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Happy Anniversary (To Me)

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Today would have been our first anniversary. I was married to such a dear sweet man that on April 12th (our 6 month anniversary) he came home with a big bunch of flowers......just in case he didn't make it to our first.

When I woke up, I rolled over and stared at his picture. I wished him a Happy Anniversary and thanked him for giving me a love like I have never known before.

I don't know where it has come from, but this sense of calm has come over me today. I like to think that it is Jeff's arms wrapped tight around me just giving me this huge sense of comfort.....enough to allow me to remember the wonderful memories we were able to create together, enough to think of these memories and smile with gratitude that I have been so blessed.

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Happy Anniversary! It warms my heart to know you are feeling a sense of peace today. Surely, Jeff is with you and will be always. I join with you in celebrating the wonderful love you and Jeff shared with one another.

Blessings, Carol Ann

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Happy Anniversary! I pray you feel especially close to him today and God gives you a special day. Love never dies, so just because they went someplace else, we still share love.

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Dear Perkins808,

Happy Anniversary to you and your dear sweet husband, Jeff! How beautiful. Yes, it is Jeff's comforting arms wrapped around you giving you love and comfort on this special day. He is around you closer than you think. Hold on to the beautiful memories you both shared.

Sending you hugs, love, comfort and strength.


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Thank you everyone for your replies. Today has been a good day - every time I feel any sadness what so ever I think of the look on Jeff's face when he saw me walk down the aisle. I don't think I've seen a bigger smile....and the tears in his eyes when I finally got to reach for his hand told me he was feeling everything I was.

I stopped on the way home from work today and bought a couple of balloons, one white one for our pure never ending love, and a red one for the happiness and fun times we shared together. I wrote some heartfelt messages on both and released them out in the backyard where we sat and had some of our best talks. Of course I shed some tears.....but they were happy ones, reliving some of the wonderful memories we created.

I only knew Jeff for 4 years, and on many days I feel cheated that I didn't get a lifetime with him. But today? Today I feel blessed to have met him, to have known him and to have loved him.

I refused to say "til death do us part" in our wedding vows because I knew my love for him would not die if he did. Instead we said "To Infinity and Beyond" (which got us a lot of Toy Story jokes?!) but I am glad we went with that because our love will live on forever.


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Your day sounds like it was beautiful. You can tell the two of you are so much in love. Tim & I met later in life and I feel so blessed to have had our time together. Thank you for your posts, they are always so filled with love. God Bless you on this special day.


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