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What Is Pauline Holding In Her Photo

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Hi everyone someone asked me what Pauline was holding,

Pauline is holding a baby monkey. It was her first helping hands monkey to help her. We had trained monkeys for helping hand for about 8 years before Pauline started loosing her legs. We got this one and trained her for Pauline needs, She had the two this one and she was bitten by a spider. When or where we don't know. And in primates they don't show sickness until it is almost to late. The vet had done all he could but could not save her. Pauline was devastated over the loss. We got her another and he was very good and was with Pauline by her side all the time. He did not need a leash to control him. She had him 4 years and we were always made sure if someone had a cold or sickness they were not allowed to come in. The people in the down stairs apartment had 3 small boys 2-7 years old and a new baby girl. Pauline had fallen in the kitchen trying to reach something in the cupboard and fell out of her chair. Kuhli jumped to her aid and done a hyperextension on his wrist. The vet put him on Pretnisone for about 8 weeks. He had only been off the medication a couple weeks when the lady down stairs came up to say good by to Pauline. They had bought a home. The 3 boy followed her up and ran ramped through our apartment. Pauline put Kuhli in his cage. When I got home at 12:00 the kids were all over his cage. 3 days latter he through up and diarrhea. I call the vet and took him up the next day. Those kids were sick with a stomach virus and he pick it up from the kids. He passed 3 days latter. His immune system was to drained by the pretnisone, he could not fit off the virus. Again Pauline was crushed. About a month after his death the woman came by again. Pauline asked her about the stomach virus. She admitted they were sick at that time. Pauline told her, her kids killed her monkey and for her to get out. It was hard on both of us. They were like small children only smarter. I wanted to get her another one, Pauline said no it is to hard and they could out live us. I respected her wishes.

I have gone on long enough. Here is a better picture of Pauline and Teka



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Dwayne, thanks for sharing that. I did also wonder what she was holding. Losing the monkeys is such a sad story. It was hard enough for both of you without having to go through that. I am so sorry. Peace, Mary

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A service monkey! How totally cool and interesting. Love the way animals love us unconditionally and try their best to please and help us. I understand the problem of steroids and prednisone. Dick's immune system was basically gone pre transplant and gone post transplant. When the head of his transplant team, Dr. Trulock, called children little bug bombs, we both really laughed. We don't really think about all the diseases they harbor. I am so sorry you lost those little helpers because a mother was not thoughtful. That's really hard to accept isn't it?

While we were waiting for Dick to be "ready" for transplants, I was like a pit bull. I would barely allow anyone near him. Sometimes I embarrassed him because I would not let people get really close to him, but I didn't care! I would ask people to let me squirt Purell on their hands before they touched him or shook his hand. He called me the Purell Queen! I met everyone at the door, didn't take their temperature which I wanted to do, but I would ask them if there was any chance they could be ill before I would let them in the house. Then I would ask them to sit across the room for him. Now that I think about all that, I think perhaps I was a "bit much"! :)

Thank you for sharing with us.


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You are so welcome Becky, I will try to put up other photos in the future.

Yes Mary it was hard to go through when they passed, but well worth having the help they can provide. Turn on lights. Get sandwiches out of fridge. They can be trained about to do anything. They are truly amazing what they can do and how smart they are.

Anne, They truly are amazing. It funny the kids would always spot them first when we went out. The parents would not believe the until they saw for themselves. Someday I will tell you about a rescue monkey from a couple of college students. A you couple that had no business having a monkey. We had him 3 months and the helping hands could not believe the change in him in such a short time.

God Bless


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That is about the cutest thing I've ever seen! How neat that they can train monkeys to help. They are very adorable creatures!

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