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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Granddaughter's Poem

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When I posted last night I promised to share the poem she wrote about her grandpa, which was part of her english final. How blessed Tim is to be loved so much and how blessed I am to have her!!

My Guardian Angel

This is a poem to my grandpa

Whom I miss terribly

Who I wish I could be around every day

You took me out riding

I even got to drive

The wind blowing in my hair

The mud flying on my face, scared to death

But I know you were there

You were the one who made the silliest jokes

Never wanted to see me cry

You were the one I trusted with my whole life

So please tell me why?

Why did you have to be the one to go?

I would've done anything, just tell me so

It's almost been a year to this day

And all that's there to say, is I love you

I miss you, I miss your smile

I still shed a tear every once in a while

Grandpa I promise to you

I will always be your little girl

So I write this for remembrance, for love, for you

My guardian angel

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That is just so sweet. It speaks volumes about what kind of a man he was, and esp. a grandpa.

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What a beautiful poem your granddaughter has written in honor of her grandfather. You are truely blessed to have such a wonderful granddaughter and I know her grandfather may not be here physically, he is with her spiritually. Thank you so much for sharing.

Take care, Kat

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What a lovely tribute to her grandfather. Very special. Glad you made it through the first year anniversary all right. Mine was a little earlier, in January, and was surprisingly calm and peaceful. Thanks for sharing the poem.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas (cold and snowy here today)

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What an absolute treasure and blessing. Thank you for sharing with us. "Out of the mouths of babes" as they say.

I wish you continued peace and healing.

Blessings and Courage, Carol Ann

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