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Are there birthday parties in Heaven? Do they serve Cake and Ice Cream? Can I go?

64 years ago my dear wife Jean was born. smile.gif

5 years ago next Tuesday - the 13th - she died from liver cancer after 3 months in Palliative Care. mad.gif

We were married for 40+ years - not nearly long enough. unsure.gif

Thank You Marty and Hospice of the Valley for this site and the support you provide. smile.gif



I'd like to think yes to parties in heaven, don't know

about cake and Ice cream but anything is possible with God so maybe,

5 years WOW I have only lost my Ruth 8 weeks ago and that seems like yesterday,

I can not imagine 5 years I can barely handle the 8 weeks, I'm glad you posted

Happy Early Birthday to Jean and I pray you will have an OK day on her Birthday....

My Prayers are with all here greiving as we are....




I really don't care about the cake and ice cream, but I am looking forward to the parties. I guess God isn't ready for me yet, but when my time comes I am looking forward to rejoining my wife. I never thought that I could survive this long without her, but her memory keeps me alive. (and the great people that I have met here.)

I wish you well on your journey through grief.



I will ask my Scott to look up your Jean and give her a birthday salute, blow out some candles, light off some fireworks, or whatever they do up there :) .



Walt, dear, it always warms my heart to "see" you here again. Bless you and thank you, too, for still being here for all of us.:wub:


Birthday parties in heaven? Why not! My George loved celebrating life, every season, every holiday, every event was cause for fun and celebration...I'm sure he's up there arranging something right now! ^_^

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