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Thank you, fae and Marty.

I just read that even tearing up the lawn does not get rid of these critters. One day at a time...thanks so much


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Is there anything you could sprinkle around the lawn to get rid of them? I remember sprinkling Seven around to get rid of fleas years ago, got it at a garden shop.

I had to laugh at the mental picture of you chasing Bentley around at 5:30 am! sounds like me. My neighbors are used to seeing me at ungodly hours in my pjs to take Arlie in/out of his pen. So glad it's not cancer but hope you can get rid of it w/o too much ado!

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We are not out of the woods yet re cancer. If these meds work then we are probably out of the woods. So. Cancer is still a real possibility. As for killing this parasite...I read tonight that even replacing the soil it is five years before they might be gone....I have more research to do but want to see if this is the Dx. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

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Mary, can you have your soil tested to see if it does contain the parasite? Is it possible he picked it up someplace else? What is the name of the parasite? Is it native to your area or is it everywhere? It's hard to keep dogs from licking the ground, that's how they learn about things.

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This parasite is called whipworm, Kay. It is found all over the world on dogs, wolves, coyotes. Another subspecies is on pigs. Having the soil tested is all but futile as it spreads easily by fecal matter and is hard to kill. Vet talked about removing all the yard soil but since we have no clue where he got it....no use doing that. They get it by eating the eggs and Bentley is with me outside always so I know he has not eaten any feces nor does he ever. Not sure where we are headed but I prefer it to cancer by a longshot IF this is the Dx. Might know something by the weekend. Thank you for your ideas and care. I will keep you posted. His appetite is great on beef and rice now and he actually comes when I call him now...he has been extremely lethargic and unresponsive but we got the diarrhea stopped and the gas (gas x) under control so he is feeling better. He has lost some muscle mass on his spine which is part of this. It is a tough worm. Not like the others.

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Dear Mary,

None of the symptoms sound good, of course, but I hope there is a simple resolution such as a medication.

I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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Hi Mary,

Just coming back to let you know that i am thinking about you and hoping that Bentley is feeling better. Waiting can be unbearable. Know that you are not waiting alone.


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Bentley was groomed today and we got rid of the "back end" "dirty fur" and I know that makes him feel better. He is finally responsive which does my heart good. I am just waiting but he is feeling more like himself. Thanks, Anne and fae and all.

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Mary, I'm so sorry he's been going through this but very thankful he's showing improvement. He is such a sweet dog and I know he means the world to you, I continue to keep you both in my prayers.

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Mary, loved the picture on FB of Bentley after his grooming. He looks just great! Hope he continues to respond to the medicine, and that he will be his old self again!


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Thank you, Kay. I hope to meet with the vet tomorrow but will definitely talk to her and determine where we are and what we need to do with now 4 meds (1 just finished today); possible x-ray, ultrasound....all very confusing to me but hope to unravel it today at least what is next. Thanks much, Mary

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We'll be waiting to hear your report. I will be gone today but will check here as soon as I get home.

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Well, here is what I know about Bentley. I posted all of it in case anyone wants to read the whole thing. Thank you all for your concern. We need prayers now.

Bentley Hunt Friday, June 20, 2014

Bentley was seen today for a second set of x-rays to see if the gas was gone and to see if anything else could be seen if gas is gone. This x-ray was better -in that the area of the gas was smaller but it is still of great concern to her because of how much there is; that it has not budged; and the width of it is of concern. So Monday we have a noon appointment for an ultrasound at the UW Veterinary Hospital and if they find a tumor in the lower small intestine (where the gas is) they may want to do a test to see if it is lymphoma. They may want to draw blood also. If it is intestinal lymphoma, it MIGHT be able to be removed via surgery. But not Monday. My vet does not do chemo or radiation for her own dogs but I will get a second opinion on that since I also talked to a dog expert who said chemo (NOT radiation) for dogs that she knows of has no side effects and does heal and dogs live a long life after that. Lots of research needed here. Since I would not choose chemo or radiation for myself, I don't see why I would subject Bentley to that. I will have to cross that bridge when I get to it IF we do. My vet spoke of palliative care which is what I would choose for myself so I would also choose it for Bentley.

Now that is the worst case scenario. There is still a chance that IF there is a blockage, it could be a fatty tumor, scar tissue, or some object that he passed that got that far.

It is also possible this is IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome which is healed by medications and diet) or even a B12 deficiency which keeps the intestinal motility from doing its job and moving food along.

I am trying very hard to cross one bridge at a time but frankly I am worried and frightened. Bentley on the other hand seems just fine. He eats well and begs for food. His energy is normal for his age He is anxious but x-rays and vets and mostly my own stress could be causing that so I try to be calm.

She cut down his meds and Monday will cut them again in case one of them is causing constipation. He is still on GasX and one of his meds. He is on ID (dog food for digestive issues) and I got dry and canned and mixed it hoping it might go through easier. On beef and rice (which he has eaten for 10 days now) he was not getting his nutrients.

I guess that is it. So until late Monday I will know nothing. I see her Wednesday to discuss results and the plan for whatever is next.

Thanks so much, Mary

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Oh, goodness, Mary, that is a lot to comprehend and to analyze and sort through. I am waiting to hear from you after the ultrasound on Monday. I know this is going to be a long and fretful weekend for you, and yes, I am sure Bentley is picking up on your own concerns. Thank goodness he is doing well.

I hope you can find some soothing and relaxing fun things to do this weekend to pass the time. Maybe some studio time? I know you will be walking Bentley, so that will be a delight. I hope your weather allows you two to go for walks.

It sounds as though you are doing absolutely everything you can and that your vet is paying attention to the process and symptoms. I will be praying for the very best ultrasound report.

You and Bentley are in my thoughts, and here are some {{{HUGS}}} for each of you.



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Yes, fae, it is a lot. So I have to first deal with the ultrasound....one thing at a time....sort of like the grief journey...one day at a time. Thank you for the hugs and loving words.

I will post again when I know something. Take it easy this weekend. Mary

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Thank you, Anne. You know what all this feels like. Not good, for sure.


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Mary, I'm with you on Bentley's heath issues. I'm a retriever lover, I've lost 4 Labrador Retrievers in my adult life to a wide range of canine heath issues.....so I get what you're going through. They love us, don't you wish they could tell us their story? Please know I'm sharing your load....I'm thinking of you and Bentley. Jo

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I just read your report on FB, my computer was down last night so I'm just catching up. Do let us know any further news, for now, you have our prayers. You're doing well to take it one step at a time and trying not to get ahead of yourself in worries. Hoping for the best for our dear Bentley.

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Thank you all. We go to the UW Veterinary Hospital Monday for an ultrasound at noon. Long weekend....

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We'll all be waiting with you for Monday to come!

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Thank you again. I was told that I would get feedback immediately after the ultrasound and biopsy if there is a biopsy...I am thinking and praying and hoping for nothing to show up, of course. But I also need a Dx for the symptoms. I will post once I get some feedback....No clue how long I will be at the UW. This is a new place for me but I know lots of folks who come from all over the midwest as they have a phenomenal rep.

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Mary, it is comforting to know you and Bentley will be in the best hands on Monday.

Thinking of you both, sending up prayers and thoughts of wellness.


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