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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by lorikelly

  1. Shelley Just want you to know that i am always your friend and you always can come to this site and have us. how about joining a group of some kind? maybe even volunteer work? sometimes doing for others help us. do you belong to a church? do they have any groups? maybe even a part time job just to get your mind off things. Remenber i am always here for you. Lori
  2. I am so sorry for the loss of your mom. it has been one yr since my mom left me . i was with my mom everyday til she died. it is still hard and you have regrets. you were not able to be there b/c of the birth of your baby. she would of wanted it that way. i don't think death is easy anyway you deal with it. the pain is real and it hurts so bad. the only thing i can say is don't hide your feelings. let them flow. it will help you in the long run. keeping everything inside will only make you feel worse.the first six months i only took a moment at a time, there were days i never thought i would survive, i did. i got help, talked to someone and realized i could not do it alone. this board has saved me many times, please keep coming back the people are wonderful. lori
  3. Lori I am so glad that you went back. i think it will help. you will find lots of new clients and meet new friends. just take it slow. that is all we can do. lori
  4. what is the website? lori
  5. CFH I agree i think it is a way of coping, our minds and body can only take so much of this grief process. you do you remenber your mom, you will never forget her. lori
  6. I personally don't like the secret. i have alot of problems with it. i watched a interview on dateline i think on this book and it only confirmed how i felt about the book. i think positive thinking is great but i think the author is a little wacky with her thinking. just my opinion . sorry i did however like the purpose driven life by Rick Warren. lori
  7. Maylissa I like the idea of a memorial book for Nissa. When i lost Spanky, someone gave me a beautiful memorial book. i placed his picture in the front, and there were places to write about our special times, what i miss the most and etc. i keep it on my dresser and i look at him everyday. i will never forget his love,loyality or friendship , i will carry this with me forever. i also have his urn with his ashes right by my mom. she is loving that, being the animal lover she was. it will be 1 yr on 9/22/07 that i lost him and a day does not go by that i don't think of him. he will always be my best friend. i just want you to know i am here for you. i work for a vet for 14yrs and you are very normal in your love for your furbabies. if you could only meet some of my clients. i could tell you stories of there love and devotion to there four legged best friends. the bond b/w animals and people is so real and alot of people have it just like you and me. lori
  8. Shelley You ar not crazy , make as many posts as you like. i will always be here to read and listen. my prayers are with you. lori
  9. Walt that song brought up so many memories or both my mom and dad. i grew up listening to country music on the radio. i believe George Jones sang that song. i can hear my mom singing along to it. the other day we were out and i heard a Patsy Cline song and i started to cry. i have her cd, my mom loved her. i am 39 but know so many of the old country songs b/c of my parents. i am going to go to the site and listen to it. thanks for the memories Walt. lori
  10. Teny this site has helped me more than i can put into words. i always new i had a place to go where people truely understood me. noone judged, just listened and helped. i hope it can help you to. Lori
  11. i love to have mine blessed. it is done for St. Francis feast day in oct. he was a wonderul saint and i have him all over my house. as catholics we believe in and pray to saints. if you have never read his life story read it. he was a wonderful man who felt everything was Gods creatures. Lori
  12. Maylissa I remenber 9 yrs ago i lost my K.K.,Molly,Bridget,Goodie and Cinnamon (all cats) in 18mos. my heart was broken. i loved them all so much. Bridget (i hate to say this) was my closest.. i had him since he was just born and he was a boy. i named him at birth and when i took him to the vet found out he was a boy. i never could change his name i felt it would confuse him. forever he was my Bridge. He use to wait for me to come home from work and meet me at the door. i miss him terribly and it has been 9 yrs. all of them died from cancer except for Goodie. he died from fiv (feline aids) he had it when we took him in and didn't know it until he had it for 10 yrs. he lived a long time with it. they were all so different and wonderful in there own way. i know have 5 kitties, they are BabyCat (my daughter girl , i only have sons so my husband and i call her our daughter), Rocky,BooBoo,Bootsie(he was my moms and i promised her to always take care of him)and Joe. i love them all. i could not imagine my life without a cat. they bring so much love into our lives. i also hate the fact that one day i will have to lose them. i dread that day. my babycat is 14 and it scares me. all my other ones died by the time they were 14. i would be lost with out her , i took her in at 6mos old as a stray. my mom loved animals so much and gave this to me. she thought animials were better then people and would do anything to help one. i wish i could thank her for showing me how important they are in our lives andhow wonderful it is to have one. oh yeah i forgot to mention i have a 8 mos old puppy Bentley. he is a crazy one. i hope i didn't ramble on, just wanted to tell you my story. thanks for listening. Lori
  13. Dolores You will always be Sean's mom, death does not take that a way. Remenber that always. Prayers are with you. LOir
  14. Teeny We understand your english, don't worry. Just keep coming back so we can listen. Kay thank you for sharing your art work. what a great idea. it must of helped. i never would of been able to do that. lori
  15. Maylissa I understand, i love my fur babies as my children. my boys think of them as there siblings. Crazy, i don't think so. my mom anniversary was on 7./3 and Spanky will be 9/22, these are two dates i will never forget. i remenber every date that i lost one of my babies on. In those 3 mos 7/3-9/22/07, i lost two of my best friends. i miss them oh so much. lori
  16. I am so sorry, i don't know what to say. i am a mother of two boys 8 and 12 and could not imagine losing them. i can even think of the pain you must be feeling. my mom always said the worst kind of loss is that of a child. it just isn't suppose to be. my heart, prayers and love go out to you. i pray that God will hold you in the palm of his hands. Lori
  17. Why don't you ask to talk to someone from hospice. i think they maybe able to help you answers some questions. this is a hard one, my mom had her mind to the end, the body was just gone. i know that i am going to make a living will so it will help my husband . my thoughts and prayers are with you. lori
  18. It is hard. this anniversarys, birthdays and holidays always seem so much worse. i wonder why. do you think b/c we dwell on it. i think i do. my moms 1yr anniversary was yesterday 7/2/07 and i still can't believe i have not seen her for 1 yr. i keep think when i am 78, it will be 40yrs since i have seen her. itsn't that a crazy way to think. i tried to tell myself that on those days i will not miss her any less or more, i just miss her so. i just pray that we all can continue to go on and do the best that we can do. i am not sure if it ever really gets easier we just learn to cope with it a little better. lori
  19. Kayc We love you to. i am always here for you. i had to start a antidepressant so i could sleep and eat. i believe we are couragous when we ask for help. if you need something or someone to talk to , go and get it. love and prayers. lori
  20. William I still somedays think that my mom is still here. maybe just in the hospital and i should go see her. she will be gone 1 yr tomorrow. i think it is normal (well i hope so or i am crazy.). we are all here for you. lori
  21. KayC Just want to let you know that you are in my prayers daily. you have helped me alot. i wish we lived closer , i could use a mom figure and maybe i could help you. I feel alot like the way you feel some days. tomorrow will be one yr that my mom is gone. i still can not believe it. somedays i wonder why i am still so sad. i have a wonderful husband and two beautiful boys but the pain is still there. i wonder what life is all about and what will happen to me when it is all over. i do have faith and that has helped me alot. i just keeping trying. i don't want my boys and husband to feel the pain that i feel now. i am always here for you and i will always listen. where do you live Kay? i live in nj and i know it is far i wish i was closer. lori
  22. Angele What a love you and your grandma have. i am sorry for this. i can only say that we are all here for you . please keep coming back. your memere loves you and always will . lori
  23. My mom will be gone 1 yr this july 3rd. i am leaving for disney world tomorrow and will be returning on july 2nd. i did this to keep my mind occupied the week before she passed. i know i will relive each day up to her passing. i hope disney will keep me occupied. i don't care anymore what people think if i feel sad. i miss my mom so much and if they don't like it , the HELL with them. she was my mom and i love her and miss her so. someone asked me if july 3rd will be real hard well of course but i also said i won't her any more or less that day, i just MISS HER everyday . i just try to keep busy. when i am sitting home that is when it creeps up on me. at night i crawl into bed and watch tv that keep my mind occupied. this may seem crazy but i feel less of a person with out her. before i enjoyed everyday of life now somedays are difficult. don't get me wrong i have come along way in these 11 mos and i am proud of that. but somedays it is so damm hard. i will talk to you all when i get back. God Bless Lori
  24. I did not drink a cup of coffee for 6 mos. i always drank a couple every morning. i also went through a period of time when i could barely eat. the anxiety and panic attacks took over. the meds have helped withthat i have gained my wt back. i think it is all part of the grieving process. to me it all STINKS!! lori
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