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Loss of a fiancee

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It has been a year since my fiancée Jeremy passed away.It hit me very hard when he passed away on 9/13/2015.I loved him a lot and we were supposed to get married last month.I miss his laugh and sense of humor.He always helped me out in any way and one time was when I got out of an abusive relationship 5 years ago.He passed away from an accident,he was messing with a loaded gun which the bullet went into his neck.His mom gave me the call he was taken to the hospital and went there right away.Doctor walked out with the bad news,he died on the way to the hospital.I was hit hard and tearful,his mom hugged me.Did seek help and it helped.Tough part was saying good bye to him for the last time,a little tearful.The Martina McBride song,I just call you mine described him a lot,he was always good to me and it was played at the funeral.

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Hi Caitlynn,

I'm glad you found us here, especially this time of year when we are all hit pretty hard.  I'm so sorry for your loss, with so much ahead of you -- what a shock it must have been.  You've found a safe, understanding place here to share what you are going through.

Take care,


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Caitlyn my heart goes out to you it is so hard to lose your other half I am not quite at the one year mark my husband passed away in May it has forever changed my life there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about him, miss him, even still cry alittle everyday, I did not say goodbye to my husband for me this is not goodbye his love lives on in my heart and soul he walks with me everyday, at his viewing I told him that I would see you soon, am glad you found us these are some of the most caring understanding people who will walk with you through your journey   I can only imagine how hard his passing was my husband passed away from a drug overdose and while I have accepted it, there are some days that it hits me hard hugs to you

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6 hours ago, caitlynn said:

I know don't take life for granted at all.

Yes and you will never look at life the same ever again. I'm sorry for what brought you here Caitlynn but you've found this safe place to come.

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I'm sorry for your loss but also glad you found this place.  As Robin said, there's not a day goes by but my husband is on my mind and in my heart.  It doesn't ever go away.  You were left with something lasting, and that is the difference he made in your nephew's life.

8 hours ago, caitlynn said:

I know don't take life for granted at all.

It does change us forever, and this is one of those ways.  I feel like I was innocent before and his death changed me...now I am aware of how quickly everything can change and I don't take anything for granted.

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It was a shock and he was always good to my 15 year old nephew and 17 year old niece I took in 4 years ago too.My nephew said he helped him get out of trouble and changed his life in a positive way.I know don't take life for granted at all.

I learned to move on.I have a boyfriend in my life Stan now.Stan knew my fiancée very well,they were great friends.Stan and I did start dating in January,he understands what I have gone through too.

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