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I don't really know where I am going with this post just felt like sharing alittle, the other day I was out front listening to Kevin's music and my music I found for him and I was listening to Westlife I'll See You Again I was looking up to the sky and my son walked out he said to me mom what if you don't see him again what if there is just nothing, I told him Anthony we will never truly know until it is our time to leave and by then it will be to late to, I told him many people believe in many different things some people believe in heaven, some people believe in a spirit word, some people believe in angels, signs, and some people believe in nothing all of which are ok, I told him but if you chose to believe in something and it brings you comfort and there ends up being nothing who are you hurting no one I told him faith is believing in what you can't see, I am not trying to make this a religious thing everyone if free to have their own beliefs but I feel my faith slowly returning, my believing Kevin has not truly left me that he walks with me everyday has brought me so far in this journey it has brought me a sense of peace when I miss him I just talk to him and I know he is there I can't explain it I just know, once again one night I was out front listening to music this time I was crying I had my legs crossed and it was chilly I felt a sudden warm sensation on my leg I know it was him telling me I am with you always. These are the things I hold on to know his love keeps me going (along with an amazing community of people who understand and listen) It feels nice to be able to talk to my children now without losing it to share what I am learning with them anyways thank you for listening hugs to all.

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Thank you George I know for me personally your words have helped me along the way it actually dare I say feels nice to of found this sense of peace not that I don't have bad days for I know I always will and I have so much to still process but it is nice not to feel like I am drowning in sadness everyday that I can look to me heart to find comfort which is along ways from when I first came here and all I had was a sense of hopelessness I truly hope everyone is able to find their sense of peace one day

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2 hours ago, rdownes said:

I don't really know where I am going with this post just felt like sharing alittle, the other day I was out front listening to Kevin's music and my music I found for him and I was listening to Westlife I'll See You Again I was looking up to the sky and my son walked out he said to me mom what if you don't see him again what if there is just nothing, I told him Anthony we will never truly know until it is our time to leave and by then it will be to late to, I told him many people believe in many different things some people believe in heaven, some people believe in a spirit word, some people believe in angels, signs, and some people believe in nothing all of which are ok, I told him but if you chose to believe in something and it brings you comfort and there ends up being nothing who are you hurting no one I told him faith is believing in what you can't see, I am not trying to make this a religious thing everyone if free to have their own beliefs but I feel my faith slowly returning, my believing Kevin has not truly left me that he walks with me everyday has brought me so far in this journey it has brought me a sense of peace when I miss him I just talk to him and I know he is there I can't explain it I just know, once again one night I was out front listening to music this time I was crying I had my legs crossed and it was chilly I felt a sudden warm sensation on my leg I know it was him telling me I am with you always. These are the things I hold on to know his love keeps me going (along with an amazing community of people who understand and listen) It feels nice to be able to talk to my children now without losing it to share what I am learning with them anyways thank you for listening hugs to all.

I love your post.  It was beautiful.  Thank you for sharing!

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They are never gone, its like they slipped into another room....and you can still talk to them. And I swear, there are times they answer. I have a poem of  this taped to my fridge.......it got me through the early days of this journey 

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Kevin I have things posted on my fridge too. One in  particular got me through the early days as well. 

Robin no one can tell how things are on the other side but there is nothing wrong with believing in something you can't prove to anyone. You have it exactly correct. To believe in something which you cannot prove is to have faith. You can't explain the things that happen to you that firm your belief that Kevin is there to anyone who has not experienced such events but your faith is yours to own and I for one believe it's real. I loved your post too.

I am reminded of something I heard Betty White say about death and the afterlife. I tried to find it online when I first read your post but alas I can't retrieve it. It was about not knowing the secret on the other side but someone in her family had died (not her husband) and she was telling her granddaughter I believe "Now she knows the secret".

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Thank you Steve you have also helped me so much in this journey your sharing helped give me hope and I am thankful. Kevin I to think they answer us in their own way, thank you Jgillen for your kind words it is nice to be able to share a sense of peace and hope hugs 

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Robin, your son asked "what if you don't see him again and there is nothing"...

I simply can't imagine there is just "nothing" after death. I can't imagine that someone with such a joyful presence and heart of gold like Tammy could cease to exist. It's that hope that allows me to function in the here and now. I believe that even though our beloved has left their earthly presence, their essence is left behind, inside all of us. It's that little voice in our head that tells us they want us to be happy and that when the times comes, we will be reunited with them.


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From the Fridge...

Death is nothing at all.
I have only slipped away to the next room.
I am I and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other, 
That, we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name.
Speak to me in the easy way
which you always used.
Put no difference into your tone.
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.

Laugh as we always laughed
at the little jokes we enjoyed together.
Play, smile, think of me. Pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
that it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect.
Without the trace of a shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same that it ever was.
There is absolute unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
because I am out of sight? 

I am but waiting for you.
For an interval.
Somewhere. Very near.
Just around the corner.

All is well.

Nothing is past; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before only better, infinitely happier and forever we will all be one together with Christ. 

Poems by Henry Scott Holland : 1 / 1


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Kevin, That is beautiful.  It is what I hope for.  I get all tangled up worrying about whether we will be together.  We were both widowed when we met.  I worry that maybe he will be with his first wife.  We both felt that we were soul mates and were so happy.  

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Don't get all 'Tangled" up worrying about something you have no control over...Do your best to stay in the present, and make the best of it....The after life has a few interpretations, and they are interesting but I'm sure your spouse wants you to be happy,not worry.......

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Mitch I want to thank you to because you have such a way with words and it has helped me so much what you said is exactly it, even though his body is gone I can feel him here with me and Kevin a beautiful poem that expresses it beautifully thank you for sharing it. Hugs

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Kevin, I was sent that, by my daughter, just a few days after Connor crossed over.............it does speak to me. From what I've read (extensively of late)...is that time, as we know it, does not exist on the "otherside"....they await us, and to them, it is but a few moments.  It would explain a lot.....perhaps, (and I am not a deep thinker on this subject) we, the ones left behind, have yet a purpose to fulfill.....not for ourselves, perhaps, but for another, mayhap.........it is a mystery, and shall ever be, until we can also cross over and know what is beyond this plane of existence.  Hopefully, it will all make perfect sense!  All I know is that I feel that I DO have something left to accomplish here.....that Connor would wish me to......and that I perform this in a better state of mind than I think I have left in me.......that is the "gist" of it, I hope this makes some sense!

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Kevin, I love that poem.

Robin, your post really touched me.  I'm glad you still have your faith, and I believe as you do, that they're still here with us, in fact, I just got through talking to George.  ;)

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Kat what you wrote makes perfect sense you have given me something to think about as far as my purpose I haven't really thought about that and Kaycee thank you, you are the woman I hope to be further along in my journey you truly give me hope I can feel your  pain yet feel your love for George.

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On 9/21/2016 at 1:05 PM, WolfsKat said:

Kevin, I was sent that, by my daughter, just a few days after Connor crossed over.............it does speak to me. From what I've read (extensively of late)...is that time, as we know it, does not exist on the "otherside"....they await us, and to them, it is but a few moments.  It would explain a lot.....perhaps, (and I am not a deep thinker on this subject) we, the ones left behind, have yet a purpose to fulfill.....not for ourselves, perhaps, but for another, mayhap.........it is a mystery, and shall ever be, until we can also cross over and know what is beyond this plane of existence.  Hopefully, it will all make perfect sense!  All I know is that I feel that I DO have something left to accomplish here.....that Connor would wish me to......and that I perform this in a better state of mind than I think I have left in me.......that is the "gist" of it, I hope this makes some sense!

I am reading (well, actually listening to audiobooks) the same extensively.  It all makes such sense to me on a deep level, and yet it is hard to get past the crushed dreams, the loneliness, the ache -- still.  I have not figured out how to let that alleviate the grief agony.

Kevin, that poem is very powerful.  I do make Ron a "household" name at work.-- because he was so integral here.  And I believe it is good for me to mention him and not make it taboo... to make it natural like he IS just in the other room, and he still has all sorts of advice for everyone here (I'm sure he does!).  I would have never imagined I'd be able to do that, but it actually helps me feel him.  Remember his presence and part in the business. Imagine and see him at work here.  Of course, that reality at home is between the two of us, and harder, and more emotional and wrought. 


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