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Happy Birthday, Mary!

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I hope you have a great birthday, dear lady, and a RESTFUL one! We appreciate your contribution here, so much, we are so lucky to have you!



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This is embarrassing....to have my own topic :wub: Thank you so much. Love, Mary

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Happy Birthday!

I hope today is filled with all wonderful and good things for you, dear Mary.

You are a blessing and a joy to me and everyone here.

Much Love,


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I thank you all for your kind and loving messages. Having the amount of attention and love I have had today from here, from friends on Facebook, from friends in town, from flowers at the door, neighbors stopping by....whew!!! If I don't feel loved today...I never will. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. It makes me feel like my birthday being so close to Bill's death and yesterday's burial...provides a lighter and loving note and new start feeling instead of sadness that it is so close to all of these anniversaries.

I stopped at US Cellular today and they were able to update the software (it took over an hour) so now I can use my phone for a remote for my hearing aids....saves me a bundle as software is free and i have to investigate versions yet and it is one less toy to deal with. It has been a hectic day...but fun. Still have dinner out at 7 and then come home and collapse. Right now I need to get Bentley out for a walk. Thank you all. All of this attention is well...a challenge to let in. :wub:



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Mary, dear, you would not be the recipient of so much love were you not so lovable yourself. My wish for your birthday is that you will savor every bit of it, celebrate it, and know that you deserve it

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Thank you, Marty. This has been some day...I do not think I have ever ever had so many people wishing me anything. The doorbell has rung so many times, tons of calls, ecards, emails, FB wishes and gifts... and I feel very loved. I am savoring it and celebrating it but as for deserving it...well... I am trying to let it all in. I honestly do not get it..honestly I do not. But I am enjoying it.



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OK, Marty, I forgive you....just remember we are almost the same age....I like that approach...attitude...take on birthdays. I am so tired tonight....I just had a 2 1/2 hour birthday dinner with a friend....catching up as we don't see much of each other because she can run circles around me with her involvements. I do not know anyone who is busier but we care about each other as different as our lifestyles are. But I am really wiped out....totally. Amen to birthdays for another year.

Thank you, Mary :wub:

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That is beautiful,Marty, I am laughing and laughing, for this is exactly how we should see ourselves all the time, we beautiful spirits gathered here around this fire. And the rest of the world as well, actually. I wish everyone could see the beauty of their own spirit, which is why I guess it is so important that as much as is possible, we are mirrors of Love to everyone. I always think I am just a prism, shifting the light that enters in my own unique energetic, egocentric way, some analog speck off from the next photon f energy.

That was nerdy nattering. :) I am laughing again. I am working on some theoretical quantum mechanics stuff right now. And I am a nerd. So was Doug. But we studied a lot of metaphysics as well as physics. Which is why this is an entirely excellent time to be learning as much as I learn here, in the midst of all this nurturing, healing, compassionate, tender, sharing Love. So how many Loving prisms and mirrors pass through this polishing/healing/teaching place for wounded and courageous hearts? How many venture out healed and now able to help heal others with more compassion and awareness?

So, one of our questions we were working on was: "How Can Humans become More Effective Manifestors of Love, Peace, and Joy?" The same stuff Prophets talked about. It is happening here, in this voluntary community, a place where we can come together for the common good, the way a village, a people, a Tribe is meant to function: from a place of love and presence.

I now stop nattering. :)

I am feeling pretty good about myself today. My sensei/philospher/spiritual friend who was one of Doug's older, special father/teacher people, told me today I am making a good Jedi with my handling of the family situation. He is also a lay Catholic priest, which I only realized as I learned of his mission and teaching when we would visit him. He is also Cherokee. He has a lot of wisdom.

Mary, I am nattering on your birthday thread. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Please consider me to be the dustman, sweeping up the confetti and cake crumbs.

I will now excuse myself and return to your party. Sorry.



Hey, we need more music! :)

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OK, folks...we are putting a wrap on this topic. It has been a wonderful day and I am deeply grateful for all of you and for so many for making this day memorable and one of feeling loved. I am very very very humbled. I am also very very very exhausted. Thank you to each of you for your kind and loving words and messages and ecards. It is now someone else's turn to celebrate a birthday.

To those of you who are new to this journey through grief...know that in our pain and in our losses, we find ways to support and care and even celebrate. Peace to each of you, I carry you all in my heart,Mary

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Happy Birthday Mary! Your posts have given me endless comfort.

Do something outrageous today. xx

Dear Greta, your kind message is so very appreciated. And my day was outrageously great. :) With gratitude, Mary

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I hope you have a great birthday, dear lady, and a RESTFUL one! We appreciate your contribution here, so much, we are so lucky to have you!



Kay, your message means so much to me. Thank you. Your contribution is also appreciated...deeply appreciated. Mary with love.

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