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Here I Still Am, No Better Than Before The Doctors

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Hi Everyone,

I went to the Urologist this morning. I was told that the Foley would come out. :) I was wrong about that. :angry: I was told that when a man needs to go to the ER because he cannot empty his bladder, they did everything right with the Foley. They were right to send me home with it in place. Where they screwed up was they did not give instructions to go to the Urologist. They sent me to my primary DR. They the ER was also supposed to give me a script. Without taking the medication for 5 days. They cannot remove the Foley. So here I am still with the Foley and bag on my leg until next Wednesday at 9:00 AM. :D I am so mad at the ER, :angry: Its not them that has to put up with this burning pain when you walk go up and down stairs or anything. Even bending down is tough.

On the positive side I will go out in the morning and eat breakfast, then go visit Greg. This after noon around 3 or so I have to pick up my medication and I will go pay Harry a visit at his walk. :)

They are not going to keep me down, maybe a little slow for a few days, but I am still putting on foot in front of the other.

Thank you all for letting me vent a little, I need that.

God Bless


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Dwayne, I'm so sorry that you're going through all this discomfort and physical pain. This sounds so obvious, so please forgive my asking ~ but did you tell the ER staff about your pain, and did they check the size and positioning of the catheter? It seems to me that it should not be giving you so much pain, as you go about your activities of daily living. When you have an indwelling catheter, it is normal to have the feeling that you need to urinate, but that feeling is quite different from pain. An indwelling Foley catheter should not hurt in the way that you describe. When a Foley is inserted, a balloon at the end of the part that stays inside your bladder is inflated with sterile water, so it can hold the catheter in place. Take a look at the tubing to see if you can find a ring with some words and numbers, which tells you the size of the tube as well as the capacity of the balloon (for example, "16 fr 10cc balloon"). It could be that the Foley is too big, it was not inserted all the way, or the required amount of sterile water to inflate the balloon is wrong. It's also possible that you've developed a bladder infection, which at the very least should be ruled out, and treated if present. If you don't know the answers to these questions, I strongly suggest that you get yourself back to your physician or back to the ER as soon as possible!

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I thank you for your concern. I wrote you a pivate email on aol. I thought it was better that way.

I did go to the school to see if I could find Harry. There were so many people and tents, and things all around the track. Cars parked all over all the streets around the school. I felt I better not do a lot of walking around to find him. He will be in my thoughts and prayers tonight.

God Bless all those who take place in the walk for life, and keep them all save.


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Thank you Marty, I am feeling better in my emotions also. Iam heading down the right track. The Dr. today said I should be fine by the time my classes start sometime in July. After I get this Foley out I am going to stop by the career center and speek with the counselor, he has not returned my calls. I beleive God knows what he is doing aand wants me in good health to start the classes.


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Dwayne, I am so sorry you are having so much pain and discomfort and frustration. It sounds like you are now on top of it and I hope that continues. No one who is grieving needs to add physical pain to the list of things that hurt but I know it happens. I have battled with severe shoulder pain since November that keeps me awake at night a lot, many hours of physical therapy following a fall. MRI is next...finally. It just does not seem fair but like you....we go onward and in the end it is, for me, minor compared to the huge loss. You are in my thoughts. Mary

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I am sorry you didn't get it off like you thought you would. You will be in my thoughts Wednesday...that is the day I go to the dentist to find out what he can do about my teeth situation.

Go slow and I'm glad you're positive about the situation. Sometimes we can't change our circumstances, but only can control how we handle it.


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Thank you Mary, I know what it is like to have pain in the shoulder, I was in traffic in 1996, I was glad I had a rental car because a 19 year old slammed into the me an it pushed me into the car in front of me. When all over the impact was so hard it pushed me into 2 cars in front of me. The car I was in was totaled. No broken bones but a bruise across my neck and chest from the seat belt. It bothered me for years. I hope your MRI comes back negative.

Thank you Kay, Wednesday I hope will be a good day for both of us. I go back to the Urologist the same day. Just try to take everything in stride. Good Luck to you.

My GOD bring us al better health


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Hi every one

I went at 9:00 AM and got the Foley out, around noon I only passed a little. I had to call at 2:00 PM and had to go back to have it put back in. The Doctor said sense I was on Flow max only 3 days because the pharmacy was out. They took out 1 1/2 quarts. I was going to go to a new hospice meeting last night . On my way home from the DRS. I had to stop for gas. They used a different bag than they gave me at the ER. The one in the ER had a screw type of bottom drain valve. The one from the DR. has a slide valve to drain. The nurse put the bag to high and one the front of my leg. The top strap had came undone and when I got out to pump gas the bag fell down and that slide valve opened. So I had the urine all over my pants. They were new and I had ironed them for my hospice meeting. By the time I got home it was getting late, so I had to clean up and put on a wrinkled pants. I will have this in now until July 8. I just cannot catch a break.

God Bless


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Gosh... you have had your share of bad events lately. I'm thinking that you will get this all behind you and things will start to be rosy red for you. I'll be saying my prayers for you and for that to happen. Hang in their buddy, it will turn around. Thinking of you and wishing you many bright sunshiny days ahead.



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On top of that while getting gas I saw my back tire was low. I pulled over to the air pump, and I have these aluminum wheel covers that are classic. I bought them on E-Bay in January. I had to take it off to put air in the tire. I was so mad about all the pee running down my leg I forgot to use the rubber mallet to make sure it was on. :angry: I did not notice it until I went to Greg's today. Just one thing after another.

I was glad I went to Greg's today because he was really down. When I got there he was trying to make coffee. So I said I would do that. I brought him a gallon of milk also. Pour guy just broke down and said he was so useless, and a burden on Donna. I told him Donna could not wait to introduce him to Pauline, that she found her Dwayne. That it takes time for him to heal and he will. Gave him a big hug and we both were crying. After coffee was made I took him out on the deck. I put the ramp in place and took him out. We had a good talk. Then I took him back in and helped him back in bed. I was real glad I went he really needed me today for support and vice versa. :)

God Bless


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