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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. Thanks for easing my fears somewhat, Marty. I have only a C section and a hysterectomy in my surgery experience. Never any severe injuries or broken bones in my rowdy days. Was your surgery Lasik or regular cataract surgery? Yeah Gwen, the idea of a knife coming at your eye is not a happy thought. This surgeon has actually sliced strange cysts on my eyes in the office twice before. First time was scary...Second was okay because I knew what to expect, so I trust him.
  2. Eyes still dilated from ophthalmologist visit, so writing blind here.....Not good news. I have very bad cataracts on both eyes which is contributing to the side double vision. Straight ahead double vision is almost gone as long as BP is more normal. He gave me a script for distance glasses which may or may not help a little, but the bottom line is surgery to correct it. Because mine are severe, Medicare will pay. They don't do laser surgery. He said surgery could wait a few months if I decide to have it. Wondering if anyone here has experience with this?
  3. This started about 10 days ago while I was watching TV. Didn't associate with BP until I went to Wal-Mart to pick up med. the next day. It was scary driving. Took my BP when I got home and it was over 200. After med changes and additions and lower BP, no more straight ahead double vision, but still there looking to the left. I've needed distance glasses for years, but could see well enough to drive, just can't read small signs. Never had double vision before. My appt. is Thurs. Marg, the Valsartan that the doc switched me to also has cough as a side effect. Duh!! I'm pretty sure mine is caused by smoking, sinus, and Aspergillus, but I'll play his silly game.
  4. Knock on wood, I seem to to be finally holding my own with the BP. Last reading was 157/83. Still can't kick the headache or the side double vision. The headache is like a pressure across my eyes. This poor vision is really scary. I hope the ophthalmologist can figure it out, since reading and television are my mainstay. Gwen, sorry to hear about your Saturday meals. I'm glad you'll still be able to go on Sunday. Anywhere else nearby you might try for other days?
  5. Mother's Day is bittersweet for me. I was barely 17 when Debbie was born and ill prepared for motherhood. I loved her very much and her dad and I raised her to the best of our young ability. She was an easy child to raise(the polar opposite to my son). We divorced when she was 8 and I met and married Ron 7 months later. He adored her. As the years progressed and our marriage became more stressful, it had a profound effect on her. When she was 15, she decided to live with her dad in Kentucky. I knew she left because of the way he treated me. I never told him that because I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I will always carry the guilt for choosing him over her. Right before she died, she apologized to me for leaving. I told her she had nothing to apologize for. We kept in touch by phone and visited when we could over the next 35 years. I was there when her children were born, for her last wedding, and when she died. Yet, I missed out on so much of her life. I can't help but wonder how our lives would have been had I made a different choice. I was 31 when Robert was born. He was a fireball from day one. If there was trouble, he'd find it. I visited a lot of police stations in his youth. Stupid stuff, like "borrowing" the high school golf cart for a midnight joy ride. Somehow he and I survived it all. Highly intelligent, he finally "grew up" at about 25. I love him dearly.
  6. My mother died in 2006 at the age of 96. She spent the last 6 years of her life in a living hell unable to read or write or communicate beyond a word or two due to a stroke in 2000. She had been a private secretary to corporate VPs and a U.S. congressman during her long career. She worked until she was 86. She was very smart and all that intelligence ended up being locked inside. Her funeral was attended by the governor and many so called "friends" who failed to visit her even once in her care home. It would have meant so much to her if they had. I can't forgive their ignorance. She was a wonderful mother and my best friend and I will always miss her. She was always there for me.
  7. Thanks for that, Gwen. I think sometimes I write things just to be heard, as you say. Although the guys are here, we don't really talk much. Aging never bothered me much until various parts started failing. I really feel like I'm wearing out and that scares me, probably something that only us older folk can understand. I'm not ready to give up the ghost yet.
  8. Thanks for the suggestion, Kay. Don't know why I even wrote out all my troubles above. It's all just part of life stuff. At least I have someone here to help with things, pick up food and meds, and drive me places. I know so many of you don't have that. I would be lost without my son and grandson.
  9. I guess May will be my month for problems. Saw doc again today for BP which is still too high. He doubled the dosage on one of the new meds and added a fourth quick acting one to be used only if all the others fail. I've quit driving until the eye problems are solved. Can't look to the left without seeing double or triple. Have an appt. with opthamologist next Thurs. And another appt. with regular doc on Wed. Plumber coming out on Tues. to clean out washer drain(a once a year thing now, it seems). Knock on wood, I should hear from protection team at Sears regarding a new dishwasher as parts for mine still not available. Last but not least, I have a damn toothache. Like you Gwen, I never say "What's next?". Hope you are able to still get meals at the church and socialize a bit. There are lots of changes around here also. All kinds of new apartments or condos being built. Read somewhere that there is a shortage of homes in Phoenix metro area. I get 3 or 4 calls a day and constant mail from house flippers or realtors wanting to buy this old beat up house. Would love to sell and move to the mountains, but not a good time and probably not affordable for what we need.
  10. Glad you haven't had any problems, James. I really think the cough is from smoking and sinus problems, but I'll try the new med.
  11. I found this a little disconcerting. I've been with my doctor about 9 yrs, the whole time taking Atenolol and Lisinopril/HCTZ. I cough a lot and always chalked it up to being a smoker. Doctor told me yesterday that Lisinopril causes a cough, thus he's changing it to Valsartan. I'm wondering why he never bothered to change it before as he knew about the cough. Without this current problem I'm having, I would never have known. Will see if the Valsartan makes a difference in the cough.
  12. I made it to the doctor and home again with side trip to the pharmacy. Wasn't easy but I managed. My BP was 220/90 at the doctor's. He gave me a pill to lower it quickly and checked it every 10 minutes until it got down to 160/70. He changed one of my pills to a different med and added a third BP med.Wal-Mart had to order one med so will get that tomorrow. I have another doc appt. on Fri. Will try to take it easy for a couple of days.
  13. Gin, just thinking of you and wondering how your son is doing. Did the surgery turn out alright? Please let us know.
  14. The doctor should have ok'd the BP med even if the other script I requested required a visit. It was Wed. when I found out about the denial, Thurs. when I could call the doctor about it and Sat. when I picked up the med. By then I had missed a weeks worth. Didn't really think it would make this much difference, but apparently it does unless something else is going on. Have been on the phone several times with the on call. He called in an extra med to a nearby Walgreens that is open 24 hours as Wal-Mart pharmacy is closed. My son just picked it up and I took one. Have to check my BP and call doc in an hour. He said he's going to stay with me on this until the BP goes down. It's still above 200. Just a little scary. Kind of funny, but the on call is the new doc in the office that I saw once and didn't care for. He is being especially nice and attentive about this mess. Not sure if my doc would do the same.
  15. Thank you for your concern and advice, Marty. I've been checking my BP every hour or so and it's been climbing. When it got to 226/96, I put in a call to my doctor. The on call told me to take my evening med and call him back in 45 min. So that's where I am right now. Sure don't need to have a stroke!
  16. Gwen, I love the Subaru dog commercials! Puts a smile on my face. Nash, I wish I had a list of "magic" survival tips. Somehow you just fight your way through the dark days until you see the sunshine. I didn't have much breathing room grief wise after Ron's death when I was slammed again by my daughter's death. That one almost hit me harder. Two days before she died during a coherent moment, she looked at me and said "I just love life". I'll never forget that and I guess I try to honor it by pushing forward. The life I knew is never coming back so I try to make the best of the one I have now. I wish peace for you in your heart.
  17. I wondered if you ended up in ER as I didn't see a post from you last night. Were they able to help or give you something for the pain? I am fighting my BP right now. I went a week without one medication waiting for a refill not realizing I needed a doctor appt. Wal-Mart evidently doesn't notify you of that anymore. Friday night watching TV, I started having double vision. Just thought my eyes were tired as I watch so much TV and read constantly. Never even crossed my mind it might be my BP, although I had a headache. Saturday, I drove to Wal-Mart to get my meds and it was really scary. It got worse walking around in the store. Driving home, I was seeing double and triple, but I made it home. It finally sank in to check my BP. Systolic was almost 200 and it's pretty much stayed there since even with the meds. The double vision watching TV is gone at least. Hope it's gone for driving on Tues. to the doctor. Just another day in Paradise.
  18. Nash, probably not your generation either, but try some Carol Burnett show. Tim Conway and Harvey Korman usually had me in tears(the good ones). May 5 is my D-day of 8 years. It will always be, but gets easier as the years pass.
  19. Gin, I'm so sorry to hear your bad news. I know it is doubly hard because he is so far away from you. Please keep us posted. Sending hugs and good vibes to you both.
  20. Just watched the Oscars for a while. I mostly just like to get a good laugh checking out the latest "fashion". Same old stuff, but got a kick out of the blaring white tennis shoes on the Korean director. Guess there's some kind of statement there or maybe she's just smart and prefers comfort. I haven't seen any of the movies, but would like to see Nomadland. Reminded me of the RV woman that Marg has mentioned. Only recognized a few of the actors. The rest are unknown to me. I was sad to see that Glenn Close did not win(for the umpteenth time). Just another exciting night at my place.
  21. I never got the "within 24 hours" callback regarding the replacement part I requested. I didn't really expect to get a call. Usually it's just a tactic to placate the customer, same as the so called "escalation". I did however, get an email stating that the first part requested is on backorder. I agree that a new dishwasher would be a whole lot simpler and maybe more cost effective. As the years progress with this maintainence agreement, it becomes more of a hassle to get a replacement product. Taking into account inflation, the replacement product must be equal to the original. I started with a $400 dishwasher 28 years ago. 16 years later it became an $800 dishwasher. It will probably be $1000 dishwasher today if they replace it. I'd just like to have a working dishwasher.
  22. Here's an update on my dishwasher repair. As we all know, nothing is ever simple. It took the repairman forever to find the correct breaker for the dishwasher power. Not his fault. Since my kitchen was remodeled some 30 years ago, the outlets on one wall work off 3 different breakers. He determined the thermostat had gone bad(a known problem with this model), so he ordered a new one. BUT(there's always a but), while removing the door panel, he broke off one of the screw holders for the panel. He wasn't concerned. I thought about it later and realized without the screw in place that water will get in the housing compartment of the computer board, wiring, and electronics. The screw holder is molded into the housing compartment. I think the compartment will need replaced. So I called this morning to request that part be ordered also. Not sure if all the electronics can be transferred to a new compartment. Will have to wait and see what happens.
  23. Here is my gripe for the day, for always really. It happens way too frequently. A mother dropped off two of her children at school, came home, put the car in the garage and went in the house. Four plus hours later, another child at home asked "WHERE'S THE BABY"? She had left her four month old in the car. How can you forget a baby for over four hours. It was probably 125 inside the vehicle. The baby is in critical condition. Someone will invariably leave their kids in the car at the mall or the grocery store while they shop for " a few minutes". Yesterday it was a caregiver who left a mentally handicapped, non verbal, autistic adult. Fortunately a good Samaritan called the police. The adult in the car with the four year old mentality could not understand directions to unlock the door, so windows were broken out and person rescued. This happens so often here. In the summer, it's around 200 inside a closed vehicle. What are these people using for brains? Just makes me angry!!
  24. Joyce, so sorry all this stuff has hit you, especially all at once. Glad your toe is healing. What a weird thing to happen! Hope all goes well with each of the surgeries. Take care.
  25. Guess it's my turn for dishwasher problems. Loaded it, put in soap, and it wouldn't start. Dead in the water. Have an appt. Tuesday with our favorite place, Sears. Unloaded everything and washed it all by hand. Inconvenient to say the least. lol
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