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Last night I had a dream .I was in a cage with iron bars around and no door.The cage was in a garden I was crying and sufering and then Isaw Yianys hands holding stong 2bars and I heard voice telling me .I dont know how to help your suffering and he was trying to take away the iron .I wanted to look at his face and hold his hands but Icould not .I woke up crying and realising once again that he is gone. TENY

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Teny....I'm so sorry this awful pain is continuing for you. Your dream seems pretty obvious that both you and your precious husband don't know how to help lessen this load. Do you work or what do you do to fill your days? I know you have family so it must be hard on them to see you going through this. All I can do is pray that you find you way and I will. Please take care.

Your friend.....Karen

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I know from previous posts that you have asked us for prayers during this time for you. Like what was said, Yanni told you he can't help you, however God can help you if you will only ask him. There is a passage somewhere in the bible, I don't remember where it is but is says something to the effect that you have not because you ask not. I will be praying for you that you get the strength to ask God for help, even if you don't believe it at first, just keep asking for that help and you will soon start to believe it. Lord, you are a wonderful God and you know what Teny is going through. Please help her through this day and help her to come to you so she can recieve the peace that only you can give. Give her strentgh and let her feel your heavenly arms around her. Through Jesus name I pray.

Love always


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Please know that I too am praying for you and asking that God's peace which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus (Phil 4:7).

My prayers are with you!



The verse you were looking for is James 4:2.


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I agree with Derek and corinne. I believe you must surrender it to God, only he can help you now. I am not sure if you believe or have faith. i pray that you do b/c i believe that is what got me through. i will continue to pray that God will hold you in the palm of his hand.

do you go to a support group? i still go and it helps alot. just to listen to others and them to listen to you gives you strength. How about volunteering your time maybe that will help . i know when we help others it always makes us feel so much better. these are just some ideas, i hope they help. all my love and prayers to you . Lori

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Derek is right...you know, I was so close to my husband, we loved each other so much, and it totally upset my entire world when he died. The feeling of not being able to reach each other or be there for each other in the ways we always had been was really hard to adjust to. But the one thread that has remained constant in my life is God...He is there no matter who else comes and goes in my life. Death cannot separate us, nothing can. Even my own feelings like I can't reach Him has not separated us, for He is faith based not feelings based. I am praying for you also to receive some measure of comfort and strength from Him. "God, please surround Teny with Your loving comfort and help her to know that she is not alone, that You care about her and are there for her, any time she chooses to reach out to You. Amen."

Edited by kayc
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Thank you Corinne, I am at work and was unable to look it up.

Love always


Anytime! The faith of all of you here is helping me to reopen my heart and mind to God who has always been here for me even though it did not feel like it.


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I recently read that even Mother Theresa proceeded on faith rather than feelings and felt God absent from her in the last few years. I think this is one of the greatest trusts He honors us with is when He seems to absent Himself from us because it shows He believes in us enough to believe we will still proceed with Him even though everything may seem to look awry or we feel nothing. Sometimes it is when we are babies in our faith that He chooses to bless us with feelings to know that He exists because He knows we have need of that. It's kind of hard to explain, but I know it is true. Sometimes it is when it seems the darkest that we grow the most. I think it is to Mother Theresa's credit that she was mature enough to do what she knew she needed to do rather than letting a lack of feelings stump her.

I can relate to this upon entering my grief journey because it seemed God was absent from me or I could not reach Him, just when I needed Him most, and yet I know deep in my heart He has never left, it is the complicated grief that has made it seem so, and so I accept that He is there and don't worry about reaching Him or feelings, but just accept what is and know that He is always with me. I draw from that a simple peaceful assurance within me, just as I also draw from the fact that I know that everything is okay between me and George and our love is still there, just that there has entered now a changed form and although we cannot physically see or talk with each other, the love transcends that.

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Karenb Derek Corinne Lorikelly Kayc THANK YOU .Some of you are asking if I have a support group .I dont cause I did not find one in Athens .I go to a phygolog once a week.Karenb I do work.I have a ceramics workshop you can visit my website www.teny.gr Working is the only thing that helps but YIANY and I we were together also in work He had all the difficult part runing around to the banks doing all the finance paying bills etc.He was always admiring my creative part and engouraging me.with love.I miss him at work I miss him from my life. My son is now runing YIANYS part as well as his own.Things are difficult. He also griefs for his father .We all miss him so much. TENY

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i went to your website, what beautiful work. You are so talented. I couldn't understand it at first but then i saw the sign for engish. You lived in the US but you were born in Greece? Do you speak alot of engilsh?

I am going back on your site to really look at your work. thanks for sharing your website. Lori

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I am so very impressed. We are in the company of a real artist. Your work is wonderful....what a God-given talent. I know you probably don't feel like it but you are very lucky. The time will come when you will enjoy your work again and it's great family support you have. You truly are lucky to have such a wonderful ability. Just hang in there, Teny, your load will lessen as time goes by.

Your friend....Karen ;)

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Oh Teny, your work is exquisite. My prayer for you is that you will continue to use your artistic talents to express and work through your grief, and that your unique and beautiful creations will become for you a tangible tribute to honor your beloved. Thank you so much for giving us a window into this very special place in your heart. :wub:

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Your work is beautiful! Do you do the designs?

I agree, art could help you with your grief.

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Your work is magnificent! Please keep at it the world would be at a loss without it's beauty! Keeping at a your work will keep you close to Yiany since you worked together and he will be with you and guide you. Thank you for sharing your work with us.

My prayers are with you!


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