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A Much Needed Boost

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Dear All

I wanted to share a shining moment in my day today- and there haven't been many of these since August.

I came home to find a thank you letter, passed on by the Organ and Tissue Donation Society, from the recipient of my husband's liver. All I know is that he is a young man with small children. He was sensitive to my feelings and acknowledged my great loss, observing that someone generous enough to be listed as an organ donor must have been a wonderful person who will always be very greatly missed.

He spoke of 'having been given his life back' through this great gift and how it had affecteded his immediate and extended family. He wrote about the wonder he experienced this Christmas and how their family celebrations were filled with hope for the future and abounded with love. He told me that his mother had set an extra plate, and put a lighted candle on it, as a tangible reminder of the donor and their family and in recognition of the pain we would be feeling forever. He said it was the start of a new and important tradition that would remain in their family.

I'm highly emotional about this correspondence. I know from some of your posts that there are people here on this site because your loved ones did not get the transplant they needed in time.

To have saved this family (and seven others) from also feeling our great pain is something for me to cling to.

Nothing could have prevented my husband's death from such a massive cerebral haemorrhage - I know that. This letter comforts me by providing 'proof' that significant good, in fact, good beyond measure, has accompanied it.

Lots of tears flowing, but at least today they seem to be of a different variety. Susie Q

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Dear Susie,

Thank you for your beautiful post. It made me cry. Everything seems so purposeless sometimes. How beautiful of the family to set a place at the table to honor your husband and his gift of life. Imagine such joy born of such sorrow.

Truly a beautiful post. Bless you.


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Susie, I'm one of those members who's husband was waiting a very long time for a liver that was never to come. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful letter with us. Your husband saved this young man's life, what a special gift. I have said along with others here how important it is for organ donation, the gift of life. I know you are grieving and I hope this gives you some comfort. Thanks again for sharing, Deborah

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Dear Susie,

This really is a beautiful story. What an honor for that family to incorporate your tremendous loss in the midst of their celebration. My husband went into septic shock within an hour of being told he made the "list." He would have received the first available liver. I can only imagine the gift you and your husband gave that man and his family. Thank you for sharing this with us. Congratulations to you, too, for being able to embrace this letter with love and respect.


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