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Everything posted by kevin

  1. March ,April ,and May.....years ago...I called them Ice Clouds with attitude when I first saw them...
  2. Marg, Where I'm going is definitely North/East and colder...........but more sunlight.....My move will be in the Fall, house will be on the market May(once I can walk normal)
  3. Sad day today.....my loyal Cat , who is about18 years old quit eating .....I forced fed him last two days(liquids and made trip to the Vet)....we looked like quite the pair going into the office.....me limping with cane, holding Cat in my arms with a dog leach.....Once staff saw us hobbling they lended 100% assistance.....Determined putting cat to sleep was the humane road to take. Feel relieved but some sad....
  4. I heard Angela call me a number of times.....once when I fell asleep on the couch and left stove on....Voice was clear as a bell, Kevin ,Wake up....I believe in Spirits now for sure......
  5. Marg....I am recovering very well, thanks for asking.....Actually spent two minutes on stationary bike yesterday...Swelling finally coming down. Doing all the exercises and motion stretches..Staples/stitches come out tomorrow......I will have some self imposed limits but within two/three months should be ready to call realtor..........
  6. Karen, smartest thing(health wise) I ever did was bite the bullet(funny ) and make the decision to go full dentures.....Last three years I have been pain free....no infections whats so ever........And I spent ten years battling surgeries ,crowns, extractions, partials....finally accepted my genetics and went with the alternative.....No regrets
  7. Condolences on Sister in law passing.....death of family member is a big trigger...Take a step back and a few deep breaths when applicable....The whole Widow thing is now we deal with these "Events" alone... , flip side we Celebrate alone also(which creates another trigger for many).....Lainey, wish you the best.....only 4 am, early start for the day for me
  8. The good news is I'm feeling better every day and it looks like the snow held off last night......Somehow my Cat got out yesterday and made life Hell for old "disabled" me trying to find him......This morning started a painful grid search which entailed going down about 14 stairs, long story short, Cat spent night outside basement door.......all is fine now...Cat staying beside me, and doors stay closed.....have a good day
  9. Just got about the same and more coming.....Friend who lives "at the Lake" got well over 6 inches......In like a Lion .I Feel 50% better today in regards to mobility....Following only the prescribed exercises and its working...In and out of bed without pain at all.....Even my cat is back to normal.........
  10. Kayc, I'm under self imposed house arrest for at least 10-12 days.....have neighbor arranged to drive me to remove "staples".....Feeling surprisingly well with just one night out of Hospital.....Every 30 minutes must move and exercise.....combat clotting.....no problem with appetite
  11. Operation big success......went so good passed, mobility tests, up and down stairs on third day and got my "walking" papers.....Also wanted to dodge snow storm coming our way........Bottom line slept in my own bed last night.....Mobility very limited but great improvement after 3 hour car ride yesterday.......Slow and easy, and you all have a good day........Winter hanging on here
  12. KayC, I can identify with the July comment......We sure do get our snow don't we......But i only realize now what these distances do as we get older......Gwen , I have similar menu when I get out of the hospital....Micro Wave everything and three seperate walkers, raised chairs, and bathroom outfitted for the disabled....living the dream..
  13. Spent 7 days in Northern Alberta....touching bases with Family before my surgery on Monday....Went through some significant snow on the way home...Worst snow was an hour and half from my front door....Forecast lots of water this Spring....Take care IMG_1850.MOV IMG_1850.MOV
  14. Lainey,I find this personal wellness is a rewarding pursuit and great diversion....daily exercise, nutrition etc....later get into the goal setting...I'm focusing on blood pressure and weight...not losing anything...maintaining to begin with....baby steps work, as long as there in the right direction....Keep up the efforts
  15. Gwen, a friend of mine had a number of good sayings over the years and two I decided to institute as "Commandments"....1/ don't let the ba$tards get you down....2/ I"m not the kind of person to quit, I'm the type to get Fired.....you have the Volunteer name tag in your favor, you don't have to listen to her....there is an easy compromise to be found..you haven't changed...appears the change is solely with new Lady....always hated petty stuff by petty people......
  16. I have a niece who is a Registered Nurse and is very knowledgeable with the peculiarities of different Doctors.....Unfortunately, they are all called doctors, but like car mechanics, their a lot of bad ones out there that haven't kept up with advances in their field(or have too).......My sister is treated for a Cancer from a Doctor that has lost privilages in a couple of hospitals ( niece followed up)....be careful out there
  17. Kay, snow finally quit about 3-4 days ago......Scheduled for pre surgery stuff Feb 8th, but weather starting to turn Springish.....getting Gwen's left over rain ...This winter seems longer than usual...have a good day
  18. Lainey, going through this Hell two times, I don't think my body could handle it....My heart is out there for you....Grand children are great but don't give up those social inter actions like the gym, coffee shop etc....Fellow widower has me engaging in something everyday, even if its just picking up mail or walking a trail...It helps...all the best
  19. Finally got myself dugout of the snowfall, neighbour with plow has helped us all by pushing snow banks back....When all the snow started to melt, some how got some of my electrical(coil) components wet...Van wouldn't fire, put a tarp over the front and a heater underneath, two days later it started...Evidently its common problem for this model......Besides that, the downsizing is going well, and 6 weeks until my Hip surgery........spending 25 minutes on stationary bike daily....should help my recovery after surgery.....looking forward to walking normal again...
  20. Got a couple of stills of my grandson...and our recent(last couple days...snow)..Shoveling steady last couple of days..Its dry and light..Kay, whats it like at your place?( This is Atlas..13 mths old)
  21. My Grandson's first recorded steps yesterday.....Christmas Day was a couple steps...now he is Stepping https://www.facebook.com/melissa.barath/videos/10154895160412105/
  22. Happy New Year Everyone. I hope 2018 will be better for all of us...., Spent 10 days with Family in Northern Alberta....Lots of good times....Temperatures like the old days bone chilling Cold, -10 to -20 F.....The driving in the City always a challenge since these small towns have given me some bad driving habits....will have a difficult time moving back there because of crowds, but the family ties over rule any perceived negatives....Resolutions the same as last year....lose some weight and stay healthy....Again, all the best
  23. This is my Third Christmas Alone and agreed to a short visit, then one of the Kids laid out the logistics for a family get together (everyone available) then I moved my dates ahead by four days......It will be lots of food and drink, and 99% family......Actually looking forward to this....
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