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Season's Greetings

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My heart is with each of you, and especially to those that it is so fresh still, wishing you peace and comfort.

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Thank you, Becky. What a lovely gentle message. I got word last night that a friend died suddenly on Friday night. Her daughters notified me...it reminded me that holidays do not mean the death goes on vacation....there are thousands and thousands of people pushing their way through these holidays. We have joined those ranks. May we all be gentle with ourselves these days. What a blessing each of you has been to me this past year....how grateful I am.


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Mary, I'm sorry to hear you lost your friend. You're right, there's no time out for death, it can strike any time. I had a neighbor whose husband died on Christmas Day, how hard that would be! It was bad enough to me that George died on Father's Day.

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Thank you, Kay. She was a wonderful person...not a super close friend but one I will miss. I hate to say this but losing Bill has made the loss of others less painful...but truly I was not super close to this gal. I feel sad for her three daughters, all adults. They will never forgot this at Christmas time....Today I called some folks who are alone...some because of death, divorce, etc. Some called me so it has been a morning of phone calls and emails. I figured if it means a lot to me when people reach out...I best do some of that for others....and get out of myself a bit. I hope your day is quiet and calm. Mary

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The good news: I got through the day.

The bad news: An old friend lost his father. Another old friend got the news Christmas Eve his mother has days at most to live. And another lost a cousin's husband his family was close to.

Death never seems to take a holiday. But could it not at least wait until I was not 3000 miles from home so I could be there for the people who need me?



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Harry, I am so sorry that your friends have been dealt a tough hand during the holidays. I guess death has a wierd sense of justice...we all know that too well. Those folks back home will welcome your compassion and assistance when you return...you will be there for the long haul...others won't.



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Hap, Mary took the words right out of my mouth. I am sorry for all of your friends, I guess death doesn't know a time out. :(

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