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Today is my birthday. He is gone. He always made a point to make it special for me. No one else really cares. My brothers stop for a minute to drop off a card for me but don't spend any time with me. My parents ask me what I want? My Dragon back. I bought my own cake. I hope this is the last one I have to endure. Yes I am feeling sorry for myself, but I don't care any more. It took me a lifetime to find Dragon and now he is gone. Whats the point. I will spend my time alone.

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Oh Kim, I know how you feel and I am sorry you are missing him especially today on your birthday. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday! I'm wondering though, what exactly does that look like, now that they're gone? I know my George always made a big deal out of my birthday, all special days actually, but after he died I cried myself to sleep on my birthday...no one remembered, my family and friends...no one called. It was my worst birthday ever and the only one that everyone forgot. I know they're not the same any more, but at least they're better than that one.


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mik I respectfully suggest that there are those that care, they just stunk at showing it on this day, and I'm sorry for that and that it only served to drive home the loss and loneliness you feel. It hit hard this past Tues for me (holiday) and I'm sure will on my birthday too, although we didn't make big deals out of them usually. But I wish you the best of birthdays anyway. You are very mucn entitled to feel sorry for yourself but I hope things look better for you as the day has gone on and in the days ahead.

kay I'm sorry that it was so hard for you as well. I can only imagine.

I lost my loved one not far from my birthday, so they will always now be somewhat tied and I can't imagine ever enjoying a birthday again or even wanting to. I'm just glad it won't be for awhile.

Wow too bad we aren't closer we could get together and pour each other a drink and say NUTS to birthdays. I might do that anyway, though it'll be solo. Hope you can "join" me. smile.gif

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hi mik, Happy Birthday! sorry you're feeling so sad today, i'm sure your Dragon made your birthdays so special and that is why you're feeling the loss so deeply today. feel sorry for yourself in you need to, losing someone so so special is something to be sorry about.

wishing peace and healing to you...

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