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Having a blue day, it is 3 months since I lost Mike today.....trying to stay busy painting the house, but the emotions are getting to me.....

Thought this phrase that I read was appropriate for my feelings....

There are moments in life you wish you could bring someone down from Heaven and spend the day with them just one more time, give them one more hug, kiss them goodbye

or hear their voice again.....one more chance to say " I Love you"

Hanging in there....Dave

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I know how you feel, but would one more day be enough??? I think not as we would want more I know I would, so with that being the case I make sure I spend each day still telling Ruth "Good Morning, I Love You Babe" every single day as I walk by her Urn and in the evening I tell her "goodnight sweetheart"...some days I feel she is next to me and that's very emotional but comforting as well...trust me my friend you will reach a turn in the road soon one day and you will love Mike in a new way, when you make that turn things will be more comforting....


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Heck no one more day wouldnt be enough......but would settle for whatever I could have........with that being said I know he is around me, have felt his presence more than once.....just like now I feel he is smiling at our new paint job on the house, he is either saying it looks great or why didnt you listen to me and hire a professional!!Dave

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HI Dave,

I understand exactly how you feel. I have felt many days like that. The pain is so awful and overwhelming, almost unbearable. I would give a year of my life for just ONE more day with Mark. One year would be easy to give away, in fact in many ways I have already given away the last two years to grief. I never got to say goodbye. Somedays I am still shocked that he is really gone and find myself asking over and over if only ..... I hope tomorrow is easier. cheryl

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If George saw how bad our house needed painted, he'd find a way to get back here and help me!

Thinking of you Dave...

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Thought of you yesterday many times and wondered how you got through the day. Friday will be 4 months for me without Randy. Seems like yesterday yet seems like an eternity! Glad you did something constructive, I have the thoughts but can't seem to get motivated to actually do it. Just wondering when the numbness will go away and the crying will stop and I will feel like I fit into the world again, if ever.

Thinking of you,


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Patience is your answer, it is hard to find on this journey but somehow we must be patient and get thru all the obstacles on this road of grief...the one year mark for most is a turn in the road, but we are all different, I know you want some normal but you have to discover the new normal, the fact you have thoughts is positive energy which is good, try small tasks/goals/idea's not taking on more than you can feel comfortable with...the second most important thing I have discovered is attitude, I have chosen to control my grief instead of the grief controlling me, I'm not sure if this is healthy or the repercussions in the long run but it's working, as I am learning to love Ruth in a new way, she is still very much alive in daily conversations, the presence of her spirit, and the warmth I feel when I seek comfort, even in my new relationship with Brenda we both speak of our spouses without reservation, remembering both the good and bad memories...when we reach a point of acceptance is also when things start to return to a normal, this is what I feel keeps many people at bay for extended periods of time in grief, they understand they are gone but they just don't fully accept it...I am surly no expert by no means but I do know what has worked for me and if sharing that will help a fellow grieving soul then I have completed something I was interned to do, so continue to have your thoughts and take your time I'm pretty sure you'll get there, and while your headed that way we'll all be right beside you or behind you trying to make it our way as well...

May God Guide Your Way...


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