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Inlaws And Holidays?

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I dont know what to do. My inlaws have never been big on holidays. They stopped celebrating when my husband was in highschool. They only recently started doing it again after we got married and were expecting our first child. Last two years, mother in law had a small dinner at her house. Just us 4, nothing big. We never really got along, and they dony like my mother or family. Should I still invite them over to my house? They havent invited me over yet htis year, but I am aprehensive to ask them first. Also they mention about leaving town for christmas.

Did anyone experience these types of issues?

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I'd invite them unless it's just really uncomfortable. If they want to go out of town they'll turn you down anyway, but it'll go a ways to bridging the gap.

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Hi, I have issues with my in-laws as well. My spouse always was there for his parents at the drop of a hat. He would complain t me about it but i would say they are the only parents you have and they wont be here for ever. Little did i know that it would be him to leave us. His parents gave me a hard time with machinery that he had purchased with them and it was a big hassle getting it settled. They made it hard for me to see them but i went out . It was hard. Ackward at first. birthdays and holidays i make the trip. Not once have they come to see me and it has been a year and a half. Everyone says why bother but thats the way i am i have to. I even asked his mom and sister to a candle light memorial service at the end of the month and she said she would get back to me and as of yet hasn't. She probably wont but i asked. This will be the first Christmas also that i wont see them cause i am going to my daughters for two weeks and i feel good about it. My grandson is two and he will be a joy to watch . So I guess you do what is good for you and not worry about everyone else. Mrs.B.

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Well this will be my 2nd Xmas without my husband...last year I invited his sister and his brother and his wife to my house for Xmas Eve along with my family. We had done this for years. My Mother-in-law passed away 4 months after my husband and his dad had been gone for years. They came Xmas Eve, were well fed and had drinks and left with presents in their hands. Previous to this I had called them on several occasions, invited them to my granddaughters baptism etc. etc. So when they left XmAS Eve I asked them to please call me and to keep in touch and that we are feeling left out of the family. My brother in law said he would call me the next week for coffee............... I have never heard from any of them since that night. So needless to say I don't need to be hit over the head with a brick. My husband would be horrified and I wouldn't be that mean to say that to them . I think they are ignoring us because my son never got my husband's share of his grandmothers estate. But that is just a guess. His sister in law asked me for family things back after my husband passed. I told her that I was part of her family for over 40 years and nothing was going back............how hurtful and rude. It really does bring out the best in some people and the worst in others. I am trying to accept the loss of the relationship but can't seem to find closure...but there is no way they are getting an invite this year.

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