sad day. You show strength and love and possibilities for moving forward with love and grace. Alex must be so proud of you! I am also beginning to move to a place where I can talk and think of my Tom with humor. He was my star, he is my star and I want to shine for him.

Bless you and thank you.


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Hi Everyone:

I want to thank all of you for your lovely words. It means so much to me that we all care for each other. I am also happy that I can help anyone in their time of need. Sometimes I don't have much to say, but I come here every day and read all the posts and they all give me inspiration.

I do want to say that it seems kind of weird that right after the first anniversary a weight has been lifted from me and I feel that I have been reborn. Maybe Alex is giving me the strength and a sign to start moving forward. I hope that we all some day can look back at our loved ones with only good memories.

Love and God Bless,


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