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Grief Healing Discussion Groups


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Everything posted by STARKISS

  1. Hi All, I know that alot of you are thinking about going to private therapy sessions and think how expensive they are...Well I actually was planning to see another therapist but she was alot of money and she told me to think about seeing her student therapist and I agreed... The student therapist I saw was six months from graduating and she was 40 dollars cheaper a session... I found the student therapist new what she was talking about and she also was supervised by a real therapist so if there was a problem she could ask the supervising therapist what to do... After the therapist I have graduated she still charged me the same because she knew I could not afford the big expensive fee... Maybe people should check out different therapist on Psychology today... Psychology today as a listing of therapist for all over the world and has what areas they are special in and what there fees are.... I hope this helps...Shelley
  2. Hi All, I am so sick of hearing they are in a better place or they can not feel pain anymore... I hate when people come up and say oh you poor dear how sad is it for you.... My mom died in April of 2005 and my dad died in August of 2005 so you see I got it all in double.... When my mom died people would say how sad it will be growing up in your adult life without your mom and when dad died they all said how said now where will you live and who will take care of you... You see I lived in my parents house until they died...Shelley
  3. Thanks Robert27, I really appreciate this... Shelley
  4. Hi Kat2005, I did go to group therapy and I am also in private therapy now too, I was so nervous about going to private therapy... I emailed the therapist of the website Psychology today it was less upsetting to do that because the thought of actually talking with someone was very nerve racking to me... The email was really easy to do... Than the therapist emailed me and than she called me a few days later to set up a visit session which I was very nervous but the therapist made me feel so calm right away.. I have been seeing her since January and now I look forward to our little talks it reallydoes help me to talk with someone who really understands and does not pass judgment on me... I hope this helps Shelley
  5. Roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and you were too.. your daughter Shelley
  6. Hi Benpm, I know in Canada whenever I had something to donate I called the Children's wish foundation and they would send a truck and pick all the stuff up, or the diabetes foundation in Canada will do the same thing... Shelley
  7. Thanks Marty, I really appreciate it, I know it is just prayers but this lady has gone the distance with me, first it was allowing me to see her on Saturdays when she does not usually work... Than it was cutting her fees from 80 an hour to 20 dollars an hour... Thanks Shelley
  8. Hi All, I just receive an email from my therapist saying that she would not be able to answer any of my emails because her son was rushed into the hospital with a bursted appendix... She says that he has complications and is very ill right now, Please keep my therapist Monique and her family in your prayers... She has done so much for me, the least I can do is ask God to help her and her family through this tough time... Thank you Shelley
  9. Dear Tjwbrown, I am so very sorry for your loss, I can not even imagine what you are going through right now... I hope this does not sound weird but is their any records of the night in the er... Maybe the records would reveal something, I know when my mom died she died out of country and we had the worst time trying to get a death certificate from the country where she died... And ya what about the death certificate did it not have a cause of death... Sorry again for what you are going through.. Shelley
  10. Happy Birthday Dad, I know that you are gone but not forgotten, I know that things were not always good between us, But just because of this I can not forget your birthday Dad I do care about you and know you had some kind of problems... I know that you are happier now and maybe one day I can say I love you again, but for now Happy Birthday Dad Shelley
  11. Hi Niamh, I can relate as well, I had people constantly coming up to me and asking me if they could do anything to make me feel better... Or telling me things are going to be okay... Or they are in a better place and away from pain.... I had many people constantly coming up to me and getting in my face and would not go away until I said I was okay or they just kept bugging me till I would have to run and cry somewhere... I am so sorry for all you are going through but I am going to send you a great big hug right now and hope it gets to you and wraps around you and know that I am thinking of you today.... If you ever need to rant to someone I am here for you and I am a great listener too... Shelley
  12. Hi EllenB, Thank you for your reply and I think I will try that with the picture... No I do not have kids but some days I wish I did... Shelley
  13. Hi All, Well I talked it over with both therapists and they have decided that they got in this line of work to help people so they are dropping their normal fees for me and allowing me to pay what I can while I am looking for a new job... They are both really worried if I stop going to therapy that something bad might happen and they do not want that to happen... I do believe God sent two angels to help me get through all of this... Shelley
  14. Hi Niamh, Thanks for the reply and yes I have started with the help of two great therapists who I had to say good bye to at the end of June... Shelley
  15. Hi Sheiss and Kavish, Thanks for the great ideal, I am going to do it on the anniversary of his death on August 25... Shelley
  16. Thanks Benpm. I am definitely trying to hang in there, but some days are just rough... Shelley
  17. Thanks Marty, I do feel all the love from this site and I am so thankful for everyone here, especially when my own family has drawn so far apart since the deaths of my parents... Shelley
  18. Hi 2sweetgirls, Thanks for your kindness, I just got off the phone with one of my therapist and she was so helpful being that I have had such a horrible week this week... It felt good to talk and get things out and to someone who really understands what is going on... She did this phone session for free because she cares... I felt bad because she was doing it for free and I think that I should have stopped it because people should get paid for what they do... Shelley
  19. Hi 2sweetgirls, Thanks for replying and for all your kindness, but really when you have your mother it is so very sweet and you never take her for granted until one day and you wake up and want her so very bad and she is gone and she can not come back... Shelley
  20. Hi Niamh, Thanks for all your kindness, yes my grief journey has been an extremely lonely one but that is just the way it is... I miss my mom so much and now I think I am starting to forgive my dad a little because I find I am starting to even miss him a little... Shelley
  21. Hi Marty, Thank you for posting this I have gone and lit many candles.... I have done it on anniversary days, birthdays, and just when I was thinking of certain people... Thanks so much Shelley
  22. Hi Robert27, Thank you for all your kindness, and I realize everyone hear cares... But the therapists I had were so helpful, I only hope I can find another job really quickly so that I can return to therapy as fast as I can... My one therapist is doing a phone session with me today only because she knows that I have had a really tough week and that she is going to do it for free... (her choice)... I am truly blessed for getting to know this who website family and for the therapists I had... Without all of you I would not be here... Shelley
  23. Hi All, I have an a very upsetting day again today, I am losing my job in about three weeks and with no job insights I have given notice to my therapists who are the reason I am still around... I have tried so many ways to find another job and still found nothing... So now I have to be able to go on all by myself... Shelley
  24. Hi loulou, Thanks for your reply, it is so nice to know people take time and actually understand and care about others... Shelley
  25. Hi All, Here I am again, I am having a really rough time right now... I am really missing my mom, I am crying so much right now and just need to see her so very badly... I am feeling like she is the only one who will understand what I am going through... I need to here her voice to say things will be all right... I feel so alone and unloved right now, I know people here say I am loved and cared about but in my life as it is near me I can not say that... Shelley
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