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Dear Jan,

I love hearing about your birds and moths.

I am sure that Pete is there with you, and knows everything that is going on. I believe they see us and know about our lives every day.

I had a dream about Doug last night, and he was so close and real and present that I could almost touch him, and we were both excited about meeting again sometime soon. I know time is relative, but he was very close, we were packing our packs to go into the mountains, and we were both very happy and smiling at each other and grinning all the time we were working. I had a strong sense of joyful anticipation. I was excited and happy. Nothing else mattered except packing our packs and getting out of town. :) It was a great dream.

I love your reports of birds and moths, and am enjoying your wild weather with you. I am sorry to hear about the director's illness though. I hope he is better soon, and sorry that you have been delegated to make the calls to the hospital. I can barely stand to drive into the parking lot of the hospital with all the memories it holds of Doug's illness.

You are, I hope, still taking a lot of time each day for yourself, for resting and meditation, and slowly coming back into balance from your experience of late. Be gentle and kind and compassionate to yourself, dear Jan.



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Oh thanks Fae. Our friend is home. He was diagnosed with an ear thing which made him giddy and nauseous.

I didn't put the moth trap on last night as it rained a lot, but today the weather is sunny and mild.

What a wonderful dream. I haven't dreamt about Pete much and I would so love to. When I do I immediately write it down. The sheer physicality of our beloved ones when they were with us seems so strong in memory that I find it difficult to understand how they cannot be with is still.

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I'm sorry SSK has left already. :( But I am glad to hear you're getting naps in. I feel rested up from last weekend, but have been having nightmares about my job and the people there, not only my boss but a former coworker that treated me with disdain, although she hasn't been there for a few months. I guess that place is not releasing it's grips easily, the abuse was just so great. You don't begin to realize how much damage there is when you are in it, but now it is so clear to me that on a daily basis I was undermined and treated abominably. It will take some time, I'm sure, for the nightmares to fade and that place to become a distant memory. It would help if I was paid, but each day that goes by it's bringing it home to me all the more how devalued I am and utterly disdained.


Perhaps you can do the trap today? Weather here has been cold, freezing at night, up to 60s for a short while in the afternoons.

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I hear you on the abuse and trauma. You have been through so much, and waiting for the checks must be disappointing each day. To put your best effort into something and then to be discounted and abused for your troubles, loyalty, and good workmanship is enough to make you feel very wounded. I am glad you have awareness of what has happened to you, and that you are being kind and loving to yourself.

I just ordered a HUGE order from Blick of oils and brushes and gessoed canvases, because most things are on sale for 40%-50% off. I know I will sell enough to more than pay for the order, so I am okay with investing the money. I so love your cards, and hope you sell a lot of them this year, so you will feel appreciated and admired for your talents. You are wonderfully creative and everyone who is getting the cards is admiring them. I am having great fun using them and sending them to people. I especially love the one with the sparking dragonfly that is glued over the printed one. I have it on my desk until I have someone worthy to send it to. :)

Your work is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with me.

I am missing Doug a lot today, and came home after errands and stopping in the office to sign checks. I am just not up to being there today. I agree with you that the combination of soul mates creates a third entity, that is the combined love and energy of two people. We were always More together than just the two of us: there was some energetic flow that transcended our shared presence and created something very special. I know you and George had that as well.

Okay, I am going to go salivate over the Blick catalog, and not order anything else, but just dream...



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Bill and I referred to that third entity as "we" but no matter what I call anything...I still feel like half of me is gone...living over there somewhere...and it feels ok ironically.

fae, it seems you are not over this bug yet...and I am fighting one and feel very tired from that...so let us both practice self compassion. No one else can do that for us. I even gave away tickets for a play tonight...Shakespeare....more than I could deal with. :)



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Dear Mary,

The bug is on the run, but I am still a bit weak and tired, but nor coughing nearly as much.

Mary, let us hunker down this afternoon, wrapped in warm and fuzzy blankets, perhaps before a roaring fire (I just brought up little three trailer loads of firewood from the forest stacks) and I hope with a good book. I am delving in to another Campbell this afternoon.

You do too much, Mary. You need to schedule alternate days of rest, and with naps every day for you and Bentley. That is the Rx from SSK, and I am passing it along to another person who needs it very much: YOU!!!

It is raining/snowing here today, so I have come in from the firewood hauling and yes, I am still coughing a bit and not high on energy, so I am slipping into a warm sweater and fleece cap, grabbing a book, and figuring out something I can cook on the wood stoves, since I have no range until 11 November, because they are ordering my new Christmas Present stove. I am excited to have it, but also enjoying the "old fashioned" challenge of cooking on my wood stoves. Thank goodness I have a crock pot, rice cooker, and bread maker. :)

*<twinkles>* and

Much Love,


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It does my heart good to hear of you snuggling up in a warm swearter and cap and read with a fire going on this cold day. I am trying to get by with my little Edenpure heater through October as I want to save my firewood for more crucial months, but it only gets my house to about 63* at best. When my son was here I did build a fire a couple of days, and also when I came back from his house I had to build a fire to get it to rise above the 50s in here. Once it gets too cold the heater alone won't do it.


I'm sorry you're fighting something too. I've been fortunate not to contract anything in a long while.


You're right, and these nightmares are awful, but I know of no remedy for them. I cashed in what little is left of George's IRA yesterday so I can hopefully get the roof taken care of next summer. I lost so much when the market crashed a few years ago and it never did build back up, so might as well use it. It probably would have been better if I'd waited until Jan. because I worked most of this year, it could push me into a higher tax bracket, but I was nervous with the gov't shutdown what would happen to the market if they didn't settle. Now that they have, I might have waited but hindsight is always easier, sometimes you just have to make the best decision you can at the time and it's all a crap shoot.

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Nattering . . .

I had to deal with Foundation and Trust things today, and although I cried, reading some of Doug's original handwriting and his brilliant words, I managed to get those things done that needed to be done. I carried on. I am crying as I write this.

I know I am going to survive. The Foundation has survived their attacks. The bankers (who are also personal friends) have reprimanded them in writing. We are going on. :) When going through the document files today, I accidentally thumbed across one of the entirely vicious letters sent to me by one of his sisters, which I had originally read whilst I as still opening their mail, and the staff was not intercepting it and their calls to my private line yet. (I was still trying to heal them with love and compassion the first couple of months, in spite of the robberies. I thought I could bring peace and healing there. Silly me: Doug had not been able to, and they were his own family! Hence the "no dealings" mandate he left with me, which in my confusion and loss I ignored initially.) I think it is all over, and I am beginning to feel safe again. I may bring home more of our things now. David Porter was appalled at how bare the house is right now. I will feel better with my rugs and art and family things back here, and I will do it slowly. I am still a bit jumpy about them.

And, for other reasons, I find myself clenching my jaw in public these days, and then, later, sobbing as I did when a child sometimes, when my Father had scolded me (rare, and it hurt!) Now I sob when I am alone. I just huddle up into a ball, with a box of tissues, and I let out the waves of pain and loss. But it is clearer now. I am clencing my jaw to hold th pain until I am in a kinder place to cry. Banks are not good places for tears, unless there has been a very recent funeral. even then ...

I think maybe it is safe to bring home some art for the winter. Maybe some of the old, beat-up silver, which anyone else would no doubt melt down for the cash. :) It has very good memories. I have put away Doug's napkin ring. But today, reading his words, and knowing how much he loved and trusted me, to leave me with The authority over so many things, I am deeply touched by his love and trust. I think I am safe now, and the Trustee is being very kind and helpful, smiling at my honesty and courage, I know. The Trustee tells me how much I am like my wonderful, honorable, very trustworthy husband. I hope I am half as good as Doug was in doing all of this healing charity work and our peace and reconciliation work. I think I am doing okay. :)

Oh, but I miss him! His mind met mine so very well, and we could mirror each other with such great love and trust. I am amazed at what we shared. I am incredibly grateful, for having had the company, love, and delight of Doug to share our celebration of life with each other as husband and wife. It means a lot to me that we had that, and that when he wrote about me, he was so proud of me. It just means so very much to me, especially because of all that happened after. I am so proud that he was so proud of me. :wub:

It means a lot to me that I have not let him down. I have not fought over the used game bits. I have remembered what is frivolous and what has *<True Value>*

I have kept my Faith and stayed on my Path, even if I have stumbled a lot—and occasionally fallen—only to be gently, compassionately rescued by a loving Tribe of Angels all around me. Thank you, Angels here, and Harry, too. :P

Oh, gosh! I am making it. I am doing the things we dreamed of doing. I am carrying on. I am holding together, with great bindings and lashings of love and compassion from so many people. I had no idea there would be so much put in my way, trying to take me off my Path that we had agreed I must take. I am still here, on my Path, signing things and sending proper papers to the Trustee, and doing Good Things. :)

I have my year-end list of charities completed. We will do G*d Things this year. Again. *<twinkles>* I am so pleased to be able to carry on for both of us now, and to be able to find loving and caring expression our shared intentions toward peace on Earth, even if only one mind, one spirit, at a time. To be able to carry on means a lot to me.

I do not know how I would have made it this far without all of you here. I apologize for pulling back recently, but some words I was reading sounded just too much like my poor former husband David, who has severe bi-polar disorder and would become very suicidal. I has having a very difficult time and I am so glad many of you were carrying on. :) Pulling back and honoring my own needs also helped to heal something in me that often tries to give more than I am able. :) We learn from each other. :) This place is such a blessing.

I am really missing Doug today, wanting to show him our list and allocations, and have him tell me I have done very well, again. I just wish he were here to lift a glass of champagne with me, and maybe he would smoke a few puffs of one of his favorite cigars, and we would probably be having moose steaks and a cab and my torte with raspberries for dessert. We would be celebrating another year of putting our money where our hearts and sprits are, for the good of humankind. For Peace and Reconciliation. For feeding and caring for G*d's children. I am so blessed to be able to carry on. That The Foundation assets have been saved and protected by the mighty Guardians of our Trustee and Bank. More Angels. *<twinkles>*

Typing of which, I'd better go write a necessary thank you letter while it is on my mind ...



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it sounds like you have traveled through many memories today, seen to it that people in need have been gifted and wept the loss of your Doug. A full day, indeed. I hope you are feeling better physically. I am as I slept a lot today and Bentley did also. I plan to be very aware this weekend of my limited physical energy. It dips when I dip emotionally which I did at the retreat and am coming up for air now. A cool night here...in the high 50s...my maple is glorious as it reaches to the heavens...deep red this year as opposed to the deep red orange I usually see. I wonder if it will go red orange yet. Has not lost too many leaves while many trees in the village are bare.

Jan, the picture is for you...our full moon this evening on my way home tonight from WW.


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It is still daylight here, Arlie and I just got back from our walk, but I will have to go out and look at the moon in 2-3 hours.

fae, Write yourself a note from Doug, writing down what you believe he would say to you right now...I believe he IS proud of you, you need to hear it from him, even if penned by you. I know George is proud of me, even if I haven't handled everything perfectly. I've handled some very difficult situations the last few years, and I know he'd be proud. I'd been planning on not pouring $ into such an old mobile home, but have rethought it...it is 36 years old, yes, it needs a new roof, paint job, flooring, and will need a new ramp in a year or two. The paint job can wait until I'm closer to selling it so it's fresh...underneath my peeling paint is stain, and I regret ever having painted it or I wouldn't be dealing with this now. The roof needs replaced if I want to preserve this place. I don't think it will last as long as I want to live here if I don't re-roof it. A roof is one of the most essential parts of a house. So I am prioritizing. My sister asked me last night how long I'd like to live here and I found myself answering until I'm about 70...who knows, if I'm in good health, perhaps longer, if not, less. It's hard to predict the future. But definitely I'd like Arlie, Kitty, and Miss Mocha to live out their lives here, they love it here and I feel they're safer here than anywhere else...on a quiet dead end street in the country, less chance of them getting struck by a car. Still haven't heard of anyone in Oregon actually successfully signing up for Obamacare, waiting until they fix the mess before I waste my efforts trying. Still have nearly two months left...

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Fae, there are so many things in this post that I want to address. First of all I want to know if you are recovering from that nasty cold. I cannot begin to imagine how much pain you have gone through these last years but I am so glad that you are here under our protection and love. One thing I know for sure is the pain we all endure is much easier to handle when we are among those who understand.

Memories will always flood our minds. Some will be good and some will be not so good. I tend to allow the not so good ones to come and go and hang on to those happy memories that feel my heart up. Some people find fault in my optimism but that is ok. Your Doug is always in your presence just as my Jim is with me.

You are an amazing person living as valiantly as you do.

One of the things I think all of us tend to do is to compare – we are who we are and each one of us brings something to this world of ours. It would be so easy for me to say that I wish I was as wonderful as my Jim was and in a way, I am as good as he was. We completed each other yet we were so separate.

I admire you as I do so many who are on this forum. I have encountered people here who show a resiliency that matches no one I know. One thing that I have learned over these years is that it is not selfish to put myself first – it is called courage.

I hope you have peaceful days. Know that I carry you close to my heart. Anne

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Dear Anne,

I am much recovered, and risked coffee today and also going into the forest to bring up three trailer loads of firewood for the upper level big Earth Stove, which is a cozy fireplace in the winter. The lower level wood stove is smaller, but more efficient, and has a lovely glass door to watch the flames dance, and not need to remove a screen, like the upper stove, in order to close the door.

Thank you for your kind words. Yes, the pain has been made bearable and also has been softened by the love and compassion I have found here. This is a remarkable sanctuary for our suffering hearts. I am so blessed and guided by angels to have found this healing place. I am doing my best to hold the happy times closer, and yet, sometimes, I still need to let the sorrow flow and cry. It is not lasting nearly as long.

Dear Kay,

I am going to go write a letter to me from Doug. That is a wonderful idea! And I can smile while I am writing it, because I know I "did good" today. :) Thank you for a super exercise for the heart. :wub:

I like your plans for your home. It makes sense. Good for you.

I go to write, and then to sleep. I am better, but very tired and need to get to sleep. I have much to do tomorrow as well.

I love you all so much, and am so very thankful for your presence here with me, around Marty's healing fire.



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Hi Jan!

I Jut saw that you are here!

Hello, storm watcher, bird feeder, and moth counter. I look forward to hearing the new reports from Spurn first person! I will read your posts tomorrow morning. Have a lovely day!


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Dear Mary,

What you have been through with the loss of your brothers and Shannon and the way you have been there for all of them is just amazing...not even that word says enough. You have been tender, kind, loving, present and have stretched yourself in every direction anyone could possibly stretch to meet all of their needs Now it is time for self compassion and self care. I know we all honor your trek on this painful path. I do know this group is made up of beautiful people and I hope you count yourself among them because you certainly are one of the beautiful people here as you are/were in the lives of Ziggy, Leo and Shannon. My heart goes out to you with these losses and all of them such young people. I hope to see you here often or however you wish to be here. We are all still here for you.

Peace to your heart,


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I hope that the October full moon brings good things to all of you. Greetings from a warm house in Kilnsea. I woke at 7.30 (late for me), made up the fire, let Kelbi out for a wee, turned the moth trap off, made a cafetiere of coffee and I'm now back in bed reading my friends' messages.

Fae, as usual I am 'boggled' by your activities and interests. I so admire you keeping so many things going. You are an inspiration to us, even though we can't even come near it.

I woke as usual to the huge massive hole that Pete‘s absence has left in my life, and read Kay's idea of writing a letter to me from Pete. I like this idea. I started my journal again yesterday because I thought it would help if I wrote down my daily activities. I always manage to achieve something (well almost always) and maybe it would encourage me. And if I could incorporate my idea of what my beloved Pete would say it would help me.

Thank you for that lovely full moon picture Mary. I shall light a candle tonight for me, Pete and us all and our beloved ones.

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Jan, just woke up and looked out and thought of you with the full moon...so took a pic with cell phone...going back to bed. Very cloudy night but that moon was shining. :)



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I wondered what the heck you were doing up when I saw you had posted at 12:11 am. Moon photos. Our full moon is tonight at 7:20 I think. I watched the moon last night, and this morning it is lost in the fog bank now, but I saw it at 6:05 when I got up. Moonlight was flooding the house. I think there is a partial eclipse tonight, but in the US only visible on the east coast.

This is going to be a quiet day for me. I have two client telephone conferences, and must go to town to get the new snow tires put on the Honda (my great CRV is a 2002, with 190K miles, by the way, and still runs like a top! It gets 23-25 MPG and is a 5-speed manual, with a few nice features but mostly, it is my enclosed truck so I can haul boxes of bisque to Bray firings, or canvases, or bird food, or hay, or whatever we needed. Doug used it more as a truck than I did. Since he left, I have scrubbed and cleaned it and really detailed it, so it looks pretty good. I gave my Accord to my older grandson when he started college. It had 265K on it then, and he drove it until 322K when it died, I think due to lack of oil. I am very fond of Hondas, but may get a Subaru next time, although I hope this vehicle will last another 100K for me. I save a little each month for a new vehicle and for any repairs, and so far, so good. I saw the discussions about Harry's new car shopping.) My other car is the old 1979 MGB, which I did not have the heart to drive this year. Just too many Doug memories. It is in storage. But the tractor is running just fine and I am going to keep hauling firewood as I can each day.

Kay, keep on nattering here as much as you can. You have a LOT of healing to do from that job and those people. I hope you are finding time to meditate and have some peace each day. You have such a wonderful heart and I know it is bruised by all the meanness of those scurrilous individuals. It was just plain toxic for you. I am glad you are able to eke by and take care of yourself. I like how you are thinking about the future and finding your own personal comfort zone with so many decisions.

Jan, I am so happy you are keeping a journal. I find myself writing about my feelings, fears, hopes, and more in my journal, many times those thoughts that I would probably not share anywhere else. It is a ritual that gives me time and a place to sit with myself, be introspective, and carry on an internal dialogue which helps me to be in touch with my own feelings and to have a sense of how I am doing emotionally each day. I also write about what I do, but usually only a sentence or two on work and wood, studio and house. Most of it is just sort of flowing consciousness, letting those things which need to surface come to the surface of awareness. I hope you find it both comforting and helpful. I'm glad to hear that the director had only an ear infection, and nothing worse.

Anne, I am so much better. I am having a cup of decaf, and will soon go to my home desk to work. I am working more from home (as is everyone) and we have no office meetings which I must attend until around the end of the month when it will be time to sign checks again. I brought home two bankers boxes of files yesterday to go through, and am going to probably hire a neighbor child to begin shredding files that are no longer active and have been vetted for archival stuff already. I may go through some of them one more time. How is the prospect of riding coming along? How is Benji? I hope no news on Benji is good news. Are you swimming now? I am slowly figuring out how to live these next three weeks without a range. Thank goodness it is cold enough to build fires, so I can cook on the wood stoves. I will poach eggs this morning in the rice cooker, though. :) We get so inventive, don't we?

Shannon's Mary, I want to second everything Bill's Mary said to you. You are one of us here, and I know we all admire your love and constancy, and hold you in our hearts through this very rough time.

Marty, thank you for this place. Please let us know if you need anything, to echo Harry's words.

Time to get ready for the day, which begins at my desk in about a half hour. I will have days off soon, though. But I am very thankful to have client work to pay for the roof, new range, and my general living costs. When I think of some of the living conditions I have seen on this planet, I know we can find better ways to share with and help each other, person-to-person, if only we will set aside a half hour a day to be a caring human sharing this planet with other humans. I will keep working on that concept... :) I am beginning work with a new client and we are shifting his construction company from single ownership to employee ownership, over the next ten years, doing it gradually so everyone will comprehend the considerations of running a business. It is going to be good for everyone. And he will leave a beautiful legacy for charitable work as well, from his share of the company. I love clients like this, who want to do good and are also practical and down to Earth.

So, on that positive note, I am off to the day. :)

Much Love and



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fae said: "I wondered what the heck you were doing up when I saw you had posted at 12:11 am. Moon photos."

I woke up at that time (2am here, I think) and remembered that I forgot to let Bentley out at 11pm before I went to bed...a first in 9 years. So I got up and went outside with him to a silent world where a full moon was skirting in and out of a cloudy sky. I thought of Bill, of course and all the times we would get up in the middle of the night to watch sky events. One time on a country road at 3am, the police pulled over seeing us parked on the side of the road. We were watching meteor showers way out in the hills. The cop puts his flashlight right in our eyes and was not too polite until we told him what we were doing. Then he told us about a certain hill where we could see better. So up that hill we went.

Anyway, I then went back to bed and slept to 7am.

I now have to get a shower and go pick up my Amish clockmaker. When he fixed the clock a couple of months ago, I noticed as we walked out the door that it was not running and figured I would start it when I got back. (I have to transport him as he only has a horse). I got home and it would not start...argh! So today, I go get him (a 30 minute drive through the hills) and hope he gets it going. He believes he knows what it is and that it is a 2 min. job and of course, he won't charge me. Then I have to take him home. Interesting conversations en route.

I can't seem to get past exhaustion so The Fall Art Tour (today through Sunday) may have to proceed without me. This is something Bill and i did every year and last year as I approached certain studios, I could remember helping him up steps etc. the final time we did it together. Very raw this week and that seems to continue....so I enter the rawness, sit inside of it, cry, smile, cry, smile as I remember so much. We shall see what this weekend brings...

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Dear Mary,

I love the memories you share of you and Bill. You two had such delight in life together, and I am happy to see you are easing back into things now, and taking time to respect your own need for solitude and quiet, rest and reflection as well. Your Amish clockmaker must be a gem to have the patience to repair clocks, and also the heart to come and check on and fix the clock for you. I hope you have an interesting drive.

Another lesson learned this morning, when a friend (?) called to tell me she that although she was hired to finish some rock gardens, she is not going to be able to do so (she has already been paid) so now I must hire someone else to finish the work, and she has no money to refund the balance. Things happen . . .

I am glad you are honoring you need to skip the Art Walk (art tour) this weekend. Doug and I used to go to the ones here, and I have not been able to face one yet. I, too, plan to have a quiet day tomorrow, maybe haul some more firewood, maybe do a bit of sanding and staining if I am feeling up to it. Mostly, I am minding this cold/flu and resting as I begin to feel tired each day.

Thank you for sharing the beautiful memories, even the cops. :)



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They are telling us that the moon is full tonight but the eclipse won't be seen as well on the west coast as the east because it will take place before it rises here. ??? I'll have to look and see anyway. I'm curious to see photos from those on the east coast.

Mary, how cool that you have an Amish clockmaker! Not many Amish around here, I think the nearest ones are probably in Monroe, up to two hours from here.

How funny that the cops stopped when you were looking at the meteor showers!

fae, I hope she didn't have a lot left to do. It's always harder for someone else to finish someone elses' vision.

It sounds like you are hauling your entire winter's wood! I have mine stored in a pole barn, and haul it by the wheelbarrow into a wood rack on my patio, as I need it. It holds enough to last about a week. Since I'll be here during the week this winter, I'll probably fill up the rack and fill up the wheelbarrow, refilling it as I use it, that way I'm always ready for a storm.

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I haul up as much as I can stack on the patio by the front door, and for the lower level, I stack it on the lower deck which is under the upper deck, so it stays pretty dry. Last year, I stacked so much wood on the entry deck that the deck collapsed under the weight of the wood and soaking rain and snow, so this year, since that side of the house is finished with the new stain, I am going to not stack wood on the pretty deck, but on the concrete patio at the bottom of the entry steps.

I'll do as much as I can before snow gets too deep. I try to bring up most of the winter's wood needs and stack it before heavy snows, because once it snows, it is a lot of work to haul wood up the hill to the house.

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Kay said: "Mary, how cool that you have an Amish clockmaker! Not many Amish around here, I think the nearest ones are probably in Monroe, up to two hours from here.

How funny that the cops stopped when you were looking at the meteor showers!"

Kay, I just dropped Jonas, my Amish clockmaker, off at his farm. All told two hours of driving (1 with him) through now peak autumn colors that decorate the hills. Reminded me of Bill's and my last road ride together...the clock sounds glorious as its chimes fill the house. Westminister, of course, reminding me of the time Bill and I spent in England.

The cop that stopped us probably did so because he wanted to see if all was well...we were parked sort of on the road but it was a country road at 3am. Once he saw what we were up to..he was great.

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Sunset, very nice.

And, here is our Hunter's Moon rising in the East, coming over the top of the ridge where there is a bare ponderosa standing. It is quite a ways off from my walk. Moonlight is streaming into my bedroom and the living room.

Last, The Moon showing between two of our ponderosa, with the smaller ponderosa with the fairy lights closer to the house. I love the moon through the pines. :)

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