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Looking For The Positives

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Missed you, missed you, missed you, fae! :wub: We're starved for fairy dust and twinkles!

My positive...

My sister is meeting me in Eugene Saturday for pedicures and lunch, and my daughter will join us for lunch. My son and his wife will come Friday night, late, and I'll be gone Saturday so we'll only have a short time to visit Sat. night and early Sunday morning. (the big hoopla? My birthday is coming up...shhh....) I can't wait (and Arlie either!) to see my granddoggies!

Mary, how's Bentley doing?

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Hi Kay,

Thank you for the return greetings!
Your lunch outing sounds fun. Remember to let everyone take care of you. This is your birthday weekend after all.

Happy Birthday !!!

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I got the best birthday news ever, My son & DIL are pregnant again! They aren't telling the rest of the family/friends until she's further along since they lost the last one so early, so no one say anything on FB please! I understand their desire to keep it under wraps for a while, I've been there.

The kids got here last night and will leave Sunday but I already had plans for out of town today when they called me so I won't get to see a lot of them, they'll visit friends here today. Going to meet my sister and daughter for lunch & pedicure (my first!) today (oh and my flu shot).

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Kay, Have fun at lunch and for the pedicure. I know you will enjoy the foot massage part of the pedicure.

I am so glad to hear about the pregnancy. We will all hold your son and DIL in prayer through these early, precarious months. I know you will be quietly cheering them on as well.

It is my day to be at the Holter, so I'll check in when I get back this evening. We have two new exhibits, and are rearranging the gift shop for the coming shopping season as well.



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Kay, I know we will all be hoping and praying that all goes well with this pregnancy. I am so happy for you.


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I saw this on Tom Zuba's site today. I happen to own one of these sculptures and from today forward...I will light a candle for all in this group when I meditate in the morning and afternoon.


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Great minds run the same channel... :closedeyes: Anne!

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So much news here ~ Kay, I'm so happy about the news your son and DIL have. I know you will have a good day getting a pedicure and having lunch.

Fae, is what you do at the Holter like being a docent? I have a friend who does this at one of our museums here and she loves it.

My positive today is that my landscaper was able to save a tree that I thought I'd lost to the storm we had last Saturday. My flower bushes are all in bloom. The Jacaranda Tree is showing some beautiful purple flowers ~ the first ones since it was planted last year. Butterflies are all over the yard and our temperatures are now in the high double digits ~ perfect for being outdoors.

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My positive is that in the campaign we are about to have from saving our little hamlet from over-development I've found someone who is prepared to lead. Last time we were under threat I took the lead. This was 2010 when my Pete was alongside. Without him I don't have the inner resources to lead but still have enough energy to campaign.

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Lots of very good news here all at once. Happy for all of you.

My good news is I am 48 hours away from not doing anything for several days. I'm going to go sit on a New England Fall beach or two, wander through the woods, and otherwise try to ignore the world--it will just have to turn without me. I'm finally going to be able to hang out the figurative "Gone Fishing" sign.

Plenty to do to close up the shop the next two days: some things to put in the mail, posters to get out, t-shirts to order, others to deliver, tickets to get in the right hands. And Tuesday is a bit of a busman's holiday--someone who lost her husband to a rare brain cancer wants to pick my brain about fundraising for a couple hours early that evening. But I'm going to lunch with friends first and then to listen to some music that night.

It looks like our Marathon Walk team will top $65,000, total and we are currently in 12th overall. I'm currently 15th as an individual. The website has nearly 11,000 views since January and over 3700 in the last two months. I hate to lose the momentum, but my brain says it's time for a bit of a break before I break.

So I'm going to go play for a few days--and probably putter in the garden and in the garage, as well.



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There IS a lot of good news here, and a good place to be. The pedicure was nice but it goes against my grain for $ to be spent on something so expensive and frivilous, even though it was my sister's treat! Had a nice time with my daughter too. Shouldn't have gotten my flu shot beforehand as it threw my taste buds off and lunch tasted like ---- I wasn't expecting that, never had that happen before, but at least it's over with for this year!

I like the sculpture, what it is called?

Anne, the flowers sound beautiful and the weather great. It was 85 here today, much hotter than predicted!

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Kay, you do deserve to be pampered and that is what a pedicure is all about...pampering.

I do not remember the name of the sculpture. I have had it for more than 30 years or more.

It was a high of 45 here today, windy and rainy...and nearby snowy. Who knows tomorrow it might be worse or better. Ironically the weather does not bother me....I notice it but it is a non-issue...hot or cold, snowy or sunny. Though it is a bit harder to be blown around walking Bentley. :)

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Kay, so happy for you about the baby news. Will pray that all goes well for them. Happy Birthday this weekend, I think the pedicure sounds like a great treat for you....glad you enjoyed it.

Harry, enjoy your days off, doing hopefully nothing except resting and enjoying nature.


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Kay, you asked about the sculpture so I took a photo of it. It sits on my altar in my meditation room. The black sculpture is woman in meditation...I have always called it "thy will be done". She is sitting on a piece of deer skin that Bill brought home after we read the Soulskin, Sealskin chapter in Clarissa Pinkola Estes book (Woman Who Run With the Wolves) which is about women owning their voices and men supporting that. He tried, he said, to find seal skin but had to settle for deer skin. :) The starfish is one we found in Florida. Everything on this altar has meaning...and I change things out from time to time. The cross is from his casket, engraved with his name and birth/death dates and from the tree from which the monks made his casket. The white candle is from his funeral. I tried to find the circle sculpture on line so I could direct you to it but could not. It is at least 40 years old as I figured. A 70s thing. I will keep my eye open for one.


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Mary, Your altar is beautiful. Mine is in our bedroom, and these days, is an image Doug left for me, a rock from our honeymoon, another rock from when we started the journey south to seek medical help for Doug, and a few other small things. It comforts me. :)

I like your female figure. She feels very peace-filled.



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Thank you, fae. I think an altar is a lovely way to have a special place for us to remember our beloveds. I have photos also...refrigerator door, living room, etc. but this is a PLACE. And I agree, they bring comfort.

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I found an Aztec Circle of Friends, similar.

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Great. I do not remember what mine was called. Maybe Inca.

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Very lovely alter Mary.

Good news yesterday when my brother and SIL visited my sister Lois in the nursing home. She was very verbal, and initiating conversations. She is moving her head (which I had not seen her do), and she can move her left arm a little and her fingers, as well as a little movement in left leg. This is all very hopeful to us. I had given up hope of her regaining any use of left side, and now I am thinking it is a possibility. I am going back on Wednesday to spend the day with her. I ask her if I could bring her anything, she said "just yourself!".

Had a great visit with my brother and SIL, always hate to see them leave. My brother has to go to Texas in a week or so for some consulting work, and SIL wants me to come down to Hot Springs for a few days...may do that, depending on what is going on here.

Well, need to get moving. I did Curves 5 times last week, and need to get on the ball today. Got a couple of errands to run, then curves, then home. Going to rest up from trip yesterday for the rest of the day.


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I love your altar, Mary. My memory table is in the den. I added Benji's collar to it. Amazing how something like a simple area of remembrance can bring such comfort.

When Jim and I first moved out to Arizona, we had friends bring us what was called a "circle of friends" ~ similar to what Kay called an Aztec Circle of Friends.

Such good news about your sister, Lois, QMary. Slow is good. I'm so glad Lois is showing signs of improvement. I love how all she wants is to spend time with you.

QMary, you are more disciplined with your exercise than I am. I have a health club right here in my community and I also belong to Silver Snickers but for some reason I can't get motivated!! I do better at sitting still and meditating which is not saying much! ;) I need a personal coach ~ one that would shame me...

My positive over this weekend was to go up north (Sedona) and see some of the fall colors in and around Oak Creek Canyon and have lunch before heading home.


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Happy Birthday, Kay. Hope you have a wonderful day. Today you can have your cake and eat it too.


♫♪ Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, dear Kay. Happy Birthday to you. :wub: :P

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Enjoy your celebration and may the year ahead be one of health and peace. Mary

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