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post-14525-0-72682500-1353270252_thumb.j BENTLEY AND I PASSED OUR THERAPY DOG TEST TODAY. Attached is his photo...not in his new vest (which I have to order) but in a Green Bay Packers scarf from his groomer yesterday. Thanks to so many of you for your support. This is the accomplishment of a dream Bill and I had and as I drove home the tears flowed on the way home as I wished he was here to enjoy this achievement. When Bentley was 4 months old we were visiting my Mom who was in rehab at a nursing home for a while following a fall. I know she and Bill were there in spirit today. Bentley ran to another patient’s room. When I went after him, the nurse stopped me and asked me to leave him there as he had jumped on the bed of a 26 year old (stroke victim) woman who had not spoken to anyone in the six months she had been there. She was talking clearly and warmly to Bentley who was on her bed and cuddled up with her. I left him there for a long while as I listened outside and then went in and she talked to me. I will apparently be assigned initially to the VA Hospital. Works for me. I am happy to assist those who have given so much.

I have one more week of "too busy" and hopefully by next Friday I can settle down and relax and just BE~ I leave tomorrow morning to help my friend post-surgery and pre-chemotherapy. Tuesday I will take her to have her hair cut short. In 45 years I have never seen her hair short. The week will have its ups and down, as does life, but I am anxious to walk this path with her.

Thanks again. I have peeked in a couple times this week to read posts. I am still with you...

I am looking forward to slowing down next week. Now to fill out pages of paperwork.

Peace and love to you all,


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Dear Mary,

This is news we have been waiting for and I am so happy for both of you. Way to go! Go Green Bay! :) I loved the story about Bentley's visit with the stroke victim. I truly believe that animals sense how we humans are feeling. Cathy and you will be in my prayers. You are being given a special gift to be with your friend. I know that I can say that all of our hands here on this forum are stretched out to you and we will walk with you on this journey of yours. Love to you, Anne

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Dear Kavish, Anne and Jan, Thank you so much for your wishes. I feel good about helping others with Bentley as a major part of the team. I am glad of the possibility of going to the VA as I feel our military are sorely forgotten in this silent war. I hate war. I think it is archaic but when there is a war and these fine people step up to the plate, we need to honor that and do all we can to assist...like raising their pay, helping with housing, helping spouses at home and providing medical care....

Peace to you all. As we walk our paths of pain, we reach out to each other with love,


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Congrats to both you and Bentley for such a wonderful accomplishment. I'm an RN who works in a nursing home and have seen the wonderful interactions between therapy pets and the residents. To see their faces light up as they pet and talk to the animals that come to visit is so great. You'll find that it will bring you as much happiness as it does the people. (And, the staff actually enjoy it too!)

Before becoming a nurse, I actually did pet therapy visits at local nursing homes and one state institution and I felt I got as much out of the visits as the people who where at the facilities. I once worked at a nursing home which let me, on Halloween, dress up not only myself, but my dear Great Dane Derby. We were both pirates. She would lay at my cart while I went into the room and did my nursing duties. Then I'd ask the resident if they'd like to see her and those who did got the biggest smiles. It was a site! A 150# dog, dressed as a pirate! We were the hit of the day.

My girl passed over the Rainbow Bridge 3 long years ago, but my memories of her live on, and certainly the love we shared is still so deep in my heart.

Good Luck to you and Bentley. I'm so proud of both of you!


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Mary, What a sweet, beautiful dog! I love goldens, Arlie is half golden but seems to act more Husky. You should be so proud of Bentley!

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Mary, Congratulations to you and Bentley. Am very proud of you both, as you know, it took both of you for him to succeed. Hope the coming Thanksgiving is a good one for all. My daughter and her family will be here. In two weeks I fly to St. Paul, MN to spend a week with oldest son, and his family (all the kids will be home from college), and then am driving to Missouri to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with youngest son. We cannot all seem to get together this year, but I will SEE each of them this holiday season. Am really looking forward to the MN visit, never been there, and it has been a year since I have seen Jeff and his family.

I know this season is very hard for us all, but hope we will all get through it and enjoy as much as we can. I am looking forward to seeing a play that my youngest grandson (high functioning autistic), a student at the McNally Smith School of the Performing Arts in St. Paul, is involved in, when I go to MN. He is an extremely talented musician and artist, which is not unusual for people with autism.

Don't seem to get on here a lot right now, am in the middle of directing a dinner theater, which will be next weekend. Still miss Mike, always will, that much will not ever change.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Happy Thanksgiving, Mary and everyone,

I know these holidays are painful in a different way. This year I have sort of blocked out Thanksgiving...but it sits in the back of my heart as I attend to my friend as I stay at their home this week. It has been a challenging week in many ways but rewarding in others. I will be glad to get home Friday, get Bentley and have a low key weekend.

Lina, thanks for the compliment. Bentley was rewarded for his hard work by my putting him in the kennel until Friday. I can't wait to get him out Friday and settle down to a quiet weekend...much needed. Thinking of you this week.

Mary, I probably don't need to warn you but do be sure to check roads as you head to MN and to Missouri....December can be tricky....ice and snow abound. You will be going fairly near our home depending on your route so if you need a place to hang your hat en route, let me know. I am 45 minutes west of Madison. Not sure where you are heading or coming from and Madison is a bit east of the main routes but if I can help...just let me know. I am so glad you will get to see everyone and enjoy being with your family. Good for you.

Peace to all,


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Mary, congratulations to you and Bentley! That is such a wonderful service, doing dog/animal therapy. Once I get settled down, I would like to look into training a dog to take visiting.


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Beth, thank you. Let me know if I can assist with info on the therapy dog adventure.


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Congrats to you and Bentley. Seeing Bentley's picture reminded me of two Golden's Celene fell in love with at our local market place. When ever we went to browse or buy, she made it a point to stop in and say hi and give kisses. When they were not there, Celene was certain to ask what they were up to and most of the time is was good :D . From your story of his youth with the stroke patient, Bentley was born to bring comfort and aid to those in need. Give him Celene's love from me.


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Mary, that is such a sweet offer, however, I think I will be fine. I am flying non stop from Fayetteville AR to St.Paul, MN round trip, and then when I get back home will drive, a few days later, to my youngest sons in Mo, about 4 1/2 hours away. He understands that if it is snowing, Mom probably won't come! lol. If I ever drive to MN in the summer or spring, might be fun to make a stop near you and we could have lunch or something! That would be great.

Someone indicated to me this past week, that maybe I keep too many pictures, and things of that nature of Mike's around? Don't feel that way myself, but I will be thinking about that over the next few months. Soon be 3 years, seems still like yesterday in many ways.

I have almost forgotten what it feels like to be "normal" and to not have this heaviness that hovers most of the time. Life is nothing like we had planned it, but having said that, I have to be honest and say that although I miss Mike all the time, I have good times also, with friends and family. It is not all dark.

Mary (Queeniemary) in Arkansas

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Anthony, thank you for the congrats. Celene's love will travel with Bentley as he makes his rounds.... I know these holidays are so tough Anthony. You are in my thoughts.

Mary, Glad you are flying to MN..smart lady. Yes, if you ever travel this way I could meet you half way and we could have lunch or whatever. I am about 5 hours from the twin cities.

I agree the heaviness at 32 months remains, the emptiness and sadness remain, and really bad days as well as tears come and go. It takes hardly anything to start the faucet...a song, this week seeing old haunts, etc. but I also have been able to have good times with friends, reach out to others a lot, enjoy reading and painting and soon getting Bentley out to the VA. The evaluator offered to be my mentor until I feel ready and feel Bentley is a bit less exuberant...she and I connected. I still have moments when I catch my breath as it hits again that Bill won't be home when I get there.

Always good to see your name here,

Peace to your heart,

The Other Mary

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Dear Tracy,

Sorry for the late response. Running behind these days. I agree with you, the interactions between animals and residents of nursing homes, hospitals and more is amazing.

You dressed your Great Dane :) I would like to have seen that. I would imagine you WERE indeed the hit of the day. I am so sorry you lost Derby. It is so hard to lose a pet. I try not to think about losing Bentley. he has played a huge role in my caregiving days and now in my healing times. They stay in our hearts forever, don't they? Thank you for writing.

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