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Everything posted by lorikelly

  1. It does the same for me. i stopped listening for to music for the first 6mos since my mom passed. i just couln't hear it. i know just change the station, i decieded i will not listen to anything that will make me sad. Lori
  2. I will be praying for you, i know this will be hard. i have and never will go back to the hospital where mom last was. all my love lori
  3. Shelley I think it will be great for you to get your own place for you and your sister and her family. i think everyone needs there own space. it will give you a place that is yours and you can do what ever you like in it. this doesn't mean you won't see the children. they will always be a part of your life. you could bring them to your place for the day or even a sleep over. Are you financially able to move out? if so, i say go for it girl!!!! Lori
  4. For me if i didn't believe and have faith, i would not have survived. it is the one constant thing in my life. with it i can do anything without it i am nothing. just my thoughts. Lori
  5. i am dreading tomorrow. it will be my first without my mom. i had my bone marrow biopsy on friday and now i wait. it will take 2 weeks to get results. as i was laying on the table , terrified, i cried. i cried for my mom, i wanted so bad to have her there. 39 yrs old and i still need her so. i should of told her that more while she was here. instead i tried to hide my emotions. on that table i felt like a little girl again who just wanted to be held by there mom. oh how i miss her soooooooo. thanks for listening. i wish each and everyone of you a very Happy and Blessed Mothers Day. may we all feel our mothers love tomorrow. Lori
  6. This is the best place . i am so happy i found all of you and thank God for putting you in my life. Lori
  7. Thank You Marty. I know in my heart she is always with me, it is just at times like this i wish she was here. i am just very afraid. my husband will be with me but not allowed in the room. i will fill my mind with wonderful memories of my mom and think about that while they do the procedure. Lori My moms name is Kathleen Patricia May
  8. I will be there also. it will be a hard day for me with out my mom. i also have my bone marrow biopsy on friday so for a week i will be nervously awaiting the results. i really wish my mom was here so i tell her how i am feeling and hear what she would tell me. i know i can talk to her but i want to hear her voice. lori
  9. Hi My bone marrow biopsy is set up for friday may 11, could you all pls keep me in your prayers. that God will give me the strength to get through the procedure. i am so scared. thanks for listening. lori
  10. Shelley I think each person heals differently and no one can say anytime is to long. Are you able to get daily things done? do you do things for yourself? are you sleeping and eating ok? if yes then i think you are doing just fine. i don't think we ever get "over it" we just find the way to go on. i hope for you a day of peace. love lori
  11. Shelley Please don't worry, we can all use prayes. Lori
  12. Shelley I am so glad that you had a good time. You deserve it!!!! Anything that we can do that helps ease the pain is good. i hope you do more things like this. take care lori
  13. Shelley Please let me know how it went, my prayers are with you. God Bless Lori
  14. Maybe you should see another doctor who is more understanding. you know what you are feeling. my thoughts and prayers are with you. Lori
  15. Hi I am writing to everyone i can to ask for prays. i have to have a bone marrow biopsy and i am terrified. Right now i am more afraid of the procedure, the dr explained to me how painful it would be. i am asking for prayers that God will give me the strenght that i will need. my procedure is scheduled for 5/11 it was suppose to be next week but i have alot going on and i just couldn't do it. thanks once again for always being there for me. Lori
  16. Lisa I also wonder about what the purpose of life is. i am a mother and wife but still question what am i here for. sounds crazy. i lost my mom in july 06 and have been to the lowest place a person can go. i finally admitted i was lost and really got some help. i know that my mom is with me and has helps me each day to function. i was her caregiver for 18mos and i feel lost with out her. i just do my best to get through the days. the weather is starting to get beautiful so i know that will help and i just pray alot. my thoughts and prayers go out to you. i hope you find peace today. Lori
  17. Thank you for sharing with us. i to also think of 20 yrs from now all that my mom won't see. she is gone 9 mos and someday i still can't understand/accept it. i would of loved to have another child (i have 2 beautiful boys) but i won't i can't believe my mom would never meet them. i know that this sounds crazy but it is how i feel. i also suffer with guilt about all the things i could/should of done differently. oh how guilt can take a hold of you and drag you down. i try each day to just do my best and accomplish what i can. I really believe in my heart that the missing never goes away. i meet a woman yesterday that lost her mom 24 yrs ago and she cried as she talked about it. she says a day doesn't go by that she doesn't miss her. i hope this helped, just know that we are all here for you. God Bless Lori
  18. Dear AnnieO I am sorry that you are having a hard time. i know that i still to this day can't go past the house i grew up in. we moved from it when i was 13 and i stood on the front steps and cried. it still makes me sad to see it, sounds crazy b/c i have all of those wonderful memories of it. I think the puppy will be good for you. we lost our wonderful spanky in sept 3 mos after my mom. my heart hurt so much. we got a puppy in jan and and he is a handful. alot of work but i know it will be good in the end. i hope today brings you peace. Lori
  19. Shelley I am so sorry for your loss. Some days it seems like it never ends and you wonder what will happen. We start to think of our own lives and mortality. I pray that it will get easier for you. God Bless Lori
  20. Shelley My mom is gone 8mos and i still can't believe i have not seen her in that long. somedays i still think just maybe it is a bad dream. i continue to go on but the pain is still there. i wish for you a day of peace and hope. love lori
  21. Haley i feel so much like you and my mom left me in july 06. i would take her anyway she was just to have her back. i wish i had words to make you feel better. my moms birthday is this friday april 6th. be patient with yourself it takes a very long time. lori
  22. I am so sorry to hear about your mom. i lost mine in july 06 and still some days can not believe she is gone. the missing is so bad. i can only say take one day at a time. you had nothing to do with her death. noone can control that. you dad is just so angry at the situation and you are the closest one to him so you are taking all of it. please be patient with your self. lori
  23. Happy Birthday Lori, i hope you have a wonderful day. Mine is April 14 , i will be 39 and my moms is April 6 she would of been 80. we are planning a trip to Wash, DC for my moms birthday so my mind will hopefully be off it. Enjoy Lori
  24. Oh Shelley it is not your fault. i know i also blame myself wishing i could of kept my mom alive longer, should of taken her to a different hospital and not of put her in the nursing home/hospice for her last month. i did this b/c my siblings threatened me. i should of stood up tothem. i have learned that some days this will bother me alot and other days i feel better about it. you did nothing wrong and could not of stopped death. none of us can do that. please be gentle with yourself, your a good person and your parents would never want you to feel this way. Remenber that always. Lori
  25. I pray everyday for that Shelley. thanks for giving me hope. Lori
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