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Looking For The Positives

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Ah, yes, fae...Chicago traffic...Tri-State, Kennedy, Dan Ryan, Eisenhower, Northwest Tollway, did I miss any of those roads that used to be so easy to drive and now hold a tad of a threat as I find myself avoiding them at rush hour or even in between.

Amazing how far Canada's smoke travels. I hope you can keep it out of the house but doubt that is possible.

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It's been 97 here the last few days and humid...ugh, not used to that! I like it in the lower 70s myself.

QMary, glad to hear your sister is doing better each day! I hate traffic and applaud that you made it out alive!

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Kay, you are having the July weather we usually get. It was 55 when I got up this morning and most days we stay in the 70s and sometimes 60s. Our weather is wacky. I love the cool days and chilly nights. I hope you cool down out there...very soon.

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We usually only get this in August, which makes me wonder if this is going to be a long season...there is already fire danger here. The neighbor doesn't mow his lawn, it's two feet high and completely dry, scary!

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Positive for sure.

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Dear Mary,

How incomparably beautiful! The message is affirming, and the photographs make the song and words come alive. What a world of beautiful faces! Thank you for this perfect way to begin this day.



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It was very cool here and in Hot Springs this past weekend, and a few days before that. It was cool enough in Hot Springs on Thursday morning last week, that my sister in law and I did not want to stay on the porch with our coffee. My sister had a serious set back, it turns out that the "fix" they did on the brain aneurysm on July 8th did not hold. The arteries in her brain are very brittle. She had several good days last week, but on Friday night things got much worse. They had to do another brain surgery on Saturday. We honestly did not think she would make it, but my sis is holding in there. I came home on Sunday from Hot Springs, and plan to go back to Little Rock to St. Vincent's toward the end of the week. Right now they are keeping her sedated, so we do not know how much of her functions she is going to be able to retain, and probably will not know for some time.

Funny story...when I drove that wicked drive from Little Rock to Hot Springs in rush hour traffic, my sister in law and brother were waiting on the patio for me....with an opened bottle of wine..guess who really was ready for it!

Keep remembering my sister in your prayers. She is not out of the woods, and at the very least, has a long hard road ahead of her.


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I am so very sorry about your sister. I can not imagine how worried you are about whether she will make it or not and if she does how she will function. You are in my heart and prayers and thoughts. I was just wondering what was happening when I logged on and you had posted. Thank you.

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I am holding your sister and you in prayer today and will continue until I get an "all clear" signal from you.

Thank you for letting us know how things are going.



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Anne, you always find such perfect images!

QMary, Holding your sister in my prayers. Hope the wine helped to relax you, you've had quite a week! My thoughts will be with you as you make the trek back there this weekend.

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I went for a followup to my doctor today and visited Mom (not great), and got my new glasses. I can see better out of my glasses, not perfect, but overall, better...I didn't get high end this time, settled for polycarbonate, it doesn't have the same clarity but with just getting the right Rx, it's better all the same. I ordered new lenses for my old glasses just so I'd have a spare since my vision is worse than -700. Toes are coming along slowly but surely, have to watch it another 6-7 days.

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Kay, I am so glad you got the correct Rx this time for your glasses! Yes, I can imagine how wonderful it is to have the proper prescription finally!

Did you try any herbals in your foot soak, or are you still doing it? I am really glad you are watching your toes, and please keep taking good care of those little guys. You might have dancing yet to do, you know. :)



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Yes, I've been using herbal foot soaks since the beginning of the stings, one week ago. It's been a very long week, a lot of pain, a lot of fear. I have another 6 1/2 days on antibiotics and then I'll be on vacation, if it gets worse that week, I'll have my doctor call in a Rx and then get checked the moment I get back home.

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Dear friends

July has been insane. But here's the good news: I signed off on the final federal paperwork for Walking with Jane's 501 © (3) status this morning. Now we wait--sort of. Because now that we've finished that I discover there is state paperwork that could only be done after we finished the federal stuff. It just never ends.

But we launched a team for the Fall River Half Marathon yesterday. I'm hoping that will prove a low energy, high return operation from my perspective.

Back to the salt mine. I have 25 more items that need to get done this week just on the Walking with Jane front. We won't talk about all the housework and yard work in front of me.



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Okay, we won't bring up housework...I have been on bedrest for nine days now and all I can see is the dust that's building up. :( It'll get done when it gets done and meanwhile, no one sees it but me anyway.

Hopefully the federal paperwork was the hard part and the state will be a piece of cake. That's one thing I love about Oregon, you can always get someone on the phone to answer questions and they don't act huffy or speak with a unintelligible foreign accent like some of the other states.

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I have a huge positive to share, but in order to appreciate it fully, I need to share some background information.

In March my son and DIL put $ down on a house. My son learned in April that his wife gave a six months' notice at her job, back before Christmas. He explained to her that it could well affect the outcome of their getting the loan on their house. The lending institution had told them they could proceed even though my son was still in school, because he had a job contract that was effective 6/30 and was not probationary. But they did not know about his wife giving notice on her job. My son suggested she try to rescind the notice and continue working through the summer. She talked to her boss but she ended up quitting before he graduated in June. They were told they would close the first week of July and he hoped her quitting would not be an issue, but it nagged at the back of his thoughts as well it might. The first week of July came and went (as many of you who have dealt with house closing already know), and the lenders threw one surprise after another on them. They would not allow them to put the money from the sale of their current home and truck down on their new house because they were cash sales, even though they had bill of sales and even though they're recorded and public record! They said the water test they'd ordered them to do in March "expired" and they needed to get a new one, even thought there are no Oregon statues stating they expire. The new one failed. They had to get it treated and wait for the system to flush out, and new testing done, get samples sent in, and finally the lenders approved the loan! Today is the last day my son and DIL can be in their previous home, but the sellers have 30 days to move out of their new home before they can move in. My son found an RV park that will let them live there with their two large dogs for the next month. The sellers graciously let them move all of their belongings into the four bay garage so they wouldn't have to find storage. These sellers are from heaven, they are amazing and wonderful people!

So sometime in the next month they will be able to move in and the kids can quit worrying about how her quitting her job affects the house-buying. She was just thinking it'd be so much easier to pack and move without having a job to worry about, and she's right about that part. She has done a LOT of the moving so my son could concentrate on his new job without distractions.

I am so happy for them! I already showed you pictures of their new home a few months ago, so I won't bore you, but this has been such a relief to me as well as them. My son has worked so hard for this moment, harder than I've ever seen anyone work towards a goal (exception being maybe our own Harry), and I really didn't want to see this dream yanked out from under them.

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Kay, that is wonderful! After all the "bumps in the road" it is great to hear the happy ending and that the sellers have been so gracious as to let them store things in the garage!


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So glad their dream (and yours for them) is coming together. I know visiting them will be pure joy. We go through lots of hoops to get what we dream of and it worked for them. I know you are totally relieved, Kay.

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