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My Sanity Needed Vents

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She isn't a next door neighbor so no access to fence. I think she feels he's her puppy but he's too big to carry around. They've been besties for over three years, seriously, it's the highlight of both their days.  She won't turn on me, she loves us both, she gives me kisses, I just wish she'd listen better but alas Iris hasn't spent as much time with her since Mike died, he was the one sitting out on the patio watching her and making her mind. :(


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When we lived on the lake, there was a big fence between one house and us.  Houses were not close.  Our dogs would growl and try to fight between the fence.  "Bear" was a black Chow that belonged in northern climates, but Kelli brought him to us as a baby.  He was not ours; we were his.  His personality was something I had never seen in a dog, and I loved it.  He would only be petted, just when he wanted to be loved.  Then he would throw himself against us, let us love on him for a while, then he decided that was enough.  He would walk away, almost embarrassed that he had let his guard down.  He loved us.  The lady next door brought her dog over to let us know our dogs did not get along.  (She was drunk).  The dogs fought, she put her leg between them and got bit.  We were supposed to keep Bear inside for a couple of weeks.  He broke the window and through the screen when we were at work.  He would not be caged.  Mama was going to the dock to fish and a rapid raccoon ran out from under a house to attack her.  Do not know if it was rabies or not, but the raccoon was ill with something.  Bear got the raccoon and killed it.  He would let no one get close to the animal.  He died the next week. He never showed illness. When we would go walking after he had passed away, I could hear him still following us.  My imagination.  I would never again have a Chow in the south.  He would wade out into the lake almost all day to keep cool.  Anyone that came to the house, he would position himself at top of steps and would not allow anyone to come in, except us.  As a guard dog he was the best.  I loved his personality for when he wanted loving on. He could be dangerous to other people or pets, but he never was to us.  We were his.  Again, would not recommend this type of dog, but do not think I've ever loved one near as much, except Ty.  Never had a "guard dog" before, always dogs Billy would train as bird dogs or Labs, which were very friendly. 

I think Iris is suffering "widow's brain" along with her own maladies and has no time for an animal for a pet.  Staying penned up all the time probably makes him desperate when he is freed, and she needs to let another family adopt him.  Her mind is not allowing herself to worry about a pet.  

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Well it just doesn't quit. Yesterday my car got hung up on the bumper at church (Civics are low to the ground) and the cover under the engine came down all across the front, on the ground. A guy at church wired it to something but just barely, said to drive it home but not go anywhere until a mechanic looks at it.  A mechanic will look at it but not for a week or two as paving season starts today and that is a heavy time for him. I emailed my DIL that I am without a car. She wrote back "I hope I can get my $140 back."  I ignored it.  My son makes over $100,000/year, she can afford it. Not one word about my injuries, glasses, or inquiry about my car. Never mind the hardship I go through to do things for HER!  Why doesn't she have her parents come sit for her?  There's TWO of them, and they live halfway between my house and hers!  
My BS is up again, I ate meat/cheese yesterday, should be low.  Didn't eat much.  It's just the stress.
No word from Jack about the hot water tank door.
Your chow Bear reminds me of Joe a bit, the dog I walked for ten months, we had a special bond, and I will always love him.  He got along well with Kitty, that says something.  They offered him to me to adopt but I held back because he'd bit me...he later on ruined my hands, once with a yank (right hand...necessitated surgery that for orthopedic surgeon totally botched) and bad bite on left hand, that ended my walking days with him, I had no more hands to lose...went on to have several more bites/injuries to my hands, 15 in all now.
Do you think Bear got rabies that hastened his death? From the raccoon?

Joe 123021.jpg

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Kay, your DIL obviously thinks only of herself. Sure not a good example for the kids. I wonder how your son puts up with it.

If there's a body shop in town, maybe they could reattach that piece for you?

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I have a mechanic who will look at it in the next week or so, it's boogered up and some of the materials used to attach it are gone but he said he has plenty of them and can wire it where it's busted, just a matter of having time, I don't need to go anywhere, plenty of groceries.

Something is wrong with my DIL, not normal, she doesn't speak to me, makes demands, flies off the handle and screams at me over literally nothing (like asking what she wants me to fix the kids for dinner...she blew a cork screaming, "Do I have to do EVERYTHING myself?!!  Fine, I'll just stay and fix dinner first!!!" to which I replied, "no Bethany, you don't need to FIX dinner, I'll figure it out myself. Usually you TELL me what you want me to fix, that's why I asked." My son standing right behind her not saying a word.  She's nuts.  He doesn't believe in divorce and she fooled him throughout their courtship (she was on medication then) and changed on their wedding day. He saved himself for her and she yelled at him throughout their whole honeymoon!  I feel as you do about the kids, worry they'll pick up from their relationship and example.  I get no respect, none, zilch.

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6 hours ago, kayc said:

Do you think Bear got rabies that hastened his death? From the raccoon?

Do not know.  He was vaccinated, I think rabies show up a little later, but it was obvious the raccoon had some madness illness, or he would not have tried to attack a human.  Bear, in his superior intelligence, would not let Billy or Scott get around the raccoon after he had killed it. It was 30 miles to closest vet, and Bear never showed signs of being sick.  He was just gone, overnight.  We had a man that kept poison out to kill animals less than a mile away, so the raccoon may have just eaten it and Bear may have been exposed to it when he killed the raccoon.  He saved my mom's life.   

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13 hours ago, kayc said:

Well it just doesn't quit. Yesterday my car got hung up on the bumper at church (Civics are low to the ground) and the cover under the engine came down all across the front, on the ground.

Kay:  Oh my Goodness!  I have to admit, I think you are having enough bad luck for awhile!  Hopefully it will be over soon and good luck will happen for a change.  

Sorry about your DIL situation.  I would have to bite my tongue in half to not want to respond to her remarks.  I understand your not saying anything tho.  I am sure it would cause grief on your son.  Dee

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She is a constant source of...well challenge. ;) I consider the source.

I do wish I could have gone, had planned on it, I love my grandkids if not the drive...I'm just getting too old for all this.

Called the eyeglass place, they're under warranty until 8/4 so as long as the mechanic looks at it and fixes it by then I'll be okay, but the only color they have left is red, ugh!  I tell myself it's only for a spare and hopefully won't need them, but triple ugh.

Watched Jazzy yesterday and will again today, Iris taking her daughter to the airport and getting groceries. I made some Keto Ravioli and will share with her.  Yesterday I shared my homemade soup with her (Dump Soup, has everything but the kitchen sink in it!)

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Had to "witness" signing of a will yesterday (Iris does that for people in the community), she said she missed her partner (he used to be her witness).  It's amazing all the things one misses when their partner dies...

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Night before last two mating wasps brushed by my shoulder as Kodie and I were going to sleep. There went my sleep. Who can sleep with wasps in the house! Found yellowjacket on the kitchen floor and killed it if it wasn't already dead, wasn't taking any chances! I read the male dies after mating with the queen so who knows. No sign of her nor idea how they get in.

Bad news on my car, the guard that goes on my car (I only boogered up the front one) that goes on my whole car is missing, no idea where, if it was missing all the years I took it to Honda, they would have tried to sell me one. You'd think if I took it to Oakridge Tire Center they'd call me when they discovered it, they're pretty big! Jake will put my car on a lift to get a good look at it Sun. morning, may have to go through a Honda dealership to get one.

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Gosh Kay, sometimes it seems if we didn't have bad luck, we'd have no luck at all.  My sister insisted I take her car, so I am paying her for it.  It is a 2020 Corolla with 20,000 miles on it.  I need to get it "detailed" I'm told, but I'm not sure what that is.  I spray it with the car Febreze once a day, but still the cigarette smell is prevalent.  Then comes another old adage, "beggars can't be choosers."  The insurance money for my Yaris would buy nothing less than a used car approaching, or over 100,000 miles.  It will pay for the monument to put on our burial plot and one for Billy's brother and a sister he never knew.  Louisiana silt covers her little flat concrete monument from about 1939.  I will put brother on one side and sister on the other, large enough that the silt won't cover it. Billy never knew her, but Lonnie was 13 or 14 when she died of one of the diseases, we have protection from now soon after a child is born.  I never thought about turning down a vaccination.  

I'm sorry about your car.  I have to take Marcy's (mine on the title) to the Toyota place to get it caught up on all the things she could not afford to have done.  I take her everywhere anyhow.  Yesterday was really hot and humid and it never dawned on me to take her prescription into Walgreens.  (Car lines are too long).  She said she had to stop four times to catch her breath before they took it and when she came out to the car, she looked like a kitten saved from drowning.  It was less than half a mile to her apartment and I took her there to get on her oxygen immediately.  I picked up her prescription a couple of hours later (when they said they would have it done.)  We have many doctor's and laboratory appointments for her.  It hurts her tiny arms when they draw blood, and I can see my dad in her face as she directs hatred toward the poor phlebotomist.  She is up to 102 pounds.  

Surely people can see, if not understand, climate change now.  I don't know what we can do about it though.  

Wish we could personally check in on Gwen.  

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

Night before last two mating wasps brushed by my shoulder as Kodie and I were going to sleep. There went my sleep. Who can sleep with wasps in the house! Found yellowjacket on the kitchen floor and killed it if it wasn't already dead, wasn't taking any chances! I read the male dies after mating with the queen so who knows. No sign of her nor idea how they get in.

A couple of weeks ago I got into my car to drive down to pick up my groceries I opened up the window on passenger side then quickly closed the window because I saw a yellowjacket buzzing around.  I drove on and totally forgot about it.  When I returned home, I parked car and proceeded to get out of the car noticing a yellowjacket as he squeezed between the left mirror and the plastic cap.  I texted my son about the issue as he is the one with the "stuff" to irradicate these creatures.   My curiosity forced me to "google" the best way to approach this issue and was surprised how often this happens.  Got into my car again yesterday and yellow jackets are still there.  Well, my son evidently forgot cause the beasties are still there or he forgot on purpose because his epi pens are outdated.   Dee

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Marg, "detailing" is just a thorough cleaning of the vehicle usually including shampooing seats and carpets and a super wax job. Probably costs at least $100 at a car wash. Might get rid of the cigarette odor.

No humidity here, but 115 degrees. Fortunately, I don't have to go out in it.

Yes, sure wish Gwen could check in.

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19 hours ago, Margm said:

I need to get it "detailed" I'm told, but I'm not sure what that is.

There are quick in and out places you can take it to that will thoroughly clean and disinfect it, when they're done it's like driving a new car! Doesn't cost a lot.

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Dee, I worry about that as well, it's too hot to leave my car closed up, yesterday it was 105 when I forgot to crack the windows, humidity 68% here, With windows down and A/C on high I made it home. Cracked the windows in the carport but can hear the yellowjackets buzzing everywhere, can't use back door in the daytime because of them.

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Yellowjackets better the last two days, it's been a little cooler (80s vs 90s) maybe that's made a difference.

Got my glasses, took Kodie with me there and the grocery store. Don't like the color but I can see and they're comfortable so that's worth something.

Need to dust & vaccuum, waiting for a burst of energy...

Karen, when do you go into the eye doctor?

Dee, how is your yellowjacket situation coming along?

Marg, I too am worried about Gwen, wish she'd drop in and just let us know if she's okay...

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Kay, my eye problem has become a fiasco. My doctor did bloodwork end of June, said he would do the Myasthenia Gravis test. HE DIDN'T! After waiting 2 weeks, I was told a neurologist would have to do it. In limbo again while they find one closer to my house.

My bigger concern right now is these lousy teeth. Getting the first 2 pulled on Monday. What fun!

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9 hours ago, kayc said:

Dee, how is your yellowjacket situation coming along?

Kay:  I haven't been near my car for a few days.  My son sprayed them on Sunday so am hoping the "spray attack" worked.  Good to hear your yellowjackets have quieted down.   We have been experiencing 80-degree weather here lately too.  I spend most of my time inside since bright sunshine plays such havoc with my eyes, plus anything hotter than 75 degrees is too hot for me.   My little front porch is shady for such a short time.  I miss the big fir trees that I used to complain about that shaded my house in town but left such a mess after a storm.   LOL 😎   Dee


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I lost a lot of my shade in the front yard when creating a "defensible space" around my place. :(  If it cools down to 80 I call it good and open the windows to get air through. Before that I have the A/C on, doesn't help on the south end, only the room it's in, which is where I sleep.

Karen, glad you'll get your teeth pulled on Monday, it'll be good when it's done and healed.  No one likes to reside with immense pain like teeth bring.


Yesterday I got the yellow jacket trap from Amazon, could not figure out how to put it together, need new glasses Rx but it'll have to wait until I can get in.  I called my neighbor that's ten years younger than me and smart that way. Even she had a hard time reading the instructions, so tiny and light grey. Together we got it figured out. Soon as I put it up there, one went in! Unfortunately, that was the only one that did. Sigh...anyway I have two kinds, one at each end of the patio. The other one has three...since beginning of June. Big deal, out of hundreds?!  
Dee, here's hoping your car is free of them now!  I worry about that too as I have to crack my windows on my car or it gets way too hot inside!
I still have yellowjackets even around my patio door but not in the mad droves they were.
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Gwen, thinking of you and hoping you still read posts even if not able to respond right now. I miss our late night conversations. We were the only ones crazy enough to be up in the middle of the night.

Luv ya!

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I get up when you guys go to bed! Woke up at midnight, laid there 2 1/2 hours and gave up and showered.

I can't walk right now, injured my ankle a few days ago, it's been swelling and hurting, yesterday it cried a screeching halt to anything.

Bedrock fire is out of control, 3 miles west of us and blowing our direction. It went from 300 acres to 4428 in 1 1/2 days. Lord knows what it is now. 

Can't reach my daughter, I can't drive as far as my son's, it'll be evacuation time again and I don't have anything packed or anywhere to go.  You think it can't get worse...

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kay:  Oh my, your situation sounds awful.  Keeping my fingers crossed for you to find a solution soon!  Sorry about your ankle.  What happened to cause the injury?  Maybe you commented and my memory failed me again.  Dee

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6 hours ago, KarenK said:

Gwen, thinking of you and hoping you still read posts even if not able to respond right now. 

Yes, Karen I think about Gwen all the time.   It's hard not to think the worst remembering what she had to deal with medically.

Also, was wondering how your dental appointment went?  It was Monday, wasn't it?  Dee

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Well, of course we are worried about Gwen.  She was on here nearly every day.  Worried about the condition she was in and the help she was given, and the help giver.  I hope someone that might have a direct line to her might check on her also.

Kay, I hope you only have a sprain, but it needs taken care of and it seems as close as the fire is, perhaps your church will know of places you could get away from the fire.  That is very close.  You help so many people, I know one has to be there to help you.  Looking for updates.  My heart and hopes are with you.  

Karen, hope you are fairing better from your dental work.  Please let us know.  

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I had 2 teeth pulled on Monday and it was the worst ever. I thought those would be the easiest ones, but one was very infected and he almost had to jackhammer it out. Could barely stand up when he finished. Still swollen and painful. Will sure ask for more novocaine next time. Can hardly wait for round 2 in 3 weeks.

Kay, what a bad time to be laid up! Hope the wind shifts and you find your daughter soon.

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