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Have You Heard The News?

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Hellow my friends I did not post last week cause there has been a desaster in Athens.A young boy of 15 was killed by the police and studens protesting followed by mobs and terrorists started toset fire in the center of Athens throwing stones braking glasses of stores and buildings. even the large christmas tree at the central square was burned.300 shops are total loss.The protesting was followed in all the main cities of Greece.Anger rage all over and bulglers finished what was left by fire.Situation is out of hand and it not yet over.Hollidays? Nobody feels like celebrating short of money emty feelings lost of happiness.I dont feel like celebrating but I had hope that I would work and sell some of my christmas pots.Im loosing hope and grief is my company.I soo much miss him.THank for beeing here my far away friends TENY

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Oh our very dear and far away friend Teny, I'm so sorry that we don't have more than words to comfort you in these very challenging times ~ but please know that you are always in our prayers, as we continue to hold you gently in our hearts :wub: Stay safe, stay strong, and please keep us posted . . .

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Oh Teny,

I am so sorry! No I hadn't heard, I am behind reading the newspaper (I'm of the older generation that reads papers...the young people just view it on the internet). These are scary times for sure in Greece. We will all bond together and pray for you and your country. I hope you can still sell some of your pots...can you give me your website? Kath and I want to look at it...

We send you our love!


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Kay and Kath, I just went back and looked for the address Teny gave us for her Web site; the address we have from her earlier posts is www.teny.gr ~ but I cannot get the link to work properly, so obviously something is wrong. I'm so sorry, but we'll have to wait until Teny sees our posts, so she can give us the correct address :unsure:

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Thanks, Marty, that's all I needed to find it...I googled it and here it is:


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So glad to hear from you. I was wondering how close you were to the outbreak of violence. Very happy to hear you are safe. I don't feel like celebrating either. The first anniversary of my husband's death is just 3 days before Christmas. My two children are going to spend most of that day with me and we are planning to place a wreath in the yard where he died. It has a candle that lights up from dusk to dawn. I am hoping it gives me comfort to look out the window and see it glowing. You never know what is going to help and what is going to make you feel worse. All I know is I need to have a plan in place. It gives me some sort of peace knowing that I have a plan to physically do something to honor Harry.

As far as Christmas goes, I going to try my best this year for the sake of my young granddaughters. Last year was very difficult for them and everyone else.

Hugs and prayers,

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Your work is fabulous! You are a talented lady, for sure. I hope you are safe and your shop protected.

I have a story to tell you about a woman I met from Greece. She was coming from Vermont to Minneapolis by bus and I was about 19 years old. I was going to the same place so they asked that I help her get on the right buses and look out for her. She was so beautiful with perfect skin. She didn't speak any english and didn't have any food for our 36 hour journey. So, I shared my lemon drops and we looked at the pictures we had of our families. I discovered my luggage was lost in Chicago and went to report it and ended up losing her. I did catch up with her later and they were looking for a translator to let her know she needed to eat something for it was still a long ride ahead of us. It was a wonderful reunion in Minneapolis when her son arrived to take her home. I was so impressed by her for traveling all that way without knowing english or having any friends to help her. I wanted to tell her, but they hugged and ran off without me saying a word. I'll never forget her. She was brave...like you.

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