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Hello Debi, I am glad you are back to the forum. With regards to the documentary, I don't know what to say, or better, I don't know what to believe. I am sure there is an afterlife, but with regards to the power of mediums I am still skeptical. I am St Thomas type, see it to believe it. I have contacted one through email but I havent made a choice to make an appointment. 

On a different note, the music from the video was very beautiful...

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Good to be back and to hear from you! Yes the music is beautiful. I know what you mean about mediums although I have heard of some people having incredible 'readings' I do like the science part on this video though (and some of the imagery is amazing). I think many secrets lay in Quantum physics and the idea that everything is connected. It goes back to the theory that energy cannot be created or destroyed. I know there is what is commonly called an 'Afterlife' I have had too many moments of the unexplained and I am quite a healthy sceptic about most things. Maybe we aren't 'meant' to know all as humans on earth. xx

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I have read about quantum physics too, and a lot about astronomy. 

I have been experiencing strange things, but I am not sure if a medium can validate those experiences. I have read about readings but never heard about them personally. I am so confused about all of this subject. My dreams have changed and my boyfriend does not show up. I am dreaming more about my feelings. Some days I am so tired about the spiritual side of grief. 

Are you still going to counseling? Does it help you? 

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It's a fascinating subject isn't it? I have asked my son Max to buy me 'Quantum Physics for Dummies' for Xmas...with an emphasis on the Dummy part!

If you have been experiencing things that YOU know are not usual then pay attention. You don't need a medium to validate those for you, I think you just know. Do you mean physical things happening or images/dreams?

A good medium should be able to name names, with no prior knowledge and talk about some little detail that only the 2 of you knew about. A couple of my friends have had readings like this. I went to a medium last year 3 months after my mom passed and there were one or two things he simply couldn't have known and he did validate for me that she died from an asthma attack - which I suspected and that no one else believed. Even the coroner's report said it was a heart attack. 

You know Scba I think your dreaming about your feelings is what you need right now. Of course you would love your wonderful partner to be present all the time when you sleep but sometimes we are trying to make sense of our feelings and we have to work through them.

Good question about counselling....It is difficult  to say, because I am not sure I can 'let go' when I'm there. I have only had 3 sessions so far but I find it difficult to release my emotions, it's probably the Brit in me! My counsellor does have strong beliefs in the Afterlife and although not appropriate for some I find that comforting. 

I totally understand when you say you are tired about the spiritual side of grief. it is exhausting. I spend so much time trying to work out where he is and how I can reach him. I am reading every book pretty much ever written I think and Amazon's profits are soaring. I can't seem to give up. Partly this is my grief but I also HAVE to find a scenario in my spiritual/scientific soul that makes sense. Actually I am not sure that anything makes sense anymore if I'm honest! xx


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i need to watch this when i get off work today.

I had a small panic attack this morning when i started wondering if all my beliefs in the afterlife was just me reaching for comfort and not real.

I do have an appointment with a medium in February. A few things about my appointment that i like: 

  1. it's a phone reading. So she has no idea what I look like and cannot pick up on any visual clues.
  2. as of right now, she and her office has not asked for any information about me except my name and phone number. if they ask anything prior to the appointment it will be hard to believe much after that. she has no idea how old I am, or any other personal details. 
  3. She specifically states she does not want anything other than yes or no answers throughout the reading. 

I believe if everything above remains the same, the chances of a "cold" reading is very very small...almost impossible. I will also know right away if Michael comes through. They say you hold on to your personality- and Michael had a HUGE unique personality. It would be very hard for even someone who knew him to pass off information as Michael to me. I knew him in ways no one else did. 

it may end up being a big waste of money, and if so- lesson learned. but if there is even the slightest chance Michael can come through, I need to try....


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I  did provide my full name. 

my facebook privacy settings are pretty tight. closed off to those on friends list only- and even then, i have not posted anything regarding Michael on facebook. 

Since we were divorced, my last name has changed and is no longer his- it would be hard for them to find any information linking me to him ;) 

haha please be paranoid, i've tried to search my brain for things that might make it easy for them to cold read...but you may think of something i have missed

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If you have been experiencing things that YOU know are not usual then pay attention. You don't need a medium to validate those for you, I think you just know. Do you mean physical things happening o


I totalut the spiritual side of grief. it is exhausting. I spend so much time trying to work out where he is and how I can reach him. I am reading every book pretty much ever written I think and Amazon's profits are soaring. I can't seem to give up. Partly this is my grief but I also HAVE to find a scenario in my spiritual/scientific soul that makes sense. Actually I am not sure that anything makes sense anymore if I'm honest! xx


well, actually it is more about coincidence, or sincronic events. This will sound stupid but I am pretty sure that my bf shows up as a specific bird type. Here, I am writing this and I can hear this bird singing. This type of bird has showed up many times in front of me out of nowhere. I can hear them singing when I walk. This morning I took courage to open our skype chat archives, and there it was, the bird singing. Am I crazy? Is is magical thinking? He is still singing. 

Tonight I had a dream with him but I cannot remember anything, he seemed to be ok and he seemed glad to be with me. I remember the feeling but not what has happened. I trust my dreams and my SIL dreams, in her dreams he speak to her quite clearly about many subjects. She has a gift. 

I spent a lot of time too reading about the afterlife, more focused on religion and philosophy, i invested a lot of effort to understand, and you know what? I ended up with not being sure about anything, and feeling more frustrated. My boyfriend must be thinking "what are you doing? What are you looking for? I am here in front of you".

I am no expert, but if you feel like you cannot express yourself at counselling, change for another one or leave it. Maybe you are not ready, or it is not the therapist for you, or you can express your grief in a different way. 

Harleyquinn, I think you have taken good "measures" for your reading! And I liked your tatoo. 

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 My boyfriend must be thinking "what are you doing? What are you looking for? I am here in front of you".


This. I feel like Michael must get so frustrated on the other side if he is around me. wondering wth I am searching for. but since i haven't really been able to feel him, i'm searching for him. until i can feel him, or get validated in some other way that he is around me i will continue to search for him 


 This will sound stupid but I am pretty sure that my bf shows up as a specific bird type. Here, I am writing this and I can hear this bird singing. This type of bird has showed up many times in front of me out of nowhere. I can hear them singing when I walk. This morning I took courage to open our skype chat archives, and there it was, the bird singing. Am I crazy? Is is magical thinking? He is still singing. 

I don't think it's stupid at all.

this is one excerpt, but i have read similar things countless times 

Showing Up As an Insect or Animal.

Your loved one in Heaven is now pure energy… They are able to channel their energy into an insect or animal, for a brief period of time to bring you a sign that their spirit lives on.
They may appear to you in this way as a butterfly, dove, rabbit, dragonfly, or any other number of insects or animals… When this happens, the animal or insect will usually do something that is out of character that catches your attention. They may land on your hand, come into your home, or appear closely, right in front of you as if they are communicating.
This is a common type of communication from spirit. If something like this happens to you, trust that your loved one is with you, and letting you know that they are okay, and that you are not alone.



Harleyquinn, I think you have taken good "measures" for your reading! 

thank you. as much as I want to have validation that Michael is around me- I want it to be real. so i am trying to go in open, but with a healthy level of skepticism 


 And I liked your tatoo

I almost didn't share my tattoo, because I know a lot of people will say... "you will regret that later"  or "you won't like it when you are 80 yrs old"  haha 

when I first started getting tattoos years ago (i was 19 when i got my first one) my one rule was- no names. I would not mark my body with names- so many people regret it after they break up. Michael however, will always be the love of my life. When i met him my entire world changed. We were together for such a short period of time and I know logically our marriage didn't last like everyone else on this board but our love lasted past our divorce. Divorce is just papers with signatures filed with the court. to Michael, i was always his wife regardless. 

I also like that it doesn't look like a memorial tattoo. the meaning is very personal to me- and when asked I won't tell most people it is for Michael because they will press for more information that is not something I want to provide to them. Maybe eventually i'll be more open to talking but for right now- other than the words I type on these boards- it's still too much emotionally for me to talk about Michael. This tattoo is for me. to comfort me when I look at it. So for everyone who asks what the MM inside the heart stands for- I simply say Mickey Mouse haha which blends into all my other Disney tattoos and the questions stop. 



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I am reading a book right now that you may find helpful, Harleyquinn, by Alexandra Kennedy entitled Your Loved One Lives On Within You. The author offers many ways you can use your imagination to re-create and maintain an inner relationship with the person who has died.  

From Amazon's description:

Your Loved One Lives On Within You will show you how your untapped imagination can lead to a new beginning with the person you considered lost to you forever. By re-creating an inner relationship with the person who has died, you can experience powerful opportunities for healing, resolution, and even guidance. Keeping your loved one alive in your heart - and in your mind - will enable you to make peace with the past and move freely into the future.

The book was published in 1997, so it isn't widely available, but you could check with your local library to see if they could find a copy for you. (I bought a used, "like new" copy through Amazon's "See All Buying Options" feature.) 

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Thank you Marty! I will check it out.....

Whenever I hear, "use your imagination to keep them alive"...to me it feels like, make-believe haha I know that is not how it is intended in these books i just wish it was worded a bit differently so it doesn't feel so much like they are saying, believe in fairytales....  maybe that is just something that is coming from inside of me..... i tend to be a bit sensitive these days to things that would have never previously bothered me

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A couple of days ago I was walking Arlie when a dragonfly appeared right in front of me...almost close enough to touch.  Perhaps this was George reminding me he is here with me.  I thought of George/IPraiseHim's story about a dragonfly landing on her hand...what a rarity!

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Maybe I don't interpret "the imagination" thing so well......What I do know that keeps or resurrects memories is physical locations......Vacation spots, special areas, something as small as a highway truck stops , favourite campsites, I know every washroom stop on the TransCanada Highway, and the Ferry systems........When I travel now, it is all memories of Angela....I don't Imagine, it is Total ReCall....back to the RV plan

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Dear Scba I have no doubt you are getting a sign. You are not going crazy. Anything that seems out of the ordinary or recurring has to be taken seriously in my opinion. Birds are big!  My husband had this one wood pigeon he fed after she had been attacked by a cat. He used to call it his pet. She always came alone to feed, early morning and around 6pm. He always made sure there was food for her. After he died it was like the garden died, immediately. No birds and many of the plants turned brown. Never saw his pet again, that it until last week. I was feeling particularly emotional at the office  so I stepped outside for some fresh air and this identical bird (I cannot of course say for sure it was the same one) landed in front of me. Now the office is on a main road and we don't see many birds really. Well this one flew onto an electricity box in the street so close I could have touched her and just stood there staring at me. It went on for 5 minutes, even people in the street were looking. One week after my mom passed a red butterfly landed between my friend and I in mom's garden It stayed for an hour. On the day we were leaving her house after the funeral ( 4 days later), it landed on the window screen of the car. Even mom's very down to earth neighbour said 'that's your mom' So you see Scba these signs we see are not imaginary and they are in their own small way extraordinary I think. If we are right, it must be so frustrating for them to think 'I am doing all this and still they have doubts' !!!

Like you I can't remember my dreams but I know he has appeared in them. Your SIL has a real gift. Maybe you could ask her to ask him some specific questions? 

Kay ditto with the dragonfly. These things never happened to me before, has that ever happened to you? 

Kevin, I keep having flashes of every service station we stopped at in UK. I am with you there. Small moments but so vivid.

Thanks for the link as always Marty x

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Debi, that is really cool about the pigeon.  It seems uncanny...too much for coincidence.


I've always loved dragonflies, George knew that.  I'm a crafter and some of my favorite stamps/dies are of dragonflies.  Prior to George's death, I'd never been that close to one, but since then there have been a few such encounters.


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After Deedo's mom passed we had mallards come and walk in our front yard. Only time in nearly thirty years. Named the garden Edie's garden and now a duck statue adorns the spot. 

Deedo told me to look for signs but haven't seen any yet. 

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I think sometimes it's hard for us to recognize signs because we aren't sure if it's just something coincidental or significant.  I wonder how many signs we've missed?

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I often think that KayC, more often than I care to admit. I am sure I missed a lot when dad passed and my grandmother too. it was only when mom passed did they become so obvious to my husband and I and Max, that they couldn't be ignored. My husband (pigeon aside) is being a bit too subtle for my liking:)

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