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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by KarenK

  1. A sad "blast from the past" for me yesterday. The 2 son's of my original next door neighbors(from 50 years ago) dropped by to tell me that their mom had passed away. Their dad had passed a few years ago. The sons grew up with my daughter. Such a nice family. She was my son's first sitter when I returned to work. He was a minister as well as a computer genius and financial wizard. Sadly for us, but great for them, he was offered a job at a large brokerage firm in Ca so they moved away. They dropped by whenever they were visiting nearby relatives. They eventually retired to a nearby town. She and her sister visited me after Ron left and the oldest son called me after Debbie left. Just very caring people. I'm sorry that she is gone. RIP, Pat.
  2. Kevin and Judi, As our old friend Spock says "Live long and prosper".
  3. I don't notice many children in this old neighborhood. I've been here forever and that "boom" happened when Debbie was little. She would be 56 now. There were less when Robert was growing up. He is 42. In fact, the only ones I hear are my neighbor's children playing with their visiting friends which there are a ton of. Fifteen cars worth weekend before last. Actually it's not the noise of children having fun that bothers me, it's my 2 large loud dogs barking at every sound. There are at least 4 loud dogs in near proximity and when one barks, they all follow. I spend a lot of time shushing them, like that works. lol Lost my desire to hear Xmas music a long time ago. Very little to celebrate now. My son mentioned getting a real tree this year. He may change his mind when he sees how expensive they are. I certainly have the decorations. We all want to recreate what once was. It can't be done.
  4. I fixed the "pop in the oven frozen" turkey breast that we decided to try. Could have saved the $11 and the small effort and "popped" it in the garbage as that's what it tasted like. The dogs will enjoy the leftovers. Ron always fixed such delicious Thanksgiving dinners. He liked doing it. I like cutting corners, but this was ridiculous. I'm sure he's looking down shaking his head. Back to the real thing next year. Free previews of premium channels for 5 days so I'm watching several of the newer movies. So far, "The Invisible Man", "Joker", and "Richard Jewell" have been good. Sadly, the highlight of my so called "thanksgiving".
  5. Oh Gin, what lousy timing life has 😒 I hope you are able to enjoy your meal. Thinking of you.
  6. Gwen, wishing you a big piece of chocolate pie or πŸŽ‚ and the peace to enjoy it.
  7. I'm with you Gwen on teaching Marley how to close the door and open it. I can't leave it open for her when she's out because Tatum can't use the backyard because of the Chow next door. It's complicated but she's not allowed to try and run the fence since the last knee surgery. Because of her age and arthritis, her knee will never allow her to be the rambunctious dog she once was. There's nothing more that can be done. Robert or David have to take her out in the front yard on a leash. She doesn't understand all this of course, but it takes almost nothing for her to start limping and in pain. I feel so bad for her. My dishwasher is kind of right up there with the microwave, although I certainly remember having neither and I survived. lol Now every time I see that commercial for sturdy paper plates where the guy dumps spaghetti in the girl's lap, I'll think of you guys. Don't use them for spaghetti😁
  8. Not a thing wrong with rambling. I only wish I had a magic wand to turn back time......wonder if Santa would bring me one. Don't need a single other thing. Glad you got out and to the center for dinner. Don't know if we have those here except the city one that my BIL frequents. Just as soon not run into him although it might be nice to talk with people. Who am I kidding? I probably wouldn't go anyway. I kind of shy away from strangers now. Not because of COVID. I seem to have lost a lot of the self confidence I always had. My son went with me to the grocery so we could stop at Petsmart for a big bag of dog food which I definitely can't lift. Just don't want to mess with a turkey this year, so was going to get a pork roast but he preferred turkey so settled for a turkey breast that you pop in the oven still frozen. Sounds weird to me. Also got canned yams instead of fresh for the first time. Have just gotten to the point where I prefer convenience. I have never been the matriarch depicted in the kitchen creating homemade wonders. My neighbors are a nice Mexican family with a huge extended family and friends. Evidently they don't follow "social distancing". The past couple of days there have been at least 15 vehicles parked up and down the street, different families going in and out and constant construction noises in the back yard. Wish I had a periscope to be nosy and look over the block fence. Doesn't really bother me...I'm live and let live, but all those strangers are driving the dogs crazy. lol Went to bed at 9pm and slept until 1am so here it is closing on 5am and I'm wide awake. My world is so upside down.
  9. For one thing, we all know that grief ages us and certainly exacerbates any physical or mental difficulties we may already have. That may be one reason this has hit you at a younger age. Why no more volunteering once you are completely healed and this crazy pandemic is over? Heaven forbid it never ends and we have to learn to live with it in different manners. I would think there would always be a need for volunteers. Why can't your doctor classify your case as essential surgery considering the amount of pain you're in and the possibility that waiting could make it worse. They wouldn't make someone with broken bones "wait". Sorry, the way you're being treated just makes me 😠angry. Maybe I need to come up there and kick butt. At least one person is listening to you finally!
  10. Marg, the only casserole the guys will eat is a Hamburger Corn Casserole, recipe courtesy of my 60 year old Better Homes and Garden cookbook. I fix it sometimes. Tell Brianna that she travels in good company. "Tater" is what we call our big, sweet very intelligent dog Tatum.
  11. Ron was a great cook and he enjoyed it. He liked to bake also. His mama taught him well. Before the guys moved in, I ate a lot of Stouffers and take out or used the crock pot and froze single portions. I cook almost every night for the three of us, just basic meat, potatoes, spaghetti kind of stuff. I like broccoli, brussel sprouts, etc....they don't, so I fix them for myself. I found a recipe for pasta fagoli soup(like Olive Garden). It required a ton of ingredients I didn't have so I got everything and made a big pot. I was the only one who ate any. They don't eat pie. I love pie. Two things we agree on...muffins and donuts😁 I don't have to cook those, just eat themπŸ˜‹
  12. I see the reluctance to acknowledge another's presence or speak when I'm in the grocery store, mostly from people that are older. It's like they're scared that a germ might float over in conversation even behind a mask. Conversations are usually with the young adults who are asking an opinion about a product. Little do they know I'm probably the last person to ask that of as cooking is not my forte. lol Most of the cashiers are friendly though. Took Marley to the vet today. $375 for visit, bloodwork, and meds. A lot more than I was expecting and precisely why I don't have more dogs. Just too expensive!!!
  13. I can sure identify with noticing that things are gone. For financial reasons, I sold so many of our collectibles, the most noticeable being his huge gun safe. My china cabinet sits there now holding what remains of my Madame Alexander dolls. The display cabinet that was their home is gone. Two thirds of my Hopi kachinas are gone. My beautiful delicate Chinese figurines......I know they were just "things", but they were OUR things and it hurt as each item went to a new owner. Each item took another piece of our life out of this old house. Of course, everything about this old house has changed with the guys living here. The dynamics, the atmosphere......I just go with the flow. Life is too short not to.
  14. Loved Eastwood's Gran Torino and Million Dollar Baby. Was absolutely in love with James Drury(The Virginian), who died earlier this year, Marg. Oh, and Eastwood has 8 children by various women. A bit of "who cares" trivia...Anthony Quinn has 12. When did these guys have time to learn their lines? Don't answer that. lol On a bit of a somber note....today is my 48th anniversary, the last 8 spent alone. Longest damn hunting trip he's ever been gone on......
  15. Very pretty, Kevin. Now, I'm jealous of your lights and your snow! lol
  16. I'm not on Facebook either, Kieron. I'd probably say something stupid and I do that enough already on here😁 Although, it would be nice to see how my Kentucky grandkids are doing..... Gosh Gwen, I'm right there with your mom. Charlton Heston was the one for me. I think I've moved on to Jason Statham and Gerard Butler(young enough to be my sons). lol No harm in wanting to turn back the clock, is there?
  17. Okay, I watched the premiere of "Big Sky". Part of it was okay....Part of it was an insult to C.J. Box, IMHO. No comparison to "Yellowstone", which I love. Of course, who can compete with Kevin Costner? Critique complete.
  18. I'm not afraid to go out, but sometimes it seems like such a bother. Probably because I'm not going out to do something fun and doing it alone, to boot. I used to enjoy going to the library, but have stopped getting dvds since Covid and use the Kindle for reading books. That leaves grocery shopping and med visits. Oh, joy πŸ˜‚. Another run on TP and paper products, I guess. Grocery store was completely out today with signs limiting purchase. Still haven't figured out why. I saw a small mention of "shortage" a couple of days ago(didn't bother reading it). Just like the media to start another panic. It's back to the dentist time. Broke off another tooth about ten days ago. Doesn't hurt so I'm holding off until Marley's vet visit and my dermatologist are done. Three fun trips to look forward to. lol So sorry that no one is helping you with the horrendous pain issue. I know absolutely nothing about it, but have you considered acupunture. It apparently works for some.
  19. Heads Up to Marg(and other C.J. Box fans), New series on ABC starting tomorrow. "Big Sky" based on Box's "The Highway". Think I'll check it out.
  20. I know that low Potassium can cause muscle cramps. Too much Potassium can stop your heart. Learned that from living with a heart patient. I stopped a nurse from giving Ron a whole bag of it one time without doctor's order. Doctor was furious. It would have killed him. People used to take quinine for muscle cramps until too many risk factors were discovered. I get cramps in my feet, toes, and ankles a lot. Usually just walk them out. You might try eating bananas or avocados. Not a big fan of bananas, but I like avocados.
  21. Gwen, I sure hope you are able to do the stockings. As for a 6 hour shift of volunteering, I'm not sure I could do that and I don't even have a bad back, just no stamina anymore. I need to take Marley in for her yearly exam, bloodwork, and med refills. She will need Doxycycline, Niacin, and Quadritop for life because of her Lupus. I'm able to get the Quadritop at an online pet pharmacy for 1/4 of what the vet charges and the Niacin at Walmart. The Doxy has to come from the vet(about $40 for 50 days worth). The exam and bloodwork is around $200, I think. I'm fortunate that Robert will go along to help her into the truck. We're always so vigilant with that since Brownie died after falling backward out of the jeep and rupturing her spleen. Is it possible that your friend that comes by to help you sometime would help you with Melody? What is your therapy supposed to accomplish? I would think it would be worse for your back.
  22. Glad you're home safe and sound. Hope the pain goes away soon. ❀❀
  23. Gwen and Kay, Sending love and good vibes to you both as you face more of the harshness of life. Holding you close to my heart.
  24. Knocking on wood here, but I finally turned off my air conditioner tonight. It's been running since mid March when the 90 degrees hit. Each year it gets hot earlier and stays that way longer. Back to livable temperatures for a few months.😁😁😁😁
  25. Dee, your story reminds me of when we lived in the tiny one horse oil town in West Texas back in the 50's. Several people drove those old black rounded cars like you see racing around in the old gangster movies. My mother went to the grocery one day and shortly after she got back, the store called to let her know she had driven the wrong car home. I think I would have noticed just from the personal junk inside. I actually had a Ford truck and a T-Bird(different years)that the same key would start. My current truck's key fob has what you described. Lights flash when unlocked and a beep when locked in addition to the panic button. Lots of tan trucks here, probably to blend with all the dust. Mine is always the one with the dog nose prints on the side windows. lol
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