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Everything posted by STARKISS

  1. Hi Sheiss, You are most welcome I am glad to help someone... Shelley
  2. Hi Benpm, I first want to say I am sorry for your loss, I am one of those people Marty has been talking about... I am seeing two therapists right now and it is the best gift I could have given myself... I continue with this board as well just to get the support this fine group of people give... Getting counselling is not for the weak as people might think but for strong people who just need a little help to continue on their way... Know that you are so welcome here and can continue to read and post but do not feel bad if therapy is something you could use... Shelley
  3. Hi Korina, It does not sound silly to me either, quite often I will be out and about and people will say whatever happen to Bailey and I will say she is up in heaven playing catch with her grandfather who is my dad who is also in heaven... Bailey being a yellow lab... Shelley
  4. Hi Whiteswan, Thanks for your reply, As it turns out this friend moved away and did not leave a forwarding address so I did end up losing contact with her after all but one day I would like to find her and discuss old stories with her that she could tell me about my mom and her... Shelley
  5. Hi Benpm, Thanks for your input, I will try to think of something to do eventhough I have so many mixed feelings.. Shelley
  6. Hi Sheiss, I am so sorry for what your dad is going through, I will keep you all in my prayers and ask God to help you through these difficult days that you are going through ... Shelley
  7. Hi Robert27, Thanks for all your kindness and if you ever need someone talk to or to listen I am here for you too... Shelley
  8. Hi All, My dad has been gone for nearly five years now, I have never had a good relationship with him... His birthday day would have been on June 6, I just feel like I should do something but in my heart I am still hurt for what he did to me... I am so mixed up inside... Shelley
  9. Hi All, I just wanted everyone to know how special I think you all are, I mean you are all suffering in one way or another but you think of others when you are here... I have been so touched from the friendship I have made from all of you... You all have made me feel like I am so special... Thank you all Shelley
  10. Thanks Niamh and Loulou, for your replies, I just miss my mom so very much... She has been gone from me five years and two months... My dad's death anniversary happens in August and his birthday would have been in five days... So there is so much emotion around me right now... Shelley
  11. Hi Niamh, Thanks for all the kindness, Yes I hope the days get better for us all in the coming months... I do not want a day like yesterday to happen again... Shelley
  12. Hi All, I want my mom back so bad, I miss her all the time... I need to feel her hugs and I need to hear her tell me things will be okay... I am all alone with in this crazy family of mine and I do not know what to do... I miss you mom Shelley
  13. Hi Marty, Yesterday was a very tough day for me, I am still missing my mom very much even after five years.. I am working toward forgiving my dad for everything he has done and well working for family is not always the best either... I had both sister and brother in law home all day and the kids were really mean to me as well... I just let everything build up and had no where to let it out... I need to be able to go and be able to do something when things build up... Sorry if I worried you but I have trouble letting things go and I rather let them boil inside of me until days like yesterday... Shelley
  14. Hi All, Well I have sent all my siblings emails telling them when I plan to do it and I am waiting on word from my brother about planting the tree other than that it will happen on August 25th of this year which is the 5th anniversary of my dad's death... Shelley
  15. Hi All, Just wanted to let everyone know today is a far better day than yesterday was.... I am much in a better way of feeling... Thanks for all the kindness you have all shown me... You are all truly family... Shelley
  16. Thanks Robert27, I will keep you in mind if I need anyone to talk too, I am so grateful for all my friends on this website.. Thanks for the passages as well I will definitely keep them on my mind thanks again Shelley
  17. Hi Robert27, On my bad days I will try very hard to remember to think of everyone here and I am truly thankful for everyone here... I do not know where I would be if I never found this site... Thanks to you and to Marty and everyone else for all you have done for me... Shelley
  18. Hi Marty, You are right, I am going to plan a date and tell the family that I came up with a plan for the remains and carry out the plan... I am hoping the family with go along with this but if they did not wish to help and go along with this it will be their decision and they will have to live with it... I need closure and I am also hoping that they all do too... I am going to ask my brother who has a big yard if we can plant a tree somewhere in his yard... My parents loved visiting his place and we have so many good memories there... Shelley
  19. Hi All, I have just emailed my therapist and told her everything and I am waiting to hear from her... I am hoping that I can meet her for a coffee and a talk about this horrible day I have been having... Shelley
  20. Hi All, I am so desperate about doing something with the remains that I am almost willing to take it into my own hands and do something because the family is driving me crazy with their stalling tack ticks... Shelley
  21. Hi Everyone, I am in trouble again, I having those bad feelings coming out and around me...I am having a very bad day at work and both my employers are home today with me and I just find it extremely difficult for me to do anything... I feel like everytime I do something I am going to get yelled at... I keep thinking I should just go and never come back...Shelley
  22. Hi All, I just feel like I just need to give my siblings a swift kick in the rear to get them to do something, they all know something has to be done and for the longest time I knew that they were waiting for me to make the decision but now that I am ready and willing to do it no one else wants to.. My therapist thinks that in order for me to start the forgiving process I need to get this done... She also does not want me to tell the family about the abuse until after the remains have been dealt with... Shelley
  23. Hi Chrissie, I will definitely keep them in my prayers as we all know how it feels to lose someone dear to us... Shelley
  24. Hi loulou, I am sorry that you are going through what you are with no one wanting your loved ones remains, I do not know what is worst fighting over what to do or finding out that no one really cares the way you do... Shelley
  25. Thanks Kayc, For letting you all know what has been happening to Kim,, Kim, I will keep you and your family in my prayers and ask God to wrap His arms around you all and help you get through this very troubling time for you... Love Shelley
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