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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Thanks Kay. I can try a couple of them, not the balance one or walking on a board though.

What BS at that restaurant! Maybe you ought to let the health dept. know about the "no water" situation. Glad you had a nice lunch except for that.

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It's merely takeout but I'd think the same would apply.

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You could do the balance board if you had someone spot you, it needn't be a lengthy time.  It's only an inch off the ground if you use a 1x4,  The other one that is larger on a small cube would be harder (with swinging ball from ceiling) and would definitely require spotting.  It all ties into your vision though, so not sure how it'd work without it, but it beats going blind in my opinion.

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Same here, Marg. So not like her to be absent for so long.

Usual stupidity around here. I saw my doctor on Monday supposedly to discuss his consultation with my opthamologist. He couldn't even remember if there was a consultation, said he'd check my records. So I asked about a blood test for Myasthenia Gravis which he ordered, but it's highly unlikely. Had messages today from a neurosurgeon and a neurological ophthalmologist for appointments. Checked with doctor's office and blood test results not even ready yet. Sounds like the cart has been put before the horse. I'm on hold while somebody looks for their ass.

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I'm also worried about Gwen, wishing there was someway to know.  I'll see what I can do today.  This isn't like her.

Karen, unbelievable.  And they charged for this visit, as unprepared as they were!

Yesterday I got a call from my doctor wanting to know why I wanted COPD off my records...I told him I hadn't been on the breathalyzer for over two years and my lungs are great and my oxygen level is 97. I went into his office to get the spirometry test and she wouldn't do it because I'm not on the breathalyzer.  He said he'd remove it from my records.  It was likely Keto that turned it around.



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I got a hold of Gwen, she sounds terrible, she's going through withdrawal of her pain patch.  I am concerned about Dee, she didn't say anything but it's more the awkwardness of the situation...

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Good to know that she's still fighting the good fight, Kay. Seems that doctors have really screwed her over with all these drugs. And then there's Dee.....

Sending healing thoughts and good vibes her way.

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I asked if there's anything I can do from here, she didn't give a direct answer, Dee might have been there, IDK.

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Kay:  Was wondering if she mentioned she still reads our comments. and knows we are still thinking of her and praying for her.   I too had wished she had chosen to go into an assisted living facility, but she was adamantly against that choice.  Also wondered about repercussions if Dee felt others were interfering.  Will keep her in my prayers.  Thank you, Kay, for keeping us informed.  Dee

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I don't know, Dee, I wanted to ask but she was barely coherent.  I felt any probing might throw her.  I'm thinking how much better her life would be in assisted living, I don't like her dependent on an out of control alcoholic.  Her life has just deteriorated so much!  My heart breaks for her! Ever since her back surgery, and you don't even want to know what I think of the surgeon that did that to her and left her to deal with it! Hung, drawn and quartered comes to mind...:angry:

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4 hours ago, kayc said:

I'm thinking how much better her life would be in assisted living, I don't like her dependent on an out of control alcoholic.

Yes, any other living situation would have to be better than what she is living in.   Will keep on hoping for the best for her; seems like that is all that can be done. 🙏🏻 😢Dee

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I think she has formed a connection with this Dee character.  We want to "save" so many people (not just this forum, but family too) and sometimes we have no control.  

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Praying...all we can do, but the best we can do.

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Karen, I hope the doctors get your results soon so you can schedule your other appointments!

Thursday or Friday, Jazzy bit Kodie's eye and nose, nose seems okay but the eye looks just like the other one did before surgery.  Will give it a couple of weeks to heal since this was an injury unlike the other one's emerging condition, it's scary though, do not want to repeat what we went through with him so recently! Am supposed to watch my grandkids 7/14-16 and am nervous about having him around Murray so much, Bruno is fine to him.  Murray is a wild large pup that won't leave him be.

Iris said she'd be back by 1 yesterday, she wasn't. I went and let Jazzy out a second time, still no Iris. She finally called, wasn't back to town yet, still had more stops to make, including a notary, I wish she'd been upfront about WHEN she'd be home, I hate that she leaves her baby in that kennel, no food or water or ability to move, all day!  Lord knows when she got home!

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Wow Kay! Jazzy seems to be getting rough with Kodie. She needs to learn that he is not a chew toy! Good luck with the Murray situation.

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Jazzy was really good today, I kept reminding her. I've also learned to take his leash off AFTER we get there and remind her again and again, as long as it takes, be prepared to run after her if necessary, she usually does it when we first get there, not afterwards although I still have to watch her.  I think the problem with the lack of training is Iris has cancer and her husband had long haul Covid for 4 year four months and then died.  It's been rough for them.

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Electricity went out this morning for the THIRD time in two weeks!  Very annoying!

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We lost our electricity in Arkansas living between two "mountains."  We had a clear pond way in back of the house and Billy and Scott took turns bringing buckets to flush the commodes.  That was right after Christmas in early 2000's.  It was an ice and snow storm.  Our fireplace was made so electricity would blow the warm air out.  No electricity.  A water pump run by electricity.  We were flatlanders but Billy (and today is our anniversary), he thought he was Jeremiah Johnson and loved it.  Now in Louisiana, no air circulating in the house will kill my sister.  Some in Shreveport are still w/o electricity.  This is serious.  They are not worried about the cancer, think she is in remission, but her emphysema is making it where she can't go outside.  She was going to take the car and go get groceries, but just walking to the car made her where she could not breathe.  They are supposed to get her one of the purse kind, but I don't think she will live long enough for it.  Certainly not if she goes outside.  We have temps in the triple digits and it is so humid.  Today at Walmart, I always get a parking place in first 2-3 parking lines.  I had to go to #11 to find one.  I checked myself out.  People were in the aisles waiting for the checkers.  She could not have handled it.  (I'm knocking on wood), but our time to be out of electricity has be very short and minimal.  

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I'm also on a well, so no power, no water, can't do much with the phone either, no bars. I did manage to report it, was almost there (standing outside to catch the tower) and dropped the call, started over and finally got someone (took 1/2 hour, neighbor tried and couldn't get them) and she said "We aren't open yet."  Too bad lady, I'm reporting an outage!  Third one in two weeks!" She said, "We can't help when trees come down." And I told her, "The last two were birds because you didn't use insulated lines. We didn't have any outages all winter and now it's summer and we get three in two weeks?!" Don't want to say what else I wanted to say to the smart aleck.

Your poor sister!  It's a good thing she has you!

I have to go to the valley tomorrow for a mammogram, will leave Kodie at home as no way to protect him while they do their thing, will pick up a couple of things at the store and come straight home after getting gas.

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20 hours ago, kayc said:

  I think the problem with the lack of training is Iris has cancer and her husband had long haul Covid for 4 year four months and then died.  It's been rough for them.

Kay:  I agree Iris has had a lot to deal with and am sorry.  It's understandable there has not been time for training.  You are a good friend to help her as much as you do. 

About a year ago my son adopted a sweet chocolate Labrador and even though she had been trained in some areas she still had the bad habit of jumping on you when she sees you.  With her size and my unsteadiness, I had to constantly remind her not to jump.  She can easily knock me over.  If she is outside and she hears me open my front door she will come running for a treat.  Gradually, she has learned to sit to get her treat.  It took awhile but she is getting so much better.  I do enjoy her but have to be ready to remind her what she needs to do.   I know she would benefit from another dog to play with.  Dee

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It was 97 on my covered patio in the mountains here yesterday...it would have been over 100 in Oakridge as they're usually 5 degrees warmer, we went to the BBQ at the church but had to leave for the outdoor activities, I knew they had them for the kids but didn't know they'd make us go outside for them, so just left.  I made Keto Avocado Brownies to take with me so told my friend she could take them home, she loves them.

Good job on training the lab, Dee, they can be a bit crazy, but not all of them are, Sammie never was but her sister Nori, oh man!

Sammie passed away a couple of days ago, it was so hard, I wasn't prepared...she was Arlie's best friend, my only consolation is they are together again.  Mina, Sammie's co-owner, posted a picture of them together two days before Arlie died...he'd made the trek down there (he was dying of cancer) to see her one last time before he died (he knew the end was near) even though the owner ordered us off his place one year before and they hadn't gotten to see each other...he hadn't told us he got a new dog, Molly, when we came to the door he flung it open and Molly jumped on me and Arlie was protective of me but didn't bite and she reacted to him, so that's what happened, Rich should have let us know and should have kept her leashed for the introduction...in all this time he never once visited Arlie when he was dying, but when he wanted me to go with him to the vet when Molly had cancer I went, 6:30 am one time!  Two days before he died he let me know he wanted to see Sammie, inwardly I dared Rich try to order us off his place!  Arlie went through the motions of playing with Sammie and then they hung out under the cedar tree like old times. We slowly made our way home, stopping for breaks along the way (it was 1/2 block).  When we got home, he laid on the couch and smiled the rest of the night.  

Do you suppose they've found a cedar tree in heaven?

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Kay: What a sweet, but sad story of your Arlie and his friend Sammie.  Dogs are such amazing companions to us.  And yes, I know Arlie and Sammie have found their cedar tree. 

I so envy you being able to have your Kodie to share your life.  If I were younger, I'd love to have another dog but will have to be content with my Grand Dog.  Taking care of myself is hard enough.  LOL

This little comment popped up on Facebook page a few months back and thought it perfectly says how it feels to love a dog : image(1).thumb.png.c14197138ed96f50b56450ae6e72a97f.png

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