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My Thanksgiving

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For all intents and purposes, another Thanksgiving has passed, except for the pie. Passed without Ron's delicious dinner, although Robert and I made turkey with all the trimmings(good, but his was better). Passed without a phone call from my daughter. Damn, I miss those two.

Nothing is the same. There was a time when we sat around the table and talked. Now, each of us grabs a plate and heads to our respective TV shows. There was a time(for years) when I signed and addressed a ton of Christmas cards after Thanksgiving clean up was finished. Now, I send no cards at all.

And time marches on..................

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This will be a Thanksgiving dinner I will always remember. Imagine eight men in a hotel kitchen all at once trying to put together a turkey dinner with all the trimmings at the last minute.

Fortunately, everything worked out nicely and we all had our picture taken together with all the food spread out in front of us.

At times it seemed a little touch and go without a women there to set us straight, but, in the end we pulled it off.

Some hotel guests passerby's even wished our little unlikely group a happy Thanksgiving.

As I was carrying what was left of the smoked turkey in a great big foil pan out of my suite, a women passed me by at my door and when she happened to notice what I was carrying, I just couldn't resist saying "It's tough cooking such a big turkey in a little tiny microwave", leaving her with a puzzled look on her face to go figure. 😁

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I haven’t eaten my take out turkey dinner yet, but it was a heck of a day.  Paid for overdoing things yesterday as I was in massive pain.  Tried sleeping differently to ease it, but that experiment failed.  Then not seeing some poop on my clean up patrol that I tracked inside.  Where I went to get my meal had closed the buffet down an hour earlier than I was told the other day so had to get a prepacked one so not enough for the kids.  Trying to get gas the pump was messed up so lots of time standing in the cold with the attendant and back and forth to the window for the receipt.  Went to Jack in the Box for a plain burger for the kids and then saw I could have gotten 2 tacos for cheaper than the plain burger for the kids  Looked at my meal and how pathetic it is compared to what we once did.  I really should have gotten Chinese.  Since it’s not really a holiday to me anymore (like how I don’t do anything for Xmas now), might as well just treat it as any Thursday.  I won’t be dining the card thing either, Karen.  Only sending something online I’ll order to my cousin.  The Salvation Army bell ringers started before Tday.  Black Friday has started already with stores opening at 6pm.  Gonna be a long haul thru this month.  Lots of medical and dental appointments.  One good thing.....no traffic at all!  No where open to go beyond Safeway and Walgreens, but I loved the non packed streets.   Now it’s time to get ready for all the 'joy' that will be advertised.  That explains why we loved T best.  Just time to be together as a family, no frilly stuff.  I’m so glad I can dump my feelings here.  Out there I don’t want to become a downer to see.  I don’t like it here either, but it sure helps.  Honestly, I used to be a very happy and outgoing person!  😎 the days not over yet.  But I think this was enough babbling.

liked your post, Johnny.  Glad you had some sharing.  Puzzling other people is always fun!

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3 hours ago, KarenK said:

For all intents and purposes, another Thanksgiving has passed, except for the pie. Passed without Ron's delicious dinner, although Robert and I made turkey with all the trimmings(good, but his was better). Passed without a phone call from my daughter. Damn, I miss those two.

Nothing is the same. There was a time when we sat around the table

And time marches on..................

Karen K:  Reading your comments I had to sadly smile as my son's name is Ron, and my husband's name was Bob (Robert)...... similar, too, in that Bob would do the turkey and I would do all the trimmings.  And too, "Nothing is the same".  I do miss sitting around the table and telling stories with everyone and the laughs.  Sadly, time marches on without our "Robert" and your dear daughter.  Warm thoughts to you, Dee.

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On Tuesday I had gotten my second Shingles shot and wasn't expecting to feel any different since I had no reaction from the first shot. Yesterday I felt like every joint in my body was on fire.   I took an Aleve and did have some relief but had no energy the entire day and could only be comfortable wrapped in my blanket in my recliner.  I thought if it isn't the vaccine reaction, it is the flu.  Bedtime, took another Aleve and went right to sleep and slept well.  This morning I drug myself out of bed telling myself I must do this poor excuse for Thanksgiving one way or another.  I put the turkey breast in the oven with plans to open a box of Stove Top dressing mix, open a can of cranberry sauce and call it good.  After texting my son I was ok, which I do daily, he said not to cook any dressing since he was bringing over food from his girl friend's Mother's dinner.  I had been invited but declined since I did not want to leave my Maddie for the long evening.  It was nice to see my son and my grandson, even briefly.

I couldn't remember how I spent the previous Thanksgivings since my husband passed so looked back in my journal.  All were as Karen K stated, "Nothing is the Same"............ no matter how hard we try.

Gwen: so sorry your take out dinner plans didn't go as you planned.


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My son didn't convey to me that I was invited for Thanksgiving so I did not plan on going there, I didn't hear from him until the day of by email...so I accepted an invite from a local friend.  Didn't hear from my daughter.  TG meal was way later than I'm used to, a friend picked me up at 3:30 and I got a ride home at 9:45, ate about 7:30.  I usually eat at 5 and am in bed by 8-8:30!  Had to load the fire four hours late but fortunately had topped it off mid-day or it would have been out with this cold we've been having.  Wasn't the same as being with family but it was good to not be alone.

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11 hours ago, Gwenivere said:

Just time to be together as a family, no frilly stuff.

Yep, that's what I miss too.  I'm sorry your dinner didn't work out as planned.  Kitty was in begging mode when I got home, no dog can begin to compete with her loud begging!  She's shameless.

11 hours ago, Johnny said:

Imagine eight men in a hotel kitchen all at once trying to put together a turkey dinner with all the trimmings

I love the picture of that in my mind.  And then the astonished look on that lady's face, that must have been priceless!  😂

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