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Miners Rescued

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I have been watching the miners reach the surface after 69 days. I am so happy for the families and have cried after each were rejoined with there loved ones. But I have also been devestated all day. I can't stop feeling torn. I have rewound the day of Mark's death over and over. The long trip to the emergency only knowing he had been in a terrible accident. Waiting for the doctor to come tell me how he was. The endless fear. Then the horrifying words that he had not survived. Being taken to the room where I climbed onto the gurney and wrapped myself around my dead husband. Never getting a chance to say goodbye while he was alive. I won't get to see my husband emerge from this. He is gone and I am watching these happy faces and I'm so jealous.

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Cheryl, im sorry you're having a rough day. I understand excatly what you feel!

Its so funny that you posted about the miners. I was just sobbing, talking about it to my mother. I said "their families got a second change and will treasure that so much.......but, I didnt het that second chance"

Im happy that they all survived, its just that I wish zubeir too had survived his accident....

Hugs, M

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Would it have been better to say goodbye? He would have known he wouldn't be surviving. Harder for him. Mine said he would take his own life one day. He wasn't asking for intervention. Made me promise not to betray our long love. I didn't think he would follow through but he was also my best friend in life. 33 years together. I thought it was his exit plan like you would make In case we have a fire...or a robbery..do this...it was his way of saying goodbye and telling me how much he loved me but not life. He had died at 16 and now 40 years later... he went through that afterlife experience and had no fear. Didn't want to wait till "the bitter end" as he called it. Don't regret him not knowing. I grieved for him months before he actually did it. I saw my talking him through this before wasn't working. I'd bring him out of it for a time and this time he suprised me. Wish it would have been me first. It wasn't and I'm not suicidal.Linda Kay

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I didn't get to say goodbye or any of the things I wish I could have told him either. I think whenever there's a tragic event (like the miners) it brings it all home to us...only theirs had a happy ending, thank God.

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I totally understand what you are saying too.

My husband got sick very suddenly and was gone too fast. I stayed by his side in intensive care and held his hand....did he know I was there....I hope so and hope he knows I love him.

The miners surviving was a miracle!

I wish my husband had the same miracle and it is so hard not to feel the way we do....we are human.

We all have to rally and be support for each other.


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