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Grief Healing Discussion Groups

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No matter what our stories are getting on with our lives without spouse/significant other can be quite a challenge for most of us. I appreciate a place like this that allows people to share their feelings openly in that I may someday learn to how to love again, become whole and nurture without fear.

My husband died May 27, 2011 - melanoma

My mom died May 19, 2011 - lung cancer

I have been overwhelmed these last 9 months. Grief classes have helped but I had a life altering experience that has changed me forever. Just after Christmas it was discovered that I had a very large tumor (size of baby's head) attached to my cervix. (hysterectomy performed 10 years ago but my cervix was left). Feb. 6th was surgery for removal and I went back to work this week. I've been waiting to hear the final diagnosis (they needed 2nd opinion from Stanford, CA) and just received word on Thursday... NO CANCER! From Christmas til now no one would commit until they knew for sure... My nerves are shot now but I'm so very thankful and relieved. I was my own worst enemy after fighting melanoma with my husband... I now know someone was looking out for me.

I look at this event in my life as a second chance... my wakeup call. Spring is coming and ever the more reason to shake off the "sleepies" and reach out for life again. I made a promise to myself to not waswhammy moment that was given to me, small or large and go forward without guilt, without remorse.

So... what happens now?

I get a call from my daughter, I'm going to be a Grandma for the first time around Halloween.

Perfect timing.

Peace to all.



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What a roller coaster ride...through death, illness, risk of death and now a new grand baby on the way. I celebrate your good news about your own cancer-free body and about your soon to be grandchild. Joy to you, Mary

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Deb, so happy to hear your news, both about being cancer free AND getting to be a grandma! I'm so glad for you! I hope the future does indeed look brighter for you.

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Deb, I simply cannot imagine how frightening this time must have been for you. How relieved you must be to know that your tumor was benign ~ and how lovely to learn that you're about to be grand! Warmest congratulations to you from all of us!

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Aww, Deb, my heart swelled with happiness for you. Mine and my husband's first grandbaby was born about three weeks after he died(unexpectedly) and my grandson has given me a healing perspective and a happiness that I didn't know if I'd ever feel again. The circle of life....Love, Pam

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