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I just spoke with someone from the Lions Eye Bank. I received a note on Monday from them, and wondered if perhaps there was news about the corneas that Mark donated. I just got off the phone, and was told that both were transplanted. I should feel good about this news, but somehow I don't. I know Mark would feel good about helping someone; was the reason he signed to be a donor in the first place. It just hurts right now. But then, everything does.

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Maryann I know it hurts right now and even though it was helping others. Perhaps it brings to mind that Mark is truly gone and so it dampens the good feelings of what it means to those who were helped. One day you will feel warmer inside for the gift he made. The Lions Eye Bank is a truly great organization which has been around since I was a small child. I used to ride with my dad who flew donated eyes to different cities back in 1957. Nice to see them still doing it.

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The only part of George they could use was his eyes, his beautiful blue eyes. Everything from that time is a blur. I don't remember if I heard from them or not. I'm sorry you're hurting inside, I hope later on it brings you some measure of comfort, but I can understand how now that's not possible.

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I still haven't been able to stop the tears. I barely made it into my mother-in-law's car before I fell apart. Everyone can see the true gift except me. It was Mark's wish, and because I loved him so much I followed his wishes. It is completely his personality to think of others and want to help. And of course that is one of the reasons I loved him so much. I know it is selfish to rather have him with me. Like Stephen said, it is the first time to really face that he is gone. It shows me that the "fog" is lifting more and more, and it is harder to keep the pain at bay.

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"Selfish" because you'd rather have your beloved with you?? Oh my dear Maryann, I don't see that as selfish at all! It is how you FEEL, and you've every right to feel that way! How could you possibly feel any differently than that?!

What matters in this instance is what you DID ~ which was to honor the wishes of your beloved, regardless of how much it hurts YOU to go ahead and do it. That is one of the most selfLESS acts of generosity and kindness that I can ever imagine! Give yourself credit for that, and allow yourself to feel whatever you are feeling. You are human, my dear ~ and quite a wonderful one at that . . .

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My dear Maryann, you are not selfish at all for wanting your husband with you! I want my husband with me! How could we possibly feel any different?! You are doing all the right things, it's just a painful process. (((hugs)))

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