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Somethings Going On.... But Don't Know What, Needs Some Prayers

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Hi my friends, after all the excitement and posting pictures of my new place, I have some sort of health issue happening.

The last few weeks I have had some sort of episodes where suddenly the blood goes from my head and I'm almost brought to my knees. Each time is not that severe but I can feel it coming, like my heart suddenly drops and then I have to sit down fast. I talked to my doctor and he sent out a heart halter monitor, I have it on and will wear 3 days (very annoying around my neck). Since Larry died my blood pressure stayed very high, we tried several meds. and I don't tolerate much. On a very mild one but it hasn't controlled the blood pressure. When I started having these spells, I went and I found my blood pressure monitor and to my surprise my blood pressure is down, not the best but down to around 140-145 over 80. Believe me thats alot lower, I was staying at 180/90 round the clock. I think that since the move I have to walk maggie (don't have a fenced in place yet) all the time, I have lost weight and the daily walks I think have helped to reduce it some. I don't know if its the blood pressure medicine dropping it too low, have no idea. Today is my second day with the monitor, one more to go and send it back for the results.

My hours have been cut on my online job, bad timing financially. And my Maggie is having some issues too. She needs to go to the vet, licking her private parts after urinating, at least that is what I think she is doing. I'll probably be like Mary and be chasing her down trying to get a sample too but right this second leaning over would not be good for me, seems to make things worse in my head.

Would love some positive thoughts sent my way, sad that this is happening now, was feeling like I was coming out of a very very dark time. Deborah

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I am so sorry to hear about your latest health issues. Know that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I don't want you to think that I am not sensitive to what is going on but I do want you to know that those here would never allow you to go through any of us alone. We are right with you. And please let us know results when you know.


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Oh, Deborah,

I am so sorry to hear about your BP and heart issues.

Since you have been doing so very well, perhaps this is simply a matter of getting healthier from the walking and the weight change, and needing your medication adjusted. You might want to have the air quality in your home checked, too. There are so many possibilities, and the heart monitor sounds like an early choice and a good one. I really think and hope that the case is simply that you do not need the BP medication any more. And do you know about beetroot juice? I know it is used in UK to treat patients' high BP. Nice and natural.

Which reminds me: Great Courses has The Science of Natural Healing exceptionally on sale right now, on line, and I just ordered the DVDs for myself.

You might want to have the air and water quality in your new home checked, too. Oh, I am sorry to hear about Maggie. If you are out chasing, please do not send pictures. LOL

I think things are going to be fine in a few days. I am glad they are checking the serious stuff first, though. Since you are wearing this monitor, I am sorry to need to say > hang in there. :)



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Dear Deb,

I am watching and praying as well, but I thought we could make light of this a bit until the results are back. I have had so many "false alarms" lately with various monitors and tests that I have learned to keep a pretty positive and sometimes amused attitude about things until I have absolute proof that there is something to worry about.

Otherwise, I'd be spending even more time than I already do worrying about something. Most things can be fixed, I have learned, and that worry is a downward spiral I find myself in all too often. As my grief is lifting, I am stronger in my mind and more able to control my thoughts to jump out of those fear cycles. I think that as much as I can stay positive, the better I can stay healthy. It is hard to change my habits after these many years of constantly being worried about something while Doug was losing to the cancer and then all the aftermath.

Deb, I am holding you in my heart, and will hold you and Maggie in prayer. I truly think it will be nothing that cannot be easily fixed. I don't know why exactly I feel that way, but I do.



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I'm sorry you're going through more stuff, yet again! Could Maggie have a bladder infection? I have no idea what could cause your medical situation, please keep us posted what the doctor says. I'm so sorry your work is lessening, I hope you can find something else to take up the slack. I don't suppose you can get unemployment for the loss? I wasn't able to when I got laid off, their rules are particular, but it never hurts to check into. Also, does your state give food stamps? I don't qualify for that either...if I made less and didn't have a house payment I would, but they don't look at disposable income like they used to, they look at gross income. Disposable income is in the negative for me! :) I know you've been enjoying working at home. How're your eBay sales? Mine slowed down to a screeching halt a month ago, am hoping it picks back up again.

Do keep us posted, I care about you!

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Hi Kay and everyone who has responded, thanks so much,

still wearing the monitor, I believe until tomorrow, it will alert me when I can take it off. I think with the job (Abercrombie customer service) it will increase again towards the holidays, I think their sales are down this summer, may be wrong but it appears that way. I've replied to another job online but haven't heard anything yet. Maybe all this is, is stress, but I've been under alot of stress for a lonnnnnng time, lol. I will get a sample of Maggie's urine to the vet. I think her issue is yeast and maybe an allergy issue. The vet changes their mind every time she's there. For a long time, it was the anal glands and was going all the time to have them done. Now they say they are fine. You know with pets, you hate to see them feel bad. Her only symptom is licking that area but alittle hard to distinguish exactly where, too much info I know, sorry.

eBay has been very slow, where normally when I post, my painted items are sold. I have some pretty things on, just waiting. Thats interesting that yours is slow too, maybe the economy I don't know. Trying to keep enjoying my place and not get too upset with all of this. Hoping the heart stuff is just a glitch, wishful thinking. Deborah

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Deborah, could it be hypoglycemia?

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ya know Kay, I have hypoglycemia but it doesn't feel like that at all. Larry's mom just stopped by and when I got up to walk out with her, the lightheadness started. Its so strange. I thought originally it was the anxiety and panic stuff but I'm not panicky at all when it happens. Will be glad when I can take this off, the cords are bugging my neck, I'm not a good patient. Don't know how Larry coped with all he went through.Thanks Kay, if I google it, not good, lol, can't read all of that stuff. Deb

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