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Looking For The Positives

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No Karen, the girls go to nursery three days a week. This won't change bu E starts school in September as she is now four. Everything will be easier as the nursery and school are only a ten minute walk away but to get to work is a long bus ride and then a -20 minute walk. Her employers will provide her wil a good work station and a dedicated phone line so this will take time to set up. She is so thrilled.

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Dear friends,

My father is out of the hospital. He and my brother will return to Seattle tomorrow where he will see his own doctors ASAP to follow up on what happened in Pittsburgh.

Our yard and craft sale this weekend brought in $1253 for our Relay team, which will put us at about $6700 so far. We usually manage about $1200 at Relay and have a new idea for that which may do better. We'll be hard pressed to match what we raised last year--about $8400, but we have a couple more rabbits left we might manage to pull out of our hats. I'm more worried about the Marathon Walk in September in many respects because it funds the stuff I'm most concerned with. Both events have been a real struggle this year in large part due to the emotional upheavals of the last few months.

But we just have to keep moving forward, so we do.

My other good news is that a woman I know had surgery for NETs on Friday and survived. She'd had three previous surgeries but this one had her scared. She's home and in more than a little pain, but apparently on the mend.



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Oh, more good news. How lovely!

Harry, congratulations on the fundraising. Way to go!

I am happy to hear your friend survived the surgery. I will be so happy when there are better alternatives for NETS patients available here in the US. I think you are correct that at this stage in our culture, it is going to take political pressure on the FDA to get off their duffs and approve the best treatment. Surgery is always a tough go.

Congratulations again on doing so well with the FR efforts.



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I am so glad that your father is out of the hospital and will be able to return to Settle. That is good news.

It seems like all the monies raised for whatever the cause is never enough! September is right around the corner ~ I have a question about the walk but I'll PM you on FB.

We are seeing miracles every day in the medical field ~ decades ago esophegial cancer used to be a death sentence but today they have made strides in it. We do have to keep going ~ it just makes us feel good. I am glad that your friend is doing well after her latest surgery for NETS.

Sounds like you're getting the yard in place. I have some extra river rock if you'd like me to ship it!! ;) When my granddog, Fred, was visiting last week he managed to eat most of my tomatoes in my pot plant that I thought was up high enough. I asked him if he did that and he buried his head in a patio cushion!

We are still friends. When his "dad" came to pick him up on Thursday he went into the back master bedroom and hid!! I think he likes grandma ~ his favorite treats are carrots. Go figure!

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Harry, that's great news on all counts!

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It is beautiful here this morning. The birds are singing and calling, the sunlight is filtering through the ponderosa pines, and streams of high clouds interrupt the pale blue expanse of the early sky. The air is crisp and promising to warm as the sun rises. It is a day off from sanding, staining, desk work, and so much more.

But the world is alive out there, and I am hearing its life forces all around me. What a wonderful anodyne to the the shadows of grief that overwhelm us at times.

Today, it is wonderful to be here in this place, knowing that I am blessed by birdsong and sunlight.

Thank you.



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After four days of workshops on sudden and traumatic death, I am back but very weary. Here is a link to one of the songs played at the memorial service this morning. I remembered all of your beloveds at this service. The service is in remembrance of all those dear to us who have died but also includes people like Maya Angelou and others including our dear Darcie Sims and Marve Johnson...leaders in the grief community. It is quite moving.

For all of your beloveds: http://griefsong.com/sample_yourlightalways.html


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Thank you Mary, not only for sharing the song, but for the work you do and the mission that is your life Path. Your dedication to your service on behalf of others is heart-warming.

Ditto: get some rest. Sleep in.



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I had to look up the word anodyne, perfect word! And I'm glad you have nature and life around you to relieve the stress/pain.

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My positive: routine trip to the eye doctor yesterday. One eye has not changed in 3 years; the other eye improved to 20/20. For several years I've worn one contact lens for mono-vision (one eye for distance, one eye for close up). Now I no longer need the contact....woohoo. Jo

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Dear friends,

Our Marathon Walk team has merged with another, larger, and more well-heeled team. Their captain has been at this longer than I have and has burned out on the effort of holding a team together--a thing I completely understand. He started his team after his wife, Anne, died of carcinoid some years back. Our hope is that his team members will make the transition to our team easily over the course of this year. He and I were both top 30 fundraisers last year individually. His team did better than ours in terms of numbers of walkers and total money, though we out-raised them per person.

The new team is Caring for Carcinoid/Walking with Jane and Anne, which will be in keeping with our attempt to put faces on the disease. Their team had been named for Matt Kulke, the head of the program at DFCI.

I'm not sure this is an entirely positive thing. The logistics of running a team with a membership that runs from central NH to NYC and from Boston to the Berkshires and beyond feels a bit daunting. But it was either do this or watch Robert's team dissolve the way Caring for Carcinoid's team was vanishing when its captain left for other employment and I took it over. We can't afford to lose the money they have raised in the past. And honestly, my own team is about that spread out anyway.

My hope is that together we will have a team of 60-80 people that will raise $80-100,000 this year and do a better job of putting carcinoid/NETs on the map in the cancer world.



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Jo, congratulations on the eyes. I know how good that feels.

Harry, you continue to amaze me and I do hope this new team accomplishes these goals.

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Congratulations on your wonderful work and your successes. The new challenge of coordinating this far-flung team sounds, um, challenging.

Jo, congratulations on no longer needing the contact lens! What a remarkable improvement!


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Ah, Harry, on and on and on, that is the definition of a journey, and you are definitely on one....and taking on more challenges. I am amazed by your stamina. I know great things will happen. Good news Jo on the eye. I think mine are changing a little since cataract surgery in Nov/Dec. I go in Aug for a check up and I think my numbers will have changed. Mary, a beautiful song, thank you for sharing. Kay, I also had to look up the meaning of anodyne.....


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Heh heh, fae will help us increase our vocabulary! :)

Harry, you never cease to amaze me with your ambition and accomplishments...and it seems all of us see it but you! :)

Jo, that is terrific news! I would be beyond elated if I could see!

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Dear friends,

Jo, this is excellent news.

I finished the plantings around the deck today. Some mulching to do and it's finished. I also did some transplanting in the vegetable garden and have just a 4x8 and a 4x4 bed left to plant. That's all but ready to mulch as well. And the new flower bed in the front of the house is fully planted and ready for mulch once it is weeded. Lots of weeding to do this weekend before the mulch arrives early next week.

My semi-annual physical was today and the doctor is happy. My cholesterol is up a few points and I could lose another 5-10 pounds, but even I am pleased with most of it. Hoping for a similar outcome at the periodontist Tuesday. I really miss tomatoes in all their forms, one of the many things I've had to give up while my mouth heals.

Time for some sleep.



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So very glad for your good reports....on your yard and your health.

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You accomplished much today and a good report too, that's great, Harry!

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Good news on the physical report....and good for you, getting so much done outside. I am so lazy when it comes to outside work. My Mother loved to work outside with her plants, and Mike did also, but I am afraid that I am not particularly wired that way.

We had a good opening night last night for "Rex's Exes". About 75, which is pretty normal in our town for a straight play. Great audience who laughed at everything....love those kinds of audiences. Today will be a little different. Our Sunday crowds are usually a little quieter, chucklers rather than laugh out louders. I was pretty tired last night, and still a little today. Todays performance is a matinee, so maybe will get in bed early tonight.


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Congratulations QMary!

I know it must be encouraging and affirming to hear that laughter from the audience. So nice to have a comedy that refreshes everyone. I hope the matinee goes well and that you can follow that with a good night of restful sleep.

I have been trying to do a little more outside often, and it feels good to be out in the sunshine and breezes as my energy slowly returns. I can imagine how beautiful it is there, with the blooming and greens of the place. Enjoy, enjoy!


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Mary, I am so glad your opening night went well and that people acknowledged the humor and talent. I hope today goes as well.

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I'm glad opening night went well! I was amused that there is a pattern of those who attend and that those coming on a certain day are different that those of a different day yet!

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