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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by karenb

  1. I don't know that song, but it sounds lovely. By the way, you could never be a pest. It would be wonderful when you call your friend's mother, let us know. She'll be pleased. Your friend, Karen
  2. I got it at Half Priced Books for about $9. You could probably find it very inexpensive at Amazon.com by getting a gently used or paperback edition. It's by WTB Publishing (Walk Through the Bible Ministries) - Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Bruce H. Wilkinson, Editor. You are going to be fine, you are right now. You have the best support ever. Your friend, Karen
  3. You sound like a wonderful young person. I picked up a book the other day called The Daily Walk Bible, The New Living Translation, and I just love it. I have a "quiet" time every day with my black lab at my feet and read this book. It goes day by day from Genesis through Revelation with 365 devotional helps to guide you through the Bible in one year. It's like reading God's beautiful novel of life. You keep up the good work. You're doing beautifully. You have my prayers. Your friend, Karen
  4. Hey, God blesses your heart. I'm with you, my little friend. Love, just call me Grandma Karen..
  5. Corrine, You certainly have had your plate full of too many things to deal with. I have not had what you've had, but equally as much in a different vein. I guess it just takes walking through it, maybe not thinking about it too much, I just don't know. I wish I could be of help for you, but I'm just coming out of an abusive, alcholic ex-husband, loss of someone I was going to marry, finding someone so wonderful and losing him, too. It's a long hard struggle, but I sure an getting there with the help of family, friends, myself, and to me the most important thing is God. That has been my thanksgiving and that has come very hard. I hope you find the things that will help you, I really do. Hang in there, girl, you are important. Your friend, Karen
  6. Bless your heart and have a wonderful day. I'm fixing a roast dinner for my daughter and her husband....smells so good. I'm so glad you're having a good day. Talk to you later, my friend. Karen
  7. Gail...I really feel like we think, analyze, and expect too much of ourselves most of the time. We need to accept things as they are for the moment and know that "this, too, shall pass." Keep on trying....I guarantee you'll be fine. Your friend, Karen
  8. Hi Gail, I know it's so hard, but you'll get through this. You will come out a stronger person because you've been through the hardest of times a person has to handle. Just try to keep busy, go with your feelings and try to think good thoughts.....just try. We sure have our ups and downs. Last night I had a bit of a down time and called my friend who lost her husband about six years ago. She still misses him. It's good to talk to someone who "knows." You hang in there, Gail. Like they say, "Tomorrow is another day." Your friend, Karen
  9. Hi Elizabeth, What a wonderful thing you're doing rescueing these kittens and cats! I admire you doing this. My daughter loves animals, as do I, and she's rescued a dog and two cats. She has kept them but would like to help at the rescue center if she could. These cats are so smart you wouldn't believe it. They are indoor cats and only go out if they are harnessed and on a lead. If they get bored they go get their leashes, put them in front of her, and sit on them. That's pretty smart. She lost Buddy, her dog, mostly of old age, so now she has the two cats. She would do more but has a full-time job so there's not enough time. I know how much time it takes and it sure would be nice if everyone would cooperate more, right? You hang in there and stay strong. What you're doing is important. Your friend, Karen
  10. Hey William, I have old friends in Mesa and they love it. Good for you moving. You know you will probably do what you have to with all things when it feels rignt and not until then. Whatever you do you know it will happen when it does. I'm so glad you're fine, my friend. I'm going to go to bed and read in silence....that's something I've been learning lately and it's really peaceful. Love you, my friend. Karen
  11. Hi William, our friend... We're glad to see you back and happy that you're relocated. Anniversaries are pretty touch. You will make it through this just like you have the past months. Sometimes that pain gets to be something, doesn't it! I hope you're finding that a new place will be good for you. Did you move a long ways away? Hang in there, my friend, we're all here for you. Your friend, Karen
  12. Hi Scotty, It must have been wonderful to watch your wife create beautiful pottery. You are a lucky man and she was a lucky woman to have a husband that loved her so much. We know it's very hard to go through what you are going through now. Just try to get through these first times and try to remember the good things. It's just something that we're experiencing that we wonder why, but we just have to do it. I feel badly for you but I know you'll get through it, just hang in there. Your friend, Karen
  13. Hi Lyn, Some how or another we tend to choose the things that can really set us off and you picked one that is a tear-jerker in the best of times. I did that, too, so don't feel alone. The pain you're feeling makes you feel so alone and it's a real physical pain. Try to get through this. It may happen again, but at least you know you'll get a reprieve. It's so hard and we're here with you. My Jack has been gone 2 1/2 years so these horrible pains have lessened quite a bit. You'll get through it and I bet you come out much stronger than you can imagine. Hang in there. Your friend, Karen
  14. Great! Good for you! I know that it helps. I've kept up with my three days a week at Curves and always enjoy it. The ladies there are also a wonderful support. Keep up the good work! Your friend, Karen
  15. I'm so glad it wasn't a heart attack. You are so right that destressing isn't easy, but do your best. Thanks so much for letting us know. We've been worried. So, please take care - maybe yoga? I don't do it, but I've heard it's helpful. Take care, Kay, and keep us posted. Your friend, Karen
  16. Lynette and Derek, Well, I think I need new glasses or a new brain. I don't know which! I've been making stupid mistakes lately....maybe I just need Spring! Your friend, Karen
  17. Hi Scotty, I, too, want to welcome you to this wonderful and compassionate group of people who are going through all the things you have and will go through. I'm sorry about your wife. What has happened is one of the worst things that can happen to us in our lives. We always will love those who've left us for now and remember the wonderful life we did have together for what seems like such a short time. As they say, "It takes time" and that is definately true. It's been 2 1/5 years since my husband died and I'm here to tell you that things really do get better. You just hang in there, talk to us whenever you feel the need - we'll always understand and help where we can. But just talking to those who are going through the same thing as you does help. Hang in there, Scotty. Your friend, Karen
  18. Well, my friend, having the "stink" in my heart has helped. I guess I was in a hurry typing to you! With family experience and your personal experience with heart problems, I feel you know what to do but I sure wouldn't wait around. I went right away when I had those feelings. I was too scared not to. Fortunately, Jack was still here with me and that support system was the best in the world. Please take care, Kay, we care for you and don't want anything to happen to you. Please! Let us know. Love you, friend....Karen
  19. Boy, am I sorry this happened, but it may be the wake-up call you needed to take care of yourself. I had it happen to me about four years ago and found out I needed a stink in the main artery in my heart and it works fine fine. I try to eat healthy, exercise 3 times a week, etc. but it's in the family so I am faithful in getting my checkups. It's so scary and I hope your doctors are watching you carefully. Please take care. Stress doesn't help either, but I've often wondered how we get rid of that pesky thing. Again, take care and let us know how you're doing. After all, we are part of your family, too. Love you friend, Karen
  20. Hi Patty Ann, You know, everyone's "time" is different and your husband hasn't been gone that long. It's good you're carrying on, that's very healthy, but don't feel as though you "should" be "getting on with life." You are! It's hard for people to understand something they haven't gone through, but I'm sure they mean well. Just keep on doing what you're doing, you're entirely normal and doing just what you should be doing. Don't be hard on yourself. You'll love and miss him for as long as you need and want to. Hang in there. You're doing fine. Your friend, Karen
  21. What Sandra says is so totally true. Get it in writing and take before and after pictures - in the long run that's the only thing that will hold up in court if anything happens. Pay a small deposit up front, if you have to, but hold final payment until everything is approved. References would also be good. Good luck and let us know. Your friend, Karen
  22. Hi Kathy, All the suggestions are good. I feel getting it in writing is a good idea, and if you hire a professional, checking with the Better Business Bureau might be good. I have some work to be done and I'm going to ask at church for someone there or someone that's done work at the church. Try to maintain an aire of confidence, maybe make a list of intelligent questions to ask. No one needs to know you're a widow either. I suppose it might be evident, but don't offer the information. Let us know how you do. Your friend, Karen
  23. It is so hard and I feel badly for what you're going through today. I've had many of those days, but life is better now that it's been 2 1/2 years. I've come through a lot and I'm sure there's more, but I'm getting used to it. Just try and take it slowly knowing that these painful times will lessen. Down the road you may look back and wonder how you got rhough it, but you did. You are a special person and you have a lot to offer others. The times will come that you'll start doing that and those times might not be so far away. Hang in there, you'll make it. Your friend, Karen
  24. Dear Gail, I very happy you have good days and that's through your strength and loving nature and your will to live. It is wonderful to know that there was this great and true love in our lives and, you're right, where would we be if we hadn't felt that kind of love. Cheers to you on your good days, and they will be more and more. We'll always love them, always miss them. Congratulations on your continued successes. Your friend, Karen
  25. Hi Lily, What they say about writing these feelings down does help, like people keeping journals. I know it's so terribly hard to be where you are now, like you'll never make it through it. You will, Lily, just keep yourself healthy and flow with these feelings. They'll come and go for quite a while, if it's anything like what I went through. But, for me, it's been 2 1/2 years now and things are very much better. I still come here, though, because it feels just like a wonderful family who really knows what it's like to lose someone so close. We do go on a day or hour at a time. Surround yourself with caring people, even if you don't want to talk to them. Just explain, they'll understand especially if they loved him, too. Your pain is so very real and we completely understand. Just keep writing and know that better times will come. You'll never get over it, just get used to it, and you and your wonderful husband will always love each other. Hang in there, Lily. Your friend, Karen
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