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Everything posted by kevin

  1. My Lady friend and myself are going shopping tomorrow, picking up (food) and a few Easter goodies for the youngest Grandkids.....and got to look at another kids car that won't start...........this is my only outing planned . It sure is difficult , our weather has just changed, but still have a healthy frost each night......Spending $ on order in Movies.....Gwen, I have one portfolio down 50%, enough to make you cry......touch wood, not many Covid cases around here....stay safe everyone
  2. In the North winter is back with " Sheila's Brush" again..last snow storm after St Patty's day...It's Sheila sweeping out the last of Winter....Those plexiglass screens are all up here in the Super markets in the last week..And the stores were re stocked so I've been told..Gas prices down 30%. Got word Daughter still crazy and wants to end it all, I passed it on to Head Nurse she has suicidal thoughts and what she said...now on "double watch" and nothing sharp in her room....7 more days and Global warming might kick in...all have a good evening( cleaned my keyboard and keys are sticking) haha
  3. Thanks for all of your messages...she is now in lockdown psycho ward...Paranoid as hell, everyone is out to get her(same old story)....It will take three for days for meds to kick in.....not going to be discharged anytime soon (I hope).... stay safe and distanced
  4. With all the good news and Graces with new grandkids lately and only seems Karma will make an appearance.....My youngest kid, the recovering drug addict has slipped and kinda missing(except for texts)........Her friend who she is staying with is at her wits end....Told her family comes first, she breaks the rules, she's gone....It 's something I should have practiced earlier......Other than this "lockdown",still waiting for Spring...
  5. Another Great Grand kid born Thursday.........7 lbs 6 ounces, Baby girl.....due to Covid 19 etc, going to put off visiting her for a month or two...But everyone healthy and happy........Here's both of them Aria is the Girl(2 days old) and Mason about 3 weeks old....tha's it for a couple of years, I hope....
  6. Gin, Marg, Kay,my daughter texted me the other day and told me she entered a NA group and started attending meetings....I think that's a great sign, she told me she asked to have the anti schitzo meds increased a bit....I said baby steps, they start you low for a reason...
  7. I just got myself the flu along with the household, and neighbours. Slowed everything down bigtime, I'm over the worst of it but my place is off limits to everyone for another few days...This has been almost 2 weeks. All this Coronavirus stuff makes one a little more careful....Will avoid the Gym and public areas for a bit..Anybody else get this years Flu?.......Clocks change Sunday for us ,Spring ahead....take care...
  8. Kay C, Good looking little ones for sure.....I just picked up some water wings for our 4 year old for the pool....at that age absolutely no fear.....Grandson that visited me last week is going to be an Uncle this week if all goes well......will keep you posted....
  9. Thanks all, this one is from Military parents so they tend to move around.......and its a big country...Marg, understand the distance and circumstance issue...There is another one due March 9-10?, a little girl( Angela's side)......
  10. I'm officially a super senior......My first Great Grandson was born yesterday......Atlas , the three year Old ,is now an Uncle......Everyone is Healthy and Hungry......Seems like last week I was taking my grandson skating when he was 6 years old ..time fly's...... IMG_0164.mp4
  11. This might be a repeat post or I deleted something...I've been told the Meth Amphetamines of the past and the Chrystal Meth today are totally different...I think today they a "sprinkled" with an Opiod and it is almost immediately addictive...Whatever it is it really screws up the right and wrong function in your brain.....I heard this will find the basement in rock bottom.......
  12. Thanks Marg and KayC, this drug thing just is something I've dealt with for over 30 years and my solution is cut off the head of the snake . Chinese type penalties for dealers and Pill Mills........
  13. LAST TEN DAYS A NEW KIND OF HELL, got a call that my youngest Child was being air lifted to the University hospital......Call was from my x wife and the news only got worse......My daughter(37 years old)who just broke up with her boyfriend , went on a Party Binge, and somehow got in a psychotic state and walked out in -40 weather....This state was Crystal Meth induced but that is ongoing issue.....I thought,and the burn unit concurred, she may loose a leg/feet parts........These drugs, as most of us know, foster a paranoia of the highest degree.....that was recognized by the health care personal and she was on an anti psychotic drug day 2......she was not a nice person to be around. Day 5 got the word from head nurse, case worker, and shrink progress was good (no amputations) and an assessment was done.(got a prescription for the antipsychotic meds).........Entire family involved by now, good support but few answers....(kids been to rehab 4 times, I shared this in a letter to all the health workers), by know she was walking to the elevator to get to smoking area.....Day 9-10 she was released to me and she had meds for a month......she is now on her way to stay with a school friend many miles away and her family ........I'm hoping this may have scared her straight and this new start will be what she needs....these drugs take their toll on you........
  14. I miss the milder temperatures and beauty of the mountains.....have a couple of trips planned later in the year......
  15. KayC ,The wet heavy snow is a heart attack trap.....I met a guy whose son in law died shoveling (45 years old)......We actually may have a bit of a melt today....Going to start idled vehicles today, and clean up pathways....Gwen, are you guys storming again? Saw something about west coast again...
  16. KayC I got some good news yesterday, my sewer problem fix was successful electrical tape and the insulation...So happy Feel like a school kid and I'm back better than ever...Insurance contacted me and the deductible is waved and the loner vehicle will be set up on the 14th....The next cool weather will be nothing compared to this last one...Looking for Ground Hogs now, I want spring...
  17. Mark ,my most sincere condolences....Marty's post sums up ,your main purpose of care giver now gone, leaves you with an absence in your mind/heart...I really needed my support network/friends first little while....My best advice(as told to me), watch your nutrition, we forget to eat, and don't do too much .....I remember the first 40 days as the worst days of my life....stay with us Mark....
  18. Small break in the weather, about 20F, I decided to play Mr. Plumber and am in the process of heat taping and insulating about 50 feet of plastic sewer line....The project is difficult because of the super cramped space.....I have a three day window to get this done(I got about 20 feet done)....My option was wait till Tuesday and pay plumber or do it myself....if I don't succeed Tuesday is still there...I'm stubborn so I will make this work ......But the other news was someone rear ended me..$2400 damage. body shop has me in the Q Feb 14th....This is Winter from Hell...BP down, Blood Sugar 9.5( still high with diet)
  19. Gin, my condolences on the passing of your Sister in Law.........Too much of that going on at our age....I can relate to "children not Listening"....I got to step back and remember what I was like in my 40's..a little stubborn)...now I chuckle when kids ask for advice...Cold is getting worse, heat tape gave up the ghost and my water froze up...now I'm packing water, just like camping trip(living the dream)......plumber kid did some repairs/replacement last night but no success, still -33, didn't expect immediate results.....three more days of record cold...take care
  20. KayC, that is lots of snow, dry stuff I hope....Marg , I just read about the southern Tornado's, just plain devastating...Gwen , my sister lives in Victoria, and there getting hit with bad weather also...Vancouver almost shutdown........I have 4-5 days left of the real cold , then justnormal winter...Very little snow is the upside....this is Hi of the day!!
  21. Winter or the Polar Vortex is upon me with great vigor.........https://www.accuweather.com/en/ca/edmonton/t5j/weather-forecast/52478 I had to install a new battery with an electric thermal blanket.....Expect and windchill of -40.....at this temperature Celcius and Fahrenite are equal....Everything freezes.......Miss the South on days like this.
  22. I spent one New Years in a hospital and they actually shut down a wing and crammed us all into other floors....... ended up in the maternity ward for two nights.....This is a bad time to get medical care..... Good news KayC, and all the best Gwen....
  23. Sappy Christmas Movies and Halmark Channel........love them
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