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A Memory Memorial

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Last night was a special memorial reception for Boom Boom, a rhino from Out of Africa Wildlife Park, who passed recently. Boom Boom was a friend of Celene's and mine. My profile picture is Celene and I in front of Boom Boom's enclosure. I was uncertain about attending the event, afraid of the emotions that I may experience. I pushed past all the reasons my mind told me not to go and went. I am so glad I went. Celene would have wanted to go and in a way she was with me there last night. Thinking about it now, Celene may had been the force that pushed me to go. As I was in attendance at the park, I recalled several moments that Celene and I shared the last time we were there. Joyful and comfort.



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Good for you Anthony. I think we need to pay attention to those "nagging" feelings we get that force us to do some things we fear. I also think it was Celene pushing you to move a bit out of your comfort zone. Dick has nudged me a few times and I too found that I received comfort from the experience.

Love the picture of Boom Boom. He looks like he was a very find rhino.



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I too pushed myself recently. I went on an excursion with the little local history group I belong to. I didn't want to go but thought Pete would want me to rather than becoming a recluse. I kind of enjoyed it if you know what I mean (you will do). And on the night of the full moon I had a little ceremony with candles and poems like Pete and I do every full moon, and then went out to look at it like we always did. It emphasised my aloneness but nevertheless I think I shall try to carry it on as maybe I will feel Pete with me next time or the time after?

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Good for you, Jan. I have come to like the saying, every journey begins with little steps. I have found that to be so true in my journal through grief. Choosing to keep those little ceremonies you enjoyed with your husband has helped me also. Sometimes are harder than others, but when I do feel his presence, it is worth the effort.



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Where was this held? I'm glad you found it of some help/comfort. :)

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Jus me at home in our living room and in our little garden.the moon rose over the sea which is just a field away (can't see it from the garden). We always went out to look at it and kissed. Of course his absence made it harder but maybe I will feel him close next time. Woke up this morning feeling very low indeed.

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Where was this held? I'm glad you found it of some help/comfort. :)

It was held in Camp Verde, Arizona (about 1 1/2 hours north of Phoenix). Celene was very passionate about animals and animal rights. On Celene's urn is engraved "Your Dream Will Live On". With her dream of living a life surounded by animal, I continue to provide support for the places she and I enjoyed visiting. I hope to have a foundation set up in her honor, that will continue to provide aid and support for animals. The foundation will be named: Celene's Dream.


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Anthony, as a fellow animal lover, I am very touched that you will hold that as a memorial to her...what a beautiful and fitting way to honor her, by helping her dreams come true. Thank you for sharing that, and you too, Marty, for sharing the tribute to Boom Boom.

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Anthony, my dear, this came to me via email this morning, as part of Out of Africa's August 2012 newsletter. I thought our members might like to read Boom Boom's obituary (see attachment, below):

Thank you Marty for sharing Boom Boom's obituary with us. Celene had the gift of seeing good, along with bad, in people as well as animals. She always said she would rather spend time with animals than people; that is why I care for 9 rescued cats and two adopted dogs, not to mention the maintenance of the birdbath and bird feeders. Thanks and appreciation.


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Anthony, I have been through Camp Verde, my oldest sister lives in Prescott. My late husband, Mike, was a huge animal lover. I really think he prefered animals over people. We had many cats and two dogs while he was alive. I am down to one cat, and my two corgi girls now. I have had several cats die of old age, and other reasons since Mike's death. It is great what you are planning to do in Celene's memory.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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As I care for the rescued animals that Celene brought into our home, I am reminded of her love. How she only rescued the animals that she knew would have difficulties being adopted out. I can recall how emotional she got when one of the bottle-fed kitten or dog didn't survive. I would comfort her by stating the fact that if not for her willingness to be a surrogate foster mother, for the shelter, there might have been no survivors. And to also look at the health of the ones who did make it. I know all of our animals were spoiled by Celene's love for them, I only hope I am providing them enough.


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