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Stay Safe Debi........

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We have so much terrorism these days, it dawned on me that Debi, you live closer than we do to the disaster.  I know it happens everywhere, our 9/11, and these are unsafe times, but I thought of you Debi when I was reading about this.  We are, none of us, safe from these random acts of terror, and certainly we have enough in our life already without having to accept the delusional acts set off by this carnage.  Prayers for all the people in France and surrounding areas.  Stay safe Debi.

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Yes, I wouldn't go anywhere I didn't have to, just to keep safe.  It's unlikely there'd be a terrorist where I live (too few targets) but today it is snowing and sticking, earlier than predicted...I've been practicing in my community choir for two months and tonight is the performance...my truck won't start so I'm missing church and may miss the performance tonight.  It's the price for staying safe.

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Thank you Margaret, Kevin and Kay so much for thinking of me. I have had a pesky stomach virus (I will spare you all the details!:)) so I have been laid low for a while.

The situation here is pretty horrific I must say and what happened in Paris leaves me with no words. It is a city I know very well and love and my heart goes out to the victims and their families. As you all know, our hearts are broken with the passing of those we love, so the thought of others having such a lifelong burden and in such a senseless way sickens me to the core. That these monsters (all terrorists in fact) so totally disregard the value of human life and yet live amongst us is horrifying. 

Brussels it seems, as you say Kevin,  is in the spotlight. I know very well, the area that these people originate from and it doesn't surprise me. There are ghettos here that have been allowed to flourish but without any integration into mainstream society. Today the man named as 'the world's most wanted man' seems to have been arrested about 6 miles from where I am writing this. His face is very familiar to me and I feel he may have been a city worker (postman maybe). One of our language teachers Sandra, said he used to be a client of hers when she worked in insurance and he seemed like a nice man. That's one of the reason that stamping out this internal terrorism will be so hard. 'Nice' people become monsters. 

Being a Londoner I am pretty used to terrorism having heard many IRA bombs going off and dealing with at least one bomb scare a week. It doesn't harden you of course, but they cannot win. They want us cowed and this can never be. Taking sensible precautions is the key, but living in the democracies that our forefathers fought so hard to establish and cherish means being free. 

These are dark days indeed. Wouldn't it be great if, for once, our governments knew just what to do? x

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Happy to hear from you Debi.  You were missed.  Take care of yourself.  I think a lot of us have been "under the weather" also.  We are expecting sun Wednesday, but should have storms until then.  My mood is gray and dismal right now..  And our governments?  I hate politics, I hate grief the most.  Stay safe and well.

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Thank you so much Marty and Margaret i so appreciate your lovely thoughts. The news coming out of Brussels is not good and the only positive is that with the spotlight on the city, there are police and army everywhere, so ironically it is probably safer this week than it was last.

The weather here goes from very cold to very mild and everyone seems to be getting sick. You're so right though Margaret, tummies get better but the grief doesn't xx

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I'm glad there's police everywhere, I hope other countries join in to help make it safer.  Our president talked about it, I hope he backs up his words with something.

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Our own Brussels correspondent.....good to here your words........The current problem whether it be in Syria, Gaza, Nigeria, or North Africa,  the only fix, and I mean long term fix, is a Higher standard of Education, higher Economic  standard for everyone, and a UN that does its job......Never had too much love  for politicians , but as a humanitarian, I sure respect German Chancellor Merkel .........she is a Leader..

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My family were in minor politics.  After the mud slinging against my cousin running for senator, I shut down on politics.  Besides I voted for Nixon (cannot believe I admit to that) and my favorite politician was Edwin Edwards the Louisiana governor.  And he went to prison.  (Still my favorite).  

Debi, stay close to home and take care of yourself.  Brad, and all that have been ill, I wish you health.  And, it is raining so hard at my house I think I am going stark raving mad.  I heard from a "girlfriend" I graduated with so long ago.  She is a fine Christian woman and will not leave her house unless every hair is in place and all her makeup on, matching outfits. She lost her husband a few years back. She is not hunting for another, she just takes very good care of herself.  I think we all are going to have to learn to take care of ourselves and that is a hard thing to do alone.  I will go see my neighbor Hettie tomorrow, she gets depressed in this kind of weather also.  We have deer season here and I passed the preacher's house and I think he got an 8 point buck.  Billy preferred to shoot animals with a camera, but I have nothing against sportsmen who consume what they "harvest."  Myself, we never ate wild game.  So please, you all take care of yourselves.   

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Ahh but Nixon "cannot tell a lie!"  :)  Hey, I voted for Obama and most people won't admit to that...still we know enough of the country voted for him to get him elected!  

Margaret, I raised my kids on game meat, much healthier for you!  (Wish I could get more!)  But then this is coming from someone who was, after all, born on a deer hunting trip!

Kevin, you sound like you know what you're talking about, and I agree, we need education!!

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Kay, my mom came from a large family and they used to fight over who ate the squirrel brains.  My dad had goats.  Mama was always tricking me.  I would not drink goats milk but she put it in the regular milk bottle and it was great, but still would not drink it.  Then, she fixed steak one time that was outstanding.  Then she told me it was deer steak.  I was a stupid teenager.  Most everyone I know eats deer.  They even let the kids have a day off school here for deer hunting.  I have four in my backyard most always, woods behind me but it is posted.  Billy has lots of pictures of them.  

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Ha ha  Kevin you put a smile on my face Yes you have your own Brussels correspondent!:) Army out in force today in the metro stations all wearing hoods to disguise themselves. I think it is to reassure the people and I get that, but personally I was far more reassured when we lived in a world that didn't need so much protecting...seems they shot the Paris 'mastermind' today in Paris but for me the question is, how did he go to Syria do unimaginable things to innocent people there and then get himself back into Paris to commit these atrocities? Serious failing of Europe's secret services, they've been caught napping. 

Max was ill today with the same stomach virus so didn't go to school. He was supposed to go to the theatre tonight with his class, but was feeling up to it. We found out that quite a few of his classmates are not going either because their parents are scared of a terrorist threat. What a world. 

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I think I can pass on the squirrel brains.  I'm sure it's a delicacy somewhere! :)

Oh Debi, what a thing for kids to have to worry about!

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