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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

Saying Goodbye To My New Friends

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I just got some pretty devastating information that adversely effects even what i did have before it in the way of my future. I'm having to really quickly reconsider just how or if i proceed beyond it.I just want to thank each and every one here for all of your caring help and support. Everyone here even in the midst of their own awful situations is willing to offer help and a shoulder to each other. You are all truly remarkable people, and i thank you one and all. This may possibly be my last post


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Darrel, I know everyone wishes you peace and a modicum of happiness that you can have.  Do not understand your message, but wish you the best.  I think most all of us will still be here for awhile if you need to return.  Be safe.

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8 hours ago, olemisfit said:

I just got some pretty devastating information that adversely effects even what i did have before it in the way of my future. I'm having to really quickly reconsider just how or if i proceed beyond it.I

Sometimes when you get earth shattering news it helps to slow down, breathe deeply, don't make any decisions or do anything...give it time to absorb and process like a slow marinade before deciding anything.  We're here for you if you need to talk, we can't respond if we don't know the situation.  We've come to care about you in our journey together here.

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Darrel, though I haven't known you long you have been such great support in this journey in which we all travel on. Im praying for you and know there are no words that will make everything instantly ok but I still pray for peace and strength in whatever you face. 

As you always say....One foot in front of the other 

And as I always say....You are not alone

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I don't know what has happened to you, Darrel, and know that you do not owe us an explanation ~ but I hope you can feel our collective arms around you. We are here to support you and to hurt with you, just as long as you need us to be. Meanwhile, do what you have to do. Your first obligation is to take good care of you, and we are pulling for you to do just that. 

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