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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by kevin

  1. Everyone needs a piece of paper of some sort that says they can Finish...Diploma, Certificate....etc...Gets them in the Door...Different world out there and Perseverance always succeeds....This young one is your purpose...
  2. Marg, My second Grandson is a wiz with computers and video graphics......and is also in adult school to complete his Grade 12....He's 18 now, and works about 20 hours a week....He's a strapping lad, 6 ft 2 in, must be 250 pounds.....Whenever I visit, or holiday with the family, we share a room......Fast forward 3 years now, our Mutual nick name is"Roomie"........I actually feel his successes....have good week end
  3. Marg what is HiSet test..? Equivalency...It's good to continue to apply the learning practices..... does she have her license yet or pre license?...those are always good motivators...This is noble effort your doing...good work
  4. I was at a function the other day and knew or was familiar with almost everyone but didn't say more than 50 words and left as early as was appropriate...Unless there is a few drinks in me, I'm in a shell.......But I feel 200% better now than I did a year ago...I can live with Grief and use my past as a Source of Joy aand strength....I got talking about baking cookies and laughed because I should have paid more attention when Ange did her baking....still downsizing...Putting some stuff for sale on line tomorrow....
  5. Snowed a bit last night but turning clear and cold next few days I'm told..I like clear and cool..
  6. Its the season, sharing a couple of pictures snow from the Mountains on recent to Alberta, and my Christmas decorations.......And last shot is snow to nite on the mountain...coming closer..And my latest Grandson...Turns 0ne on the ninth.... IMG_1594.MOV
  7. In Canada it has taken a decade to get the Police to concentrate on the Native Woman missing in this country....One area of concern is the "Highway of Tears"....This is primarily highway 16 up North but believe now it encompasses missing native woman across the country....Early excuses were high risk lifestyle, runaways, reserve life....all transparent...Girls being killed and RCMP not following up on it.......that no records thing hits a nerve(like they don't count)..in the 1800's didn't record Chinese deaths when building the railroads
  8. I grew up, the only boy with three sisters.....My Father always worked steady, and my Mother also once the kids were in school....I don't remember any strange goings on except the Heavy Duty social drinking when I was older........But no sexual abusives with any relatives.....I didn't even know about Gays/Queens/ Bi until I was 17......I was very sheltered or closed minded in my thinking....like one of John Mellencamps songs.........Marg, you can have Trump, piece of work....
  9. Gin, the physio will work, did she give you any stretches or easy exercises? Some of those therapists have magic fingers I got frustrated just down loading some Documents the other day. The Bank or my printers program didn't mesh and I went in circles for hours.....Finally shut everything down, unplugged, started over 20 minutes later...everything was fine but now I have sore neck from the self imposed tension.....I still take too much Advil but it gets me through.............Wet and Cold now, need Sunshine......Jim Nabors passed away..RIP
  10. Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and gave thanks ....Up North our Thanksgiving was last month...Same tradition, lots of food and Football.....I'm still geared up on my downsizing plans...if anything, I will get 5000 lbs of stuff out of my house within next 6 or `7 months........This Christmas will be the first year I buy a Stuffed Turkey roll... and add pre made gravy and cranberry sauce....And I'll start eating two days early, because I'll be flying North on the 27th...Like many of us..I'm still not ready for the full Socializing, too many triggers...
  11. Marg, that sums it up pretty good.....Doc Halliday was outstanding person and great pitcher in both leagues...The community leaders echoed the same feelings Brandy spoke at the Celebration...I think he might have been 42...what a loss
  12. Sounds like you found Bull Dog pills, good..........Big girl pants, squeaky wheel, and your Southern tenacity will get your granddaughter the attention she needs...Patient Advocates are so necessary, and we will all need one at some time ...Good work Marg
  13. Gwen, a little late on this, I find the anniversary of the passing is the most difficult of all the dates....my thoughts are with you'''
  14. We are at that age when sorrow abounds, I light the candle for Angela every week after Mass.......(we never prayed that much before she passed away, but going back was on our list..., then my best friends mother took ill, another candle and prayers...sadly she passed away....I am at 4 candles(that's my limit) and got news today another friend had a bad diagnosis......(colon)... Not sure if its because of the personal Grief I've endured , but these new encounters with loss i find myself more understanding and sincere......And there is so much of it.....
  15. Its a Long Long Journey...............Just read their lead singer Judith Durham had issue but is recovering...Voice of an Angel...
  16. I was Tax guy until i got "reviewed", now everything is done by H&R Block with their stamp.......I review everything they do....Net cost is Less than $100....
  17. Just had a Birthday and got flooded with all the Facebook stuff.......Got me thinking......The early Years when life was simple........I think I have gone full circle in my mind, and want to go back......My memories aren't too Jaded, but to have that innocence or ignorance again, we accepted life with the confidence we could handle anything............Need to concentrate on Health and other Age related challenges ........On the lighter side, ordered truckload(big) of dirt for new garden...My time is cut out for next week to wheelbarrow all this dirt from front yard to back.....take care
  18. Mares, condolences of course...For you, nutrition is so important and the Grief process we tend to forget to eat....so for you its doubly important......Just for you to find your way here is good....take care Kevin
  19. My Kitchen table and tree chairs were full of papers for over 6 months.....Taxes, Probate, lawyers, and everything that had to change names on......That has to be one of the top Stressors in the first Months.......I had to re prove the whole thing when my house insurance just came due......After I did the same thing last year.....But, I was a lot more patient this year, being I knew where all the documents were......Tom, what can I say, I feel your pain...
  20. Marg, I bought some walking sticks(ski poles),and I swear by them....evens things out and reduces pains....Arms take pressure off hips and knees....But the walking is the Key, do what ever you have to, but keep walking...........Gin,warm water, easy stretches, and muscle relaxants (don't push too hard)......Forgot Big news..Came in Second in HorseShoe tournament...I may have found a hidden talent...haha
  21. Marg, the more fresh food you eat, the better you will feel.....With my osteo, I am heavy into Omega 's, mostly Fish....And I avoid red meat....I load up on my Turmeric/Oil/Pepper mix ...helps the joints...I'm trying to undo a lifetime of "excessive" habits....I'm at 40% of where I want to be....I still have two Pints of Beer daily and my portions are bit high some times....Rome wasn't built in a day....Walking on the Golf course is easy because I'm also leaning on my Cart.......
  22. Yellow pages and a cup of coffee, start phoning in alphabetical order, or wait for them to call you....But I use the Calendar for everything, every year I get the big ones(big squares)..transfer all last years Birthdays.....whether your still alive or not, still on Angela's Calendar.....
  23. “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” - Irish Tombstone
  24. I had a Doctors visit, everything was good , he said anything else.....I said Memory appears to be slipping.....We chatted but no magic pills......My question, Anybody else out there slowly losing memory...particularly super short term.?...Its like I can't focus or concentrate on specifics....I decided to make a list every night and it will be a dynamic list, as stuff is being crossed off, new stuff is going on.........Other than my Joints not working ,I'm doing fine and Hobble 3 miles a day on the Golf Course.......
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