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My Sanity Needed Vents

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Karen, I see you logged in, hope you are doing okay!  Envious of your weather there, it's cold here.

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Doing good, Kay. I'm usually up until about 4, just about when you're getting up.

Called to make neurosurgeon appt.  As I suspected, they are scheduling at year's end so my doctor will have to resend the referral. The one I have expires next month. Will just do the best I can until then.

I think it's been in the 90's here. Usually much hotter by now. I can wait for that.

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Scott goes to the VA.  Has been trying to schedule for his teeth that are so bad.  They won't call him back, or rather they said they'd call back, but won't.  So, he went over there and waited them out.  Set him up for the last of July.  His teeth are bad.  He has to go over to get their attention.  He is 100% disabled.  But a friend could not get a rheumatologist appointment, had to go to a many miles away rheumatologist and it was three months away.  Medical care in the USA is atrocious.  It is easier sometimes to just die.  (Louisiana has a tax to pay on dying).  Arkansas didn't. They had to ship my sister off by ambulance to a town in another state for emergency colon surgery.  A very bad patient anyhow and she still fusses about this.  Could not find a colorectal surgeon immediately within 300 miles.  She has insurance, but sometimes some doc's won't take certain insurances.  I do think Canada has better turnaround times and medical care.  


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We have wait times but no problems with Insurance.....its all 75% Provincial...And being a Senior less for most.....The weather up here turned cold and wet.....Fires not an issue and temps are 7-10 degrees below average...Nothing grows, daffodils finally blooming....Planting tomatoes next couple of days.......All the talks of drought are losing their voices which is great......Even my grass only has been cut once....Things will change next couple of weeks.....growing season appears to be at least lagging two weeks.....

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4 hours ago, KarenK said:

I'm usually up until about 4, just about when you're getting up.

I go to sleep at 7, usually sleep until 2, if I'm lucky (bur rarely) sleep more.  Last night I woke up at 11, laid there two hours and never got back to sleep.  That's my limit for laying there.  I can't nap.  Alas I'll be tired today and hopefully will sleep tonight!

90s, okay, I think I'll pass, but I'm tired of freezing!  If I lit a fire it'd be too hot and I'm trying to tough it out until it warms up more...I cleaned out my wood stove when we were in the 80s but now with the 30-50s, ugh!  My Edenpure keeps the house from freezing but not much else.

You're seeing the neurosurgeon for...???  Forgive me if you've already told us.

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50 minutes ago, Margm said:

(Louisiana has a tax to pay on dying).

What???!!!  That's insane!  Saddle the family with death taxes?!

27 minutes ago, kevin said:

growing season appears to be at least lagging two weeks...

Not here!  I have to pay to have my (large) lawn mowed and weedwhacked every couple of weeks!  It's been a week and it's growing crazy again already!

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I hate that they profit from people's loss.  Should be a law against it.:angry:

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Mama told me two things that come from a farm girl, 95 long years, and they were "You can't fight city hall" and "Don't question the Bible."  She had a lot more things to say, but those have hung with me.  

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Kay, I'm seeing a neurosurgeon as the next step in trying to discern the cause of my double vision.

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Did you ever try the exercises I gave you?  They were from an eye specialist I had to pay through the nose for.
(Posted below)

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15 hours ago, Margm said:

"You can't fight city hall"

Yes, one can. They do here all the time!  It's what town meetings are for and the uproar all the people can create when they do something stupid.

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5 hours ago, kayc said:

"You can't fight city hall"

Certainly, you can.  At the time, Mama didn't even know where "city hall" was. I think she was saying this for a time that "politics" were simpler.  

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I quoted you but you somehow quoted it back as me saying it?  Weird how that works!

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On 5/10/2021 at 7:47 AM, kayc said:

I went through double vision years ago, went through eye therapy and it helped.  They told me it was because I didn't crawl as a baby (my mom kept me in a playpen as they were building a house) so I had to go through exercises.  Picking up cheerios with pickup sticks..  Tie a cord to a doorknob and hold it and focus your eyes up the cord to the doorknob, and back towards you, repeatedly.  Hang a ball from the ceiling while being on a balance board (Ron could make one out of a square of wood with a small square in the center, put the small one on the floor). You stand on the balance board while watching the ball swing around you with your peripheral vision (this was the hardest exercise!).  Also, put a 2 x 4 on the floor and walk forward to the end and back on it repeatedly, this was also challenging for me.  All of these simple exercises cost me $900 back in 1992 but worked.  Another one was to look in the mirror in the morning and try to bring your lazy eye in so your pupils are direct in the mirror without one of them going "off."  You can also put your forefinger out and slowly bring it to the tip of your nose while focusing on it,   I've often used that one to bring my eye back in, most of us have a dominant eye and the lazy one can check out, we have to make it work with the other.  They can also put prisms in your lenses to help.


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Weird is how I have to accept my understanding of computers.  If I copy something at all I'm a computer wizard.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rain and Cold for the last 7 days....No chance of Wild Fires or drought for next couple months....Garden at least two weeks late...Any warmth the lawn will take off.......Golf on Friday Iasted one hour and I quit because of wind, Rain, and cold...There was only a dozen cars in parking lot( less when I left)........No Global Warming up here this season.....I believe we will have a great autumn...New eyes working out great...

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It feels like the Gulf of Mexico has swallowed Louisiana.  We will need "some" of this rain in August.  We do not have the cold though.  I'm thinking of asking Karen if we can visit for a year. Just kidding Karen.  I do wish we could share some of this though.  Those big, nice homes are having to put sandbags to keep the water out.  We are sort of on a hill (by Louisiana standards), but those apartments in the buildings below us, they have to be invaded by the snails.  We do get that much water.  Maintenance man asked what the white stuff was around patio doors and I told him "salt."  I guess he thought I was trying to keep out supernatural spirits.  

Proud of your "new eyes" Kevin.

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You are welcome any time, Marg. I' m afraid my normally neat clean house has become a dusty, cluttered mess though. Being half blind and frequently out of breath is not ideal for housework.

Just hot and dry here with summer arriving later than usual creating a few brush wildfires caused by some careless person. The real heat has yet to appear.

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We have spent many a summer going between Arizona and NM Gila National Forest.  I love that country, but I can never see it again by myself, have to have Billy with me.  And it is rough on me to travel.  I'm just tired off the rain, although I will want it in August.  Let us hear how your doc appointments go.  My sister should have lived in that dry climate.  This humidity is rough on her.  

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Eight days ago I went to the doctor, they took my BP: 220/96 on 3 meds.  I found this article, it helped me a lot:

I got it down to 133/79 this week, went to the doctor yesterday and they took it, high again, only not as bad as before.  They scheduled me to come back next Tues to compare my cuff with theirs.  I'm getting to where I hate to see Tuesday roll around!  I hate going to the doctor.

Went to the dentist Monday, that was a piece of cake compared to the doctor.  Having just walked Kodie, had coffee, she talked to me incessantly beforehand, and my bladder was full, so no wonder!

Getting something from land management again, yay, last year it was a threatening letter because I live in the woods (fire zone), I complied, what now!!!

Not a word from the contractor even though I have the carport all cleaned out.  Sometimes life sucks.

Kevin, I take it you had your cataract surgury and are liking being able to see!  Congratulations!
I got my new glasses a couple of weeks ago, what a huge relief to my eyes!

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Hail yesterday, only pea size, but Hail just the same.......Good news everything is getting green, now need some heat....Kay, don't over exert yourself until you have couple of days of controlled BP........

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Kay, maybe it's time to change meds. I also take 3 which have changed a few times over the last 20 years. Sometimes my BP gets too low which contributes to my dizziness.

My top dentures are still not quite right although the lab was able to correct the side that was rubbing the bone. They still stick out too far in front. I have another appt. in 2 weeks. My Mondays are like your Tuesdays.

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I suggested it, fell on deaf ears.  My BP is controlled...unless I go to the doctor.  This morning: 123/68, yesterday 125/74.

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On 6/5/2024 at 10:00 AM, kevin said:

Kay, don't over exert yourself until you have couple of days of controlled BP...

Too late, I worked my tail off the past two days, like never before!  Got rid of 30+ years of my collection of cardmaking stuff, my commercial die cutter & dies, 2/3 of my cardstock ( which is a LOT!) ALL of my stamps, tools, you name it, it took up an entire room which made me look like a hoarder!  I vacuumed and dusted for three hours, then she came back and got more and I cleaned some more.  Yesterday I set aside more stuff she forgot, cleaned some more.  OMG, the place looks transformed!  Oddly enough my lowes BPs have been AFTER doing this!  My daughter asked if I had mixed feelings...no, it felt like a relief, I think I've come to terms with my limitations in the five years since my 16 major hand injuries.  I can no longer do this and well know it.  A major reason I didn't let my name come up as a deaconess last year.  A stressor I had to let go of.  

Karen, I hope they get your teeth right.  I got a clean bill of health from the dentist, Keto is doing me wonders the last five years!

BTW, happy Donut Day!  I posted this online:

Keto Donuts


1.    Instructions

2.    Preheat the oven to 350F/180C. Grease a 12-count donut pan generously and set aside.

3.    In a mixing bowl, add your almond flour, sweetener, and baking soda and mix well. In a separate bowl, add your eggs, apple cider vinegar, and coconut milk and mix together. Combine your dry and wet ingredients and mix well, until just combined.

4.    Transfer your donut batter (about ¼ cup) into a ziplock bag. Cut one end of the ziplock bag and gently squeeze out the donut batter directly into the doughnut pan.

5.    Bake the donuts for 12-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes, before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely. If desired, frost the donuts.

Can use muffin tin if you don’t have a donut pan. (added ¼ c. cocoa, ¼ c. pnt btr, 1 tsp cinnamon. Used ¼ cup scoop, muffin papers. Baked 15 min.


Serves 12, 2 net carbs ea


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