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December 3Rd We Lost Dad

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My dad finally passed away from his long battle with cancer. I miss him but I have a really weird feeling of relief for him. He is not in pain anymore. Thanks everyone for being here for me along the way. I am sure I would have lost my mind if I did not stumble upon this site.

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oh Sharla, I'm so so so sorry hun. I'm glad you have that little relief of not having to see him in pain. I wish I had words of comfort for you. Just know we are all here with you.

sending you the biggest Daddy girl (((((HUG))))) and lots of love to you,



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Sharla, dear, you have our deepest sympathy for the death of your dad. I know this has been a long and difficult journey for you. We are grateful too that your father's pain has ended and he now rests in eternal peace. Please know that we are here for you as you continue along this path. And when you remember your dad, I hope that love will be what you remember most. ♥

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I am so very sorry for the loss of your dad. I, too, like Niamh, am happy that you have a feeling of relief that your daddy isn't in pain anymore. I'm sure that was a terribly hard time.

I am so glad that this website could help you when you needed it. I don't know what I would have done (or do now) if I didn't have you wonderful people. We will all continue to be here to listen, share and help the best way we can in the upcoming days, months, etc.

Sending great big hugs to you and your family.


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Dear Sharla,

I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about your Dad, and that my thoughts are with you. There are no other "words" right now , but we'll all be here for you in case other emotions surface when you least expect them to. Sending you hugs, Peace, and lots of Love. :closedeyes:

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I just want to say I am so sorry for your loss. I understand that feeling of relief alongside your grief. I felt that when my Father passed away after a lengthy battle with Alzheimer's and when my cat Sunshine was relieved from her suffering. Courage to you always. We are all here should you feel a need to talk.

Courage and Blessings, Carol Ann

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I am sorry for the loss of your dad. I also understand the feeling of relief that also comes with their passing. I felt a lot of relief when my mother passed seven weeks ago, and this helped me through all the things I had to do. I imagined how happy my mother was reuniting with those people and pets from her life that she loved so much and being free of the endless pain and exhaustion she lived with. This past Saturday I was playing in a jazz group at a private party, and I looked out at the lawn and noticed few people were dancing. And I kind of sensed the spirit of my mother and father, looking beautiful, happy, and young, dancing away to Moonlight Serenade, old jazz standard, and having a blast. Who knows, maybe they were, and I was playing their music. I felt so tearful, but so glad that they are both in a place free of pain now. Take care. Peace.

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My deepest condolences for you and your family for your father's loss. Right now there are no words that can capture the dimension of what just happened. I understand the relief you feel knowing your father is not in pain anymore. His journey on earth has ended, but just know he is a part of you, and will always be, despite not being in this world anymore.

I wish, I could give you a hug wherever you are, but just know we are here for you whenever you want to talk. Courage, strength and love to you and your family.

You and your family will be in my prayers.

About the site, thank you for sharing your journey with us, as well as the rest of members of this site. I, like you don't know how I would have dealt my loss had I not found this site. I have learned from all of you, for that I am grateful.

Stay in touch,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry it has been so long. I find myself trying to occupy my brain with something other than the fact that my dad isn't here anymore. Though I am relieved he is not in pain and isn't suffering anymore... everything reminds me of him from music, places in our city, things in my home things at my moms house and then you have my family - my 2 sisters and my mom who are all experiencing the same things I am but my dad asked me to be strong for them before he passed. He told me that I needed to be there for them as they would all fall apart and I feel like I am the one falling apart inside. I am strong for my mom and my sisters but it is one of the hardest things in the world for me to do. Then, I dream of him almost every night. Like everything is perfect and good and he was never sick and it is SOOO real then I wake up and the 1st thing I think about is that he is gone forever and that I will never see him again. IT makes me not even want to get out of bed. I have been trying to "find GOD" so I can feel better because I want to believe so badly that there is an eternal life. But no matter how much I try to force that on myself I just think of it as a silly concept and it makes me feel even worse that I cant even believe in what the majority of the population does. I find myself having no patience for ANYTHING and I am quick to snap someones head off. I can be in a room full of people and feel like I am the only person there. I miss my life the way it was about 5 years ago, before the sickness back when my family was whole. I am tired of crying and I am tired of people asking if I am okay because it takes every fiber of my soul to not scream at them "MY DAD JUST DIED 2 1/2 WEEKS AGO - HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL????"

Sorry for blabbing. It just feels like this is the only place where people understand me and what I am feeling and it is nice to get it off my chest.

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